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Richard Matheson, who wrote the short story, is a pioneer in horror and scifi. His work has been the base for many great films and other books. Steven King credits him as the inspiration for becoming an author. If it stays true to the source, this would be an awesome horror/scifi movie! The movie will have great action scenes but it's also a pshycological story about being the last man alive on earth, dealing with the isolation, and having former neighbors and friends turn into monsters that want you dead. Plus, it has a great ironic twist at the end.
It likely won't be the 4th of July weekend though, as "Transformers" and "Fantastic Four 2" both have staked that out already. There's "Spiderman 3" in early May and "Shrek III" and "Pirates III" for Memorial Weekend. So likely mid July is when we'll see it, thought Warner Bros. also got "Harry Potter 5" scheduled to come out. Wow, all those movie with Will's "I Am Legend", plus "Ocean's 13", "Simpsons: The Movie", a Roland Emmerich movie called "10,000 B.C.", A Jim Carrery comedy called "Used Guys", Adam Sandler and Kevin James in the comedy "I Now Pronouce You Chuck and Larry". Next Summer is gonna be huge!!
This will be his next movie. link: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=14381
Are you serious? before X-Men Singer did "the usual suspects" one of the best movies of the 90s.. Muccino has not shown any ability to do a movie like this.. sounds like he got the job cause they got on well wfor Pursuit.. Jin is right.. this movie demanded a big director! I meant Singer never did anything with fx, but he still wasn't overwhelmed with it on "X-Men". Has anybody seen any of Muccino's movies on this board, I haven't but they may be great, so who knows. I too would rather have a big time director like Mann, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, but Sony must like what he did on "Happyness" and Will must be pleased....
He may not be bad. Look at Brian Singer, the director of the past two X-Men movies and upcoming Superman, befor X-Men he had never done anything with fx, and it worked out fine. So not like it's impossible. Who would of thougt the forementioned Wachowski Bros. could go from "Bound" to "The Matrix". He'll get the relationship aspect of Will's character and "the alluring housewife" real well. That's propably why he's on it. What I wonder about is what Will is filming over the summer. This said "looking at an early 2007 start date" and the same was said for "I Am Legend". One's wrong, but which one is it?
Link:http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=14306 Helmer Gabriele Muccino is reteaming with Will Smith for Columbia Pictures' action drama Tonight, He Comes, says The Hollywood Reporter. The two recently wrapped the drama The Pursuit of Happyness for the studio. Writen by Vince Gilligan and Vincent Ngo, "Tonight" centers on a tortured superhero who crash-lands in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and tries to transform himself by romancing an alluring housewife, causing chaos in the city. Akiva Goldsman and Michael Mann are producing alongside Smith and his Overbrook Entertainment partner, James Lassiter. Jonathan Mostow, who previously was attached to direct the film, and Richard Saperstein are executive producing. Muccino will begin pre-production on "Tonight" after he finishes post-production on "Happyness," which is scheduled for a December 15 release. The studio is eyeing an early 2007 start date for "Tonight." Interesting choice...I mean this movie obvisouly is gonna have big special effects in it, and Muccino's never done anything remotely like that. They must've really hit it off during the filming of "Happyness".
"Constantine" was good, well better than expected, but I'd like a bigger name director for this. Someone like Ridley Scott(who was going to make this film awhile back) would be great! He'd really push Will. This is a real actor's showcase, cause for many scenes the only character is Will's talking to himself and dealing with isolation. It's funny that "I Am Legend" has a director in place and with his next project "Tonight" still no word.
Every zombie movie comes from George A. Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" and Romero counts Matheson's novel as inspiration. The book's been turned into film twice before, Vincent Price's "The Last Man on Earth" and "Charleton Heston's "The Omega Man".
I'm really excited Will's doing this movie. The short story it's based on by Richard Matheson is great. It inspired a generation of horror writers. But, I hope he plays it did serious. His character Neville is the last man on earth. He's all alone and everynight a group of mutants affected by a virus want to kill him. It's a very somber tale. Now, movie nerds on other boards aren't to happy about the casting of Will unforntunately. They think he's gonna "Big Willy" it. Now, they're stupid, but I do hope he does totally drop his persona for this movie. "I, Robot" was good, but their was still a hint of his characters from "ID4" and "Mib". There should be no "Aw hell no" in this movie.
The scripts for "Greenback" and "It takes a their" are being written now, but scripts get written all the time and never get produced. It says in the article that "I Am Legend" is Will's next movie after "Tonight" but it's not filming till early 2007. So they'll be time in between. But in my mind the more movies the better! Leave Rap behind! :)
Alot of the projects ("It takes a Theif", "Greenback", ect.), are just that projects. The screenplays are being written and Will may do them in the future, but he hasn't signed a contract like he has on this movie. I've been following Will's career for awhile now, and I can remember many projects he was associated with that neve happen or yet to happen. Remember "The Mark", "K-Pax", "Brushback", "I Know Pronounce You Chuck and Larry", "the Untitled Alan Counter Project", "A Star is Born", "Kind Heart and Coronets", there's a bunch more. Hell, look how long it took for "I Am Legend" to finally come about. He was gonna do this four years ago with Michael Bay. Plus, they haven't begun filming yet, so **** can happen.
Yeah, but if there's any italian people onboard they can give us their take...
Foreign Dates for "Happyness" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454921/releaseinfo Look at Italy! Nov. 17th!!
Someone take detailed notes, I don't get up that early.
Huh? you got tonight he comes..it takes a thief..timeshare..greenbacks..and now this unititled project with aishwarya.. 5 movies lined up for Will to be doin in the next year and more..and thats not even mentioning pursuit of happyness which has yet to be released I believe that "Tonight He Comes" and the aishwarya project is the same from what I've read.
Tonight, He Comes is likely gonna film, though it may be pushed back from it's proposed June start. The imdb crew page has people listed like casting director, visual effects supervisor, and production coordinator. I hate to say it but nothing in the movie business is concrete until the filming actually starts. Projects have come this close before until something went wrong and the movie fell apart. I'd wait until the movie is actually in production. No other co-stars have been named yet on Tonight. That's always a tell-tale sign when only one star has "committed" to the film. Yeah that's true, that's why I said likely in orginal post. But, "Tonight, He Comes" is further along then anything else, so chances are it's Will's next movie.
"Greenbacks" and "It Takes a Thief" don't even have scripts yet, there in the early stages. 2008 at the earliest for any of those.
Tonight, He Comes is likely gonna film, though it may be pushed back from it's proposed June start. The imdb crew page has people listed like casting director, visual effects supervisor, and production coordinator.
The Sun's a gossip rag. Don't believe it, MiB3 ain't happening this year.
Sounds interesting...Makes me wonder if he's picking up these projects, if "Tonight, He Comes" is still on. They haven't found a new director yet, still.
I highly doubt this(plus this site is never to accurate), but hey stranger things have happen. link: http://www.moviehole.net/gossipmonkey/2006...resh_princ.html swung on a certain Vine earlier and pulled some info concerning Will Smith. The polite and reverential Mr.Smith's earlier alter ego, 'The Fresh Prince', of TV show fame, is to apparently get a big screen version of its own. Don’t get too excited though. Will is supposedly just the Producer, with his Overbrook Entertainment company overseeing development and he is currently seeking a younger fresher 'Prince' to take on the role. (I’m betting ‘Bow Wow gets a look in – Ed).
Well, I don't know, but it's an educated guess. Like you said "The Mark" is like "Tonight, He Comes". I don't think Will would wanna do two superhero flicks. Maybe someday we'll see "Affirmative Action", but I doubt it will happen in the next couple of years. Will's lined up "It Takes a Thief", plus new more interesting stuff will come along. Affleck is going the small budget, almost indie route to build be up his cred after his box office and critical failures.
Sounds cool! http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=13740 Universal Pictures has attached Will Smith to star in a feature adaptation of the TV series It Takes a Thief, reports Variety. The Roland Kibbee-created series, which starred Robert Wagner, ran 1968-70. Smith will play a charming rogue who is blackmailed by the government into doing covert larceny for the good of his country. The film will put the professional thief in the employment of the CIA. Smith and his Overbrook Entertainment partner James Lassiter have come aboard to produce the film with Kevin Misher, John Davis and Joe Singer. Four Brothers screenwriters David Elliot and Paul Lovett are set to write the script. Smith and Lassiter are working with producing partners Michael Mann and Akiva Goldsman to mount Tonight, He Comes, a drama Smith will topline this summer. Smith most recently starred with son Jaden Smith in the Gabriele Muccino-directed The Pursuit of Happyness for Columbia Pictures
here's a semi-review posted on message board forum: http://scriptzone.forumculture.net/ftopic5...HT-HE-COMES.htm An Early Look at TONIGHT, HE COMES Vincent Ngo’s script for TONIGHT, HE COMES has experienced a long and brutal journey in Hollywood. Ngo wrote the script in the mid-nineties and for a time it seemed as though Jake, and then Tony Scott would direct. That never came. Long considered an unmade gem, it was later set up at Akiva Goldsman’s Weed Road Pictures with Michael Mann attached to direct. Mann eventually opted to film MIAMI VICE instead. Last year Will Smith and Jonathon Mostow came onboard, only for Mostow to leave recently with shooting only months away. TONIGHT isn’t really about superheroics – though there is action; including a huge final act set piece – it’s about two men in mid-life crisis seeking redemption. One is Hancock, the superhero that Will Smith will play. The other is Horus, a low-paid security guard and family man. Both are at polar opposite ends of the masculine spectrum. Hancock is strong and powerful, a living Greek God. Horus is a good man, but he’s a coward, he’s weak and emotionally distant from his wife Mary and son Aaron. Hancock, who disguises his cape and costume beneath a trench coat, connects with Mary and Aaron upon arriving in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. He slips into the role of make-shift father to Aaron and a slow-burning romance between him and Mary ignites. When things don’t turn out how Hancock wants them to, things take a turn for the worse. Think SUPERMAN III and the “Evil Superman” who ripped open oil tankers and flicked peanuts at a bartender at the speed of gunfire. Hancock is clearly modelled from the classic Superman archetype, but this is the Superman that Frank Miller would probably write if given the chance. Hancock is physically the Man of Steel, but emotionally and mentally he is in tatters. But it’s not funked up Kryptonite that sends him off the rails – it’s the burden of being so powerful. He saves people, but he does so out of duty not desire. Deep down his powers are more trouble than they’re worth and all Hancock wants is to be able to lead a normal life. For the most part Ngo does a brilliant job of keeping the unbelievable believable. But the script does have its problems: the superhero’s meltdown for one, things take a dark turn for him in the end and it feels a little contrived. The good, however, far outweighs the bad. There’s also a couple of scenes that made the superhero fan in me chuckle; like what damage a certain bodily discharge can do, and a quick and violent method of getting a cat out of a tree. Comic fans will enjoy this movie, perhaps cinefiles who don’t really care for spandex-clad heroics will also get a kick out of it. There is a definite Michael Mann feel to this script – the urban landscape, the flawed leading men, the dark, gritty realism. I can only hope that Mann steps back into the directors chair – he would be perfect for this. Will Smith is an underrated dramatic actor, he has the charisma to play a superhero but this role is a whole lot more complex than any other superhero part to date. I could see someone like Jamie Foxx or Nic Cage nailing this role, but I think Smith is more than up to the job. It’ll give him the perfect opportunity to shed his “Will Smith persona”, this is definitely his most challenging post-ALI role. The casting of Horus is also crucial. Smith will take all the headline but in the end Horus is the real hero. With the right director, TONIGHT, HE COMES could be one 2007’s must see movies and an interesting piece of counter-programming when measured against more traditional superhero fare.