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Everything posted by Perry
So Prince really fcked up huh ? I ain't had a chance to get on in a few days, and I couldn't be bothered reading that much so I'm just assuming. Now will someone believe me that I didn't post those fcked up images, it was him, and take away this redundant warning ? EDIT : Uhh.. why's it doubled ?
Flava Flav says : Don't Belive The Hype!
I didn't read the last few posts because I couldn't be bothered, and it seemed like it'd be repetitive anyway. A) You are not allowed to diss LL in any way shape or form. I don't care if the man dresses up like a chicken and parachutes off the Empire state building holding hands with another man. He is a vet. The artists you listen to listened to LL when they were becoming artists. I admit I don't blaze his latest tracks simply because I ain't feelin' em. But LL's done too much to just be sh*ted on, as already said. B) You are not allowed to diss LL.
You wouldn't believe just how down to earth he is.
I was going to meet Jazz I smartened up like it was Christmas! :sonny: I wondered who stole my polos!!!
Perry replied to JumpinJack AJ's topic in Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince
[quote=pauleywood,Oct 5 2004, 01:46 AM]I hope so but I'm not gonna get excited till I see a source.[/quote] Cosign. Thanks for the heads up either way. -
I'm a die hard Wizards follower. Never miss anything wherever possible (and that's actually a lot living in the UK..) But I've followed the Lakers, and Magic for many, many years. I guess I'm a fan of em but over all I'm a Wizards fan. This yeah I'm gonna be watching the Heat too I think ;)
[quote=Prince,Oct 4 2004, 10:09 AM]It can and does happen... I've censored out the sensitive information. I don't download myself, but I do know alot of people on this forum that do. Be warned guys! [quote]Motion Picture Association Worldwide Anti-Piracy 15503 Ventura Boulevard Encino, CA 91436 PHONE: (818) 728 - 8127 Email: MPAA@copyright.org October 2, 2004 Name:Xxxxx-Xxxxx Via Fax/Email Re: Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Motion Pictures Protocol: BitTorrent IP Address: 82.14x.xx.xx Date of Infringement: 9/23/2004 at 3:44 p.m. EDT (GMT -0400) Dear Xxxxxxx: The Motion Picture Association (MPA) represents the following motion picture production and distribution companies: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Disney Enterprises, Inc. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. Paramount Pictures Corporation TriStar Pictures, Inc. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation United Artists Pictures, Inc. United Artists Corporation Universal City Studios LLLP Warner Bros. Entertainment Company Inc. We have received information that you are providing Internet access to and possibly hosting the above referenced Internet site, which is offering downloads of copyrighted motion picture(s) including such title(s) as: STARGATE ATLANTIS - SERIES These downloads are copies of copyright works which have been made without the authorisation of the copyright owners, contrary to section 17(1) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (“CDPA”) and are therefore “infringing copies” within the meaning of section 27(2) CDPA. Criminal liability Under section 107(1) CDPA it is an offence for a person to sell, offer for sale, or distribute infringing copies of a work in circumstances where that person knows or has reason to believe that the copies are infringing copies. It is likely that the party operating the above-referenced Internet site has committed an offence under this section. It is an offence pursuant to common law to aid, abet, counsel or procure the commission of an offence under this section. Accordingly, if you fail to take the steps set out below, you may be liable to prosecution as an accessory to these acts of infringement. Civil liability To the extent that you are hosting the above referenced Internet site, section 23 CDPA provides that it is an infringement to possess in the course of a business copies of works knowing or having reason to believe that they are infringing copies. You are now on notice that the above titles are infringing copies. Once you have had time to consider the position, the continued presence of the downloads on the site may mean that you contravene section 23 CDPA and are therefore liable for copyright infringement. In any event, section 16(2) CDPA provides that copyright in a work is infringed by a person who without licence of the copyright owner does, or authorises another to do, any of the acts restricted by copyright. Copies of the above titles are being issued to the public by the party operating the site, contrary to section 18 CDPA without the licence of the copyright owners. By providing Internet access to and/or hosting the site, you may be deemed to be authorising this infringement and therefore liable in civil proceedings for copyright infringement. Sections 96 and 97 CDPA provide that the copyright owners of the respective titles can obtain (among other remedies) an injunction and either an award of damages or an account of profits. You may be liable in this regard if you continue to provide Internet access to and/or host the above referenced Internet site. Required steps Under Regulation 19 of the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, an ISP can escape liability for providing hosting services to an infringing site if, once made aware of the unlawful activity, it acts expeditiously to remove or disable access to the content. Accordingly, we request that you immediately do the following: 1) Disable access to this site; 2) Remove this site from your server; and 3) Take appropriate action against the account holder under your Abuse Policy/Terms of Service Agreement. On behalf of the respective owners of the exclusive rights to the copyright material at issue in this notice, we hereby state that we have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorised by the copyright owners, their respective agents, or the law. Also, we hereby state that the information in this notification is accurate and that we are authorised to act on behalf of the owners of the exclusive rights being infringed as set forth in this notification. Please contact us at the above listed address or by replying to this email should you have any questions. Kindly include the above noted Reference number in the subject line of all email correspondence. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Your prompt response is requested. Respectfully, Motion Picture Association[/quote] [/quote] That's a letter from an ISP. A lot of ISP's have major rules. It looks exactly like the letter BT send out to me. Keep yourself on a good, and anonymous ISP. Even if you don't do anything illegal. Besides there are some ways I don't believe things are wrong. For example, I can't watch Method & Red in the UK, and more than likely will never be able to especially with it about to be canned.
[quote=Da Brakes,Oct 5 2004, 02:40 AM]:thumb:[/quote] :thumb:
[quote=JumpinJack AJ,Oct 5 2004, 01:12 AM][quote=DefCEM,Oct 4 2004, 08:46 PM] I know, its a stupid question, bt whats the difference between rapper and mc? is an mc doing more than just rapping or what? i dont get it... :what: :dunno: jjfp rocks the house![/quote] A rapper just raps. Nothing more 2 it. Pretty much anybody can be a rapper. An Emcee / MC is best discribed by Rakim as someone who can "[b][u]m[/u][/b]ove the [b][u]c[/u][/b]rowd." A rapper who can relate 2 their fans and get a reaction from them, that's an emcee. These days rappers don't know how 2 perform, put on a show, and even have a personality. FP, Run, Rakim, KRS put on a show that people love and they draw the fans in. People like Ludacris, Nelly, 50 Cent simply get on stage, scream alot, cuss, and walk around with a posse of like 2-5 no namers. When people like FP, Wyclef, KRS, and so on put on a show, they talk 2 the audience and they put on a quality show. MC Hammer did it with shiny suits and like 100 back up dancers...but people like JJ+FP and Run-DMC did with just microphones and turntables. It didn't matter the level of show...if u can reach people, u are an emcee. Rappers these days just don't know how 2 perform [/quote] Ayo Luda got skills. He really proved his lyrical worth on his last album. And he does know how to mofe a crowd. I would agree he's on the fence and would probably call him just a rapper myself, but he does got lyrical talent, and he can put on a show.
I doubt we'll ever see older entire albums remastered. Even if Will sells big, there just won't be enough want to warrant a record company to do it. We got Platinum & gold, mixed with newer songs to give it such a wider market. How did Before The Willenium sell ? Either way it was made up of the most known of the JJ+FP tracks. As much as I'd love to see and hear them all remastered professionally, I wouldn't hold my breath. Devils : Rip the album and higher the volume up yourself. I had to do it when I bought the old 2pacalypse now on CD.
[quote=Hero1,Oct 4 2004, 08:17 PM]man i love bit torrent thats where i get all my tv shows from .. i hope they dont shut it down..[/quote] BT isn't file sharing in the usual sense. It works directly. There's no central server, except for the tracker. And trackers can be made in minutes anywhere at any time. And any torrent can use any differant torrent theoretically. It couldn't be shut down. If you're really that worried get yourself on IRC. It's entirely anonymous.
[quote=Jazzy Julie,Oct 4 2004, 01:38 PM]i got rid of kazaa a while ago, bcoz my firewall wouldnt let me use it. Ive got that soulsearch instead, but i blocked ppl from seeing my files coz im scared incase thay can get to all the really rare jjfp songs i got from here. I tried to download something the other day and this guy was like "let me see your files", so i ran away lol.[/quote] Julie, don't worry we don't have the same laws as the US. We're more than safe :switch: Either way it's unbelievably stupid. Remember the 12 year odl girl they tried to sue ? Since they don't know who's at the other end they just automatically do... If they're gonna do something like go after people pirating media, at least do it the right way. Besides, people downloading the latest song is the least of they're problems, piracy goes way beyond that. . .
I'm not worthy!
[quote=JumpinJack AJ,Oct 4 2004, 03:21 PM]I've broken this down b4...but let me do it again. Hip-Hop music is any kinda music coming from Hip-Hop culture. Mary J. Blige makes R-N-B music...but she also makes Hip-Hop music. Listen 2 the lyrics...listen 2 where she's comin' from. Just cuz she isn't rapping (tho' she has), it dosen't mean she isn't a Hip-Hop artist making Hip-Hop music. Rap music is simply music with someone rappin' on it. That's what G-Unit is. Those guys aren't saying anything that has 2 do with Hip-Hop culture. They are simply rapping....not emceeing. Look at the difference. Emcees like FP are rockin' the mic, being themselves (whether it's popular or not), they take life and put it in2 music. They got heart and intellegence. They got real DJing and beatboxing when neccessary. People like Nelly just rap. Do u really get anything out of his music lyrically...dose it really represent the lifestyle of people who buying the albums?!?! Let's be real...there's a difference between people like Fresh Prince, LL Cool J, Rakim, Chuck D, Run-DMC, Talib Kweli, Guru, Heavy D, Treach, 2pac, KRS-One and people like Ja-Rule, Nelly, 50 Cent, Lil' Scrappy, Chingy, and Master P. U can like what u want...but don't u dare mix that up. 2 honestly say people like 50 Cent are Hip-Hop is like spitting on the game. Like what u want, but try 2 fool other people.[/quote] Knowledge. That's what I'm saying but you got it a lot more precise and on point.
Now it ain't great, it was taken with my phone since it was all I had, but here it is. I couldn't resist showing ya's :D. I'm getting the shirt him and skills signed pinned up on my wall in glass, with this picture inside there once I clean it up. [img]http://www.ep001a5545.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/photo0064.jpg[/img]
I didn't read this whole argument but I got a few comments to make. before I do know that I am in no way a fan of 50/G-Unit etc. Though the one cat out there doing that I respect in one way is Em because he does have some real raw talent. Wasted in one way or not he does have skill. Don't talk about how Public Enemy in the past, wherefore you can't put him with 50, because not so long ago Chuck and Flav turned up at a 50 concert in Australia because he was over there doing shows and came out on stage saying he hopes 50 does his thing for a long time. One man who knows rap is Chuck and in his opinion 50 is doing his thing. So using Public Enemy isn't right. That said as above is correct. These people are rap artist. Not Hip Hop. If we are looking at Hip Hop's origins it's a culture. Not a style of music. Rap is the music, Hip Hop is the culture. It embraces many things from B-boy's to DJs and Rappers. Allthough Hip Hop as a word has become known as rap music, it's not technically true. Now about the money. Many, many people would turn down a superstar career just so they wasn't 'Selling out' as it were. Personally Id do it another way. The only person who comes to mind who did it is Christina. Got a pop contract, because a superstar then turned her back on it and did everything in her own style. If she hadn't done the pop music she dosen't really like she wouldn't be a millionaire doing her own thing right now. Sometimes you just got bite the bullet and do things. Now that that's said I'm going to find my Tribe CD's. I have a headache from all the bad music I'm talking about..
I can see it now, try hitting refresh. I wonder if they're gonna build a studio for Will to. Then he can go record tracks when he got Jeff over coolin' and release them specifically for us :P Got a link to the above info BTW ?
[quote=JamesUK,Oct 1 2004, 08:28 AM]from 6 til 7 on mtv[/quote] If I'm still at home at six, I'll record it and get it up after the weekend, otherwise sorry.
[quote=Hero1,Oct 1 2004, 08:24 AM]the joke is someone took a statement that will is waiting for the 15th million post on this board to release switch.. seriously [/quote] Ah, I thought we was talking about the first post or something, lol. I seen that a little while ago. Still...
[quote=JamesUK,Oct 1 2004, 08:27 AM]I know I haven't been in this discussion but i think that style, delivery and personality are still just as important[/quote] In Will's case they're more important. They're what makes him Will. And Will delivery, style and personality come across together better and more original than anyone I've ever seen...
[quote=Hero1,Oct 1 2004, 07:19 AM]doesnt need the wealth but i'll bet he'll sell 10 mil[/quote] To send a chill down the spine of emcess less skilled an heres the thrill, will+jeff back together for another...
How can I have a warning for posting dirty pictures when it was Prince ? I wholly object and would like further discussion. That was pathetic.
Spice1 - The most underrated westcoast artist IMO. Naughty By Nature, as the group. They're so overlooked it's unbeliavable. Crooked I - Admittedly he's not released a debut album yet after so long but there's enough tracks out there for everyone to blaze. He's raw talent. Nothin' but the best there I can't fault him. There'll be more but nobody is at mind, I'm at work.