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Everything posted by Radewart
If you read about Chris Gardner's life, it says he had to bath his son in a sink in a train station bathroom, and he struggled to get him in day care. Jaden seems a little old for that.
Even with Jaden getting a starring role, I'm looking forward to it. It's time for Will to work his acting muscle.
Well, this is based on a true story, so in real life Chris Gardner's wife is black.
It's official....http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=10837
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=smileet147 This lady is working on the movie. Maybe he will be good...but I hope this was a mutual decision among Will, the director, and other production members, and not Will throwing his weight around.
I don't really like it. This isn't a cameo or anything, it's a lead role. Next to Will, Jaden has the second biggest part. They did a big audition search for the part, and ends up going to Will's son. It just looks tacky. Isn't he like eight years old anyway, I think he seems too old for the role. It's giving critics ammunition to criticize the movie with things like, "he can't act ..he only got the role because his the star's son...ect!
Jaden is playing Will's son in "Pursuit of happyness"
Independence Day Men in Black Enemy of the State Ali I, Robot
Did he say anything about "Pursuit of Happyness".
What did Will talk to you guys about? Give us details!
I just got a reply from someone who works on the project, and they said that Thandie Newton (Crash, Mission Impossiblle 2) was cast as his wife.
Yes it is. It's on purpose, I read somewhere that's how happiness is spelled at his son's daycare in the movie.
EXTRAS NEEDED FOR “THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS” STARRING WILL SMITH! We are casting extras for “The Pursuit Of Happyness,” the true story of Chris Gardner, directed by Gabriele Muccini, & starring Will Smith. Filming begins late August in San Francisco, lasting through November 2005! Non Union Extra work pays $68 for up to 8hrs plus overtime thereafter. There will more than likely be overtime as film shoots are long, often lasting 12 hours or more. If selected as an Extra with Car, there is an additional $35 for your vehicle. These are standard film extra rates set by production, not by Beau Bonneau Casting. We have an immediate need for the following types: UPSCALE BUSINESS TYPES: Men & Women, 24-60. All ethnicities, with an emphasis on men appearing to be Caucasian HIPPIES, JUNKIES, HOMELESS, PIMPS, HOOKERS: Men & Women, ALL ethnicities, 18-50s. We are looking for interesting faces with character, gritty, downtrodden or weathered looks for various scenes CHINATOWN RESIDENTS: Chinese Men & Women 18-70 DAYCARE KIDS: 6-8 years, Asian ONLY, Chinese and Japanese. *In the state of CA, all minors must have a valid entertainment work permit to work in this industry. Download these forms for instructions and to find the DLSE office closest to you. http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/DLSEForm277.pdf http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/DistrictOffices.htm CIGARETTE SMOKERS: In 1981, smoking in public spaces, including the workplace, was permitted. Smokers, 18 and over, will be needed as background in many scenes. If you are a cigarette smoker, or are willing to smoke, please make this notation in your submission. MUSTACHES: Men wore thick mustaches and sideburns in the early 80s. If you are wearing a mustache or are willing to grow one/sideburns, please make this notation in your submission. GENERAL EXTRAS WITH 1960-1981 CARS: Cars must be in decent condition, run well, and quietly. You must be atleast 18 with a valid driver’s license, and clean driving record. If you have a car that fits the description, submit the following information as quickly as possible: * One recent color photo per vehicle, side-view preferred. * Car Color, Make, Model, & Year * Your First & Last name * Two Contact Phone numbers & Email address ** If you are not registered on Casting Networks, SF, include one recent photo, along with your Height, Weight & Age Range. Car submissions may be dropped off during registration or e-mailed to: happynesspicturecars@mac.com. The Year, Make & Model should be the subject line of your email. Make sure to include all requested info. This email address is for car submissions ONLY. Cars are being approved by production, not casting. BACKGROUND REGISTRATION INFORMATION for The Pursuit of Happyness only: Registration is FREE if you simply drop off a snapshot at our office. You must include your first & last name with contact information on the back of each photo. We will contact you only if selected. Photos will not be returned and will be discarded after the film wraps. *If Beau Bonneau Casting feels you may be appropriate for a particular role, we may ask to take digital photos of you or possibly cast you on the spot (which is why we ask you to come in to our office!) and you will be in the Casting Networks database free for the duration of the film (Nov.). BACKGROUND REGISTRATION HOURS: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, or FRIDAY 2:00PM - 6:00PM, no appointment necessary. (You must arrive prior to 6pm) Beau Bonneau Casting is located at 84 1st Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 (at Mission St., near the Transbay Bus Terminal & Montgomery Bart Station). Please note that coming in for registration, or dropping off photos does not guarantee employment. We are casting specific types and will contact you only if selected. Please do not call our office regarding this project. THANK YOU!!! Beau Bonneau Casting Staff We use Casting Networks, SF to find people for our various projects. If you would like more information about Casting Networks, go to http://www.sfcasting.com/sf_home.asp and click on the Talent section to learn how to register. Please note: Casting Networks, SF is an online database ONLY. They do not have any information regarding this or any other casting. link: http://beaubonneaucasting.com/index_actor.htm
The only thing that is definite is that Will is filming "Pursuit of Happyness". After that, who knows what movie Will would should next. Nick Cage is still filming "Ghost Rider" then he's gonna do a movie about 9/11 with Oliver Stone. Years ago Will and Nick were attached to do a comedy called "I know pronouce You, Chuck and Larry", but that fell through. The same thing may happen with "Time Share". Actors always have a bunch of projects and new ones are constantly coming along.
Link: http://www.thehollywoodnews.com/article/11070512.php The link above is a chat transcript with Jamie Foxx for "Stealth". In it he mentions there are plans for him and Will to team up for a remake of "Uptown Saturday Night". A classic 70's black flick that star Bill Cosby and Sidney Potiere.
Anybody live in the San Francisco area with an old car? You could be a part of Will's new movie! Extras With '68 - '83 Cars Needed For New Will Smith Movie! "Pursuit of Happyness" shooting in San Francisco, starts late August We will be casting the extras for “Pursuit of Happyness,” a truly inspiring rags-to-riches story starring Will Smith. "Pursuit of Happyness" will be shooting in the Bay Area late August through mid-November. The story takes place in 1981, and there will be a continuous need for Extras with Cars, mostly 70’s models. Production needs an immediate feel for the amount of cars that will be available during filming. IMPORTANT: WE ARE ONLY SEEKING CARS AT THIS TIME! We are not casting extras yet; updated notices will be posted here and also sent out through Casting Networks, SF with Direct Cast as soon as specific needs and dates become available. Cars are being approved/disapproved by production, not by Beau Bonneau Casting. SAG feature film extra work pays SAG scale. Non-Union extra work in San Francisco pays $68 for up to eight hours and overtime applies thereafter. If selected as an Extra with Car, you will be paid an additional flat fee of $35 for your vehicle. You must be a minimum of 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and clean driving record. Your car must be drivable and in decent condition. If you have a car that fits the description, and would like to do extra work, submit the following information as quickly as possible: * One recent color photo per vehicle, side-view preferred. * Car Color, Make, Model, & Year * Your First & Last name * Two Contact Phone numbers & Email address ** If you are not registered on Casting Networks, SF (formerly known as the SF Casting database), we need to see what you look like too! Your submission must include one recent photo, along with your Height, Weight & Age Range. SUBMISSION OPTIONS: A. E-MAIL car picture & info A.S.A.P to: cars@beaubonneaucasting.com. The Year, Make & Model should be the subject line of your email. This address is only for people who have appropriate cars to submit, please do not waste our time. B. Drop off or snail Mail a photo of your car (& yourself if you’re not in the database). The Beau Bonneau Casting office is located at 84 1st Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, near the Transbay Bus Terminal and the Montgomery Bart station. Envelopes must be marked Attn: Cars and requested info must be included on the back of each photo. Submissions may be walked in and dropped off Monday, Wednesday, or Friday anytime between 2-6 pm (except holidays). Note: Sending a submission, or dropping off photographs does not guarantee employment, and your photos will not be returned. You will be contacted only if you or your car may be needed. We use Casting Networks, SF to find people for our various projects. If you would like more information about Casting Networks, visit this link: http://www.sfcasting.com/sf_home.asp and click on the Talent section to learn how to register. Please note: Casting Networks, SF is an online database ONLY. They DO NOT have any information regarding this or any other casting. Contact them, only if you have tech support issues with your online account. Please send or drop off submissions sooner that later. Do not call our office regarding this project. Thank You!! Beau Bonneau Casting Staff
Yeah, Purusit of "Happyness" films in August, after that who knows!
Link: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=9905
I would love for there to be another Men in Black movie. The second one was pretty bad,but the first was hilarious and there is so much potential for funny stuff! They know the last one dissappointed so they'd be extra careful to make sure they have a good script this time!
link:http://www.nwherald.com/StyleSection/307233532429516.php Do you have a quick-witted little charmer with big ears and a winsome smile at home? If so, those ears that have been buying him nothing but grief on the school grounds could get him the role of a lifetime as Will Smith's son in the upcoming "Pursuit of Happiness." Smith – who's made no secret of the fact that he himself was a dorky kid abused because of his batwing-like ears – is co-producing the true-life tale of stockbroker Charles Gardner, who went from being homeless to the multi-millionaire owner of a Chicago brokerage firm. The call is out for an African-American boy aged 4 to 7 who's very mature – read precocious – for his age. The film is scheduled to start shooting in San Francisco in August.
The Hollywood Reporter confims this story today. 'Happyness' in Muccino's future Gabriele Muccino will helm Columbia Pictures' "Pursuit of Happyness," starring Will Smith. Muccino most recently directed 2003's "Ricordati di me" (Remember Me, My Love). His credits include "L'Ultimo bacio" (One Last Kiss) and "Come te nessuno mai" (But Forever in My Mind). The project is based on the rags-to-riches tale of investment banker Chris Gardner. The film is being produced by Overbrook Entertainment Escape Artists. Matt Tolmach, Doug Belgrad and Amy Baer are overseeing the project at Columbia. Steve Conrad, who penned "The Weather Man" for Escape Artists, wrote the script. (Gregg
looks like Willl is gettin back into films
Radewart replied to *mimi*'s topic in Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince
I'm glad he's going back to movies. He could be one of this generation's great actors if he wanted to. He can do action and comedy no problem, but also when he wants to he can be a great serious actor. He could have huge commercial hits like "Hitch" followed by award-caliaber films like "Ali". There's very few people that can do that. Let's face it, he's never gonna be what he was in rap. The majority of people don't prefer his rap style anymore. Also, a Will Smith tour would have trouble selling tickets. Not enough people would go to just see him. That's why he does a concert here and there with multiple performers. Plus, Will's got an ego. I'm not dissing him, but any famous person does, and he didn't reach his level of fame by being a rapper. Movies got him to the A+ list, he needs to keep making them if he wants to stay on top. -
link:http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=9436 Italian helmer Gabriele Muccino has come aboard to direct Will Smith in Columbia Pictures' The Pursuit of Happyness. The project is based on the true-life rags-to-riches tale of investment banker Chris Gardner. Gardner's story, which aired as a segment on ABC's 20/20 in January, has gained national attention and was hotly pursued by several Hollywood producers and studios. It is a real-life tale of survival over life's toughest challenges. After a chain of circumstances left Gardner jobless and homeless at age 30, he found himself and his baby son living in a bathroom at a San Francisco train station. Despite the negative situation, Gardner continued to fight toward his goal of becoming a broker, eventually landing a job as a trainee and rising through the ranks at such companies as Dean Witter and Bear Stearns to his current standing -- partner and owner of the Chicago-based minority brokerage firm Gardner Rich & Co. and self-made millionaire. Steve Conrad, who wrote The Weather Man, penned the film's script. The project will begin filming in the San Francisco area this August.
This album is doing better than his previous one, but he'll never be what he once was in rap.