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Based on a True Story is out now! Will Smith's first album in 20 years ×
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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. I'm so happy he finally spoke. I was awaiting for this. Yesterday i actually revisited the audio book and played summertime for the first time this year. I'm very glad he posted this. It is time to heal and get back at it.
  2. That salary can make up a little for the horror of a year he has had after the Oscars.
  3. He just won the BET awards but really most people did not care. What a sad turn of events after such a successful run with this movie.
  4. Attacking his softness may get him slapped again.. Will has some deep problems regarding this.
  5. this movie should definitely revive Fun Will.
  6. He can have a remix with Jaden, if Jaden is going to rap like he used to on them freestyles.
  7. What is it with Chris Rock saying he won't speak about the slap until he gets payed? Has he sued for assault? Is he expecting a settlement? Is he joking?
  8. I really dont believe that there was racism involved on the ban decision.
  9. He definitely should go back to his roots
  10. I think the punishment is fine. I'm glad it happened sooner so people can just move on from this incident.
  11. Yes, now he can make some comedies like Hitch or something like that
  12. Wow that was too much lol
  13. I just read an article saying he has been admitted to a rehab center due to the stress of the whole situation. https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/04/06/624db4dbe2704e5ea68b458d.html
  14. I still have people texting me to ask me what happened to Will, like I have a direct line to him and his thoughts just for being a fan. I have also been sent or tagged on every Meme or joke out there about the Slap.
  15. The media has definitely made this worse than it is. We gotta give this time.
  16. I hope they do it. I always enjoy the bad boys films. This may be the best one so far.
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