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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by Schnazz

  1. I read the subtopic first and got excited, then I saw it was referring to South Park.
  2. As in there'll be no racists? Damn straight! But then again, I'm an optimist... However, before we get to true equality, we'll find many other things to hate on each other for... Perhaps on the next round it'll be height or something else equally random. Though we still have racism, sexism, homophobia, nationalism, and religious anger to get past. Ug.
  3. yeah, u and schnazz have taken similar strategies into this game, we'll see if it works or not Strategy? I don't know nothen about no strategy.
  4. Oh man, they musta failed their KKK test. Speaking of stupid racists, a while back I was playing ball with a friend of mine who's Thai. A kid in the gym said under his breath "Who brought the spic?" :shake:
  5. You've all heard it a dozen times, but it's still my favorite. Your momma's like a door knob, EVERYBODY get's a turn!
  6. For your birthday present... oh what a wonderful gift it will be.... Speaking of that, shouldn't you be out enjoying your birthday???
  7. lol, I was confused by this very thing and asked about it on here while back.
  8. Those silly UK folks are always early! Me, I'm just jumpen on the band wagon. :)
  9. I think it may be a little too abstract to stand on it's own, if you had something before it to explain a bit better, then maybe...
  10. If you reset, and want to set an end to the game, it'd be nice to do it before we start.
  11. Cool! I love the new lack of spamming. :) I think the game should definately be reset now.
  12. The only PM you sent me was one saying that Chief was back. And you claim you're trustworthy? You can't even keep your own lies straight!
  13. lol, I was uninformed on my own actions? Right....
  14. More lies and made up facts. Tim turned on me, I only returned the favor. And for clarification, I approached Julie and Wes to form an alliance, and then we joined in with Tim later on. Funny, I appoached Tim about an alliance and you joined in later on... Also, what about your "cash cow" Joe. Another member of the alliance you've betrayed. How does what I said conflict with what you said? Julie, Wes and I where together, you and Tim and who ever where together. We then joined. As for Joe, I never was his ally... I was with Julie, Wes, and Tim. I'm not responsible for who Tim teams up with.
  15. More lies and made up facts. Tim turned on me, I only returned the favor. And for clarification, I approached Julie and Wes to form an alliance, and then we joined in with Tim later on.
  16. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2070179,00.html I only read the blurb, seems as though artists doing a tour via the web is starting to become a "thing". It'd be cool to see Da Brakes do one of these!
  17. I don't trust Max, I don't think it was an "accident" that he attacked you.... But, as long as he doesn't start attacking or sabotaging me, I can stay from going after him... Joe's my favorite cash cow, but all good things must come to an end... Down with Chief and Hero!
  18. I'm with you and Julie, always have been and always will be! I may have attacked Hero, but only after he sabotaged me.... you don't sabatage your allies!
  19. I love the irony of this statement.
  20. It's no surprise that MaxFly settles his disputes with violence instead of with words. And now he freely admits he's the one who's drawn first blood! These people are NOT trustworthy!
  21. Thanks raw_d, but I can't do it. You may be trustworthy, but Chief is not. I refuse to ally myself with Hitler to overthrow Stalin! Hero, you sure do claim to talk for a lot of people, I wonder how they feel about that. Wes, did you decide Hero was your leader? Naw, I doubt it, you're to smart for that. The thing is Hero, you and Max are the only ones crossing lines and breaking up the alliance. Wes and Julie still haven't attacked me, nor I them. I only attacked you in retaliation. While Max is flying off half cocked attacking everyone and their mother. You two are as trustworthy as ever... no honor.
  22. Now I see how little you care about the lives of your soldiers, so sad.
  23. And what, prey tell, would you have done had you been online? Nothing! However, to make you feel better, I've just attacked you and killed one of your "soldiers" Is that better?
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