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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Lerkot

  1. Exactly man, I don't understand why we gotta worry so much about Will's place in the rap game or when his next album's coming or if it's coming, let the man live damn it Are you suggesting that we should abandon the forums?
  2. Nope, they are not all the same. Different styles, some of them wack and some of them... even more wack. At best decent. However, I doubt WE are ruining hiphop.. but some are.. and its probably the listeners and the media, yes.
  3. My man! :word: Big Willie shut the hell up.. when you been a fan for 17 years you can be as negative as you want :ShockRifle: :ShockRifle: :ShockRifle: :willvspaparazzi: :willvspaparazzi: I couldn't care less how long you've been a fan. All I'm saying is we dont even have a clear statement about the situation and everyone acts like its the end of humanity as we know it. It's just a possibility he's leaving music, the mans not dying. He owes us nothing as a rapper. If he chooses to quit now, its his decision, no amount of bitching will make a difference. But again, lets not forget it was only a tiny comment he made on the red carpet of a movie he is proud of, so he probably wasnt interested in talking about music anyway. There is no clear definition that any of it is actualy true, stop jumping to conclusions before you know the truth. Okey, dude, YOU are the frustrating one. Why dont you just get into your head that people think different things and have different opinions, and that the reason for the existence of forums is to discuss those opinions. So go take your "dont say anything negative ever" attitude and put it somewhere where the sun dont shine.
  4. Since he is a pretty bad actor, movies wont keep me interested. Jazzy Jeff keeps me on the forum, pretty much. Plus it wouldnt surprise me if it would pop up a track or two.
  5. Thank Jeffs parents for Jeff. Yeah, I cant wait. Hopefully we get some kind of surprise like, the last JJFP track ever.
  6. Its not your career. Okey, lets stop discussing Will, because we arent him, lets stop discuss his music because we didnt do it, and lets stop discuss his movie career since it isnt ours. Would be very funny. Also, outside of the forum; never ever mention George Bush if you arent him, and dont critizise anything he does. Its his career. Same thing with Tony Blair, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein etc.
  7. Julies post: http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/...90entry152290 "no no no no, i was watching this video from the premier, at the end its really hard to hear but some1 asks about new music and Will says "that might all be in the past", i think he talks about directing and writing instead, its really hard to hear it tho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H21C-1qD710 i really really hope i misheard this." I quote: "When will we hear some music from you?" - That might be in the past.
  8. Well.. I guess it is best to quit before hitting rock bottom.
  9. ****. ****ing damn hate ****. You heard right. He's talkin about music, clearly. Ouch. Damn, ouch. Its at 3.45 something into the vid. It is very clear what question he is answering. Damn, damn, damn.
  10. Well.. doesnt seem like we will get more music from Will.
  11. Being positive in this case would go against my will to always be honest. There's no chance in the world that Will could make good numbers or even gain more respect. Okey, if he really really really tried and put enormous money and time into it, maybe he could sell platinum with some luck and earn a fan or three, but seriously... His style isnt appreciated plus he's not getting younger.. also, though Lost & Found was good, he is clearly past his peak both when it comes to motivation and quality. He aged better than all other old school emcees, but things develop and if you are outside of it, you wont.
  12. Yes, and he needs to build a horse every third second. The horse is goingto fly me to the moon whenever I yell "capribogolej". When I am hungry, it has to feed me with food. When I am horny, it has to feed me with girls. Thats more realistic.
  13. Thats because she colour it. A lot of forehead as well.
  14. Jay Z sucks. He's just another one of those rich rappers who like to talk about their money, their girls, other rappers and such.
  15. Born to Reign is way closer to something I like. I like its style, I just dont find it as good as the other albums. Get Rich and Die Trying is just too far away. No one can change that much, I think.
  16. Would be a really nice surprise if Will was on it. I guess a seal isnt too bad.
  17. i disagree with that logic because it dosen't make sense plus to not even listen to grdt and say its wack is stupid I agree.. That's a stupid thing to say.. Lerkot, get some fresh air.. go outside.. try to listen some other music then slick rick, melle mel, jjfp etc. and please dont pre judge anything.. it's very near actin like an assh*le you know.. Peace I do listen to new stuff. But not thing I do know is crap. I always read some of the lyrics when I hear about a new album.
  18. Its a terrible movie. Close to deserve MSTing.
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