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Everything posted by Schnazz

  1. I like it! :2thumbs: Though I think I like Nas' Black President better.
  2. Courtesy of www.factcheck.org , the truthfulness of Palin's speech: link And to be a bit fair, Obama's fact check: link
  3. Well, I'm not saying that I'd vote for him but I sure would like to hang out with him! Yea, I agree, it was seriously militaristic. And as far as Palin... When it got narrowed down to McCain, Clinton, and Obama, I was relieved that the country was finally going to be heading in a good direction, the Palin selection has destroyed that feeling.
  4. That's a neat trick, but I didn't attack McCain for "twisting" things, I only stated that if he wants to change his stance, he accept attacks based on his new stance. Changing your views on something can be good, some people even call it "growth" Though the more cynical folks call it "pandering" :) I thought here speech was ok, it didn't really do anything for me, but I'm far from her target audience. The only thing that bothered me was when she made a joke about legal rights (Obama wanting terrorists read their rights) and the entire audience laughed. It's frightening when a major political figure in this country mocks legal rights and everyone laughs along. Though Huck was charming as always!
  5. While there's nothing wrong with Lieberman making that pitch, that's how politics work, it's actually John McCain who's tried to convince people he was something else. John McCain made a calculated move away from his maverick independent ways to embrace the more conservative side of the Republican party. It was a move that paid off, but he did in fact move that way. Right now the Republicans are trying to have their cake and eat it too, it's a perfect opportunity for Democrats to attack, they'd be idiots not call them on it. Though, come to think of it, I'm kinda surprised they are attacking on it. That reminds me, was it just me or was the tone of the two conventions starkly different? The Republican convention seemed a lot darker and aggressive than the Democratic convention.
  6. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Awesome!
  7. Wow, someone needs to explain to the McCain aids what sexism is: "I am appalled by the Obama campaign's attempts to belittle Governor Sarah Palin’s experience..." and "...They will not tolerate sexist treatment of Governor Palin." I mean, attacking someones lack of experience is sexism? How can you say that in public with a straight face? Apparently McCain's not only sexist but confused as to Obama's gender.
  8. Oh man, this political season has been incredible, so fascinating and historic! This election is going to be studied for decades to come, I'm loving every minute of it! I've already planned a vacation day for November 5th, I plan on being up late following it all and hopefully celebrating along with it till the break of dawn. :)
  9. While I don't think that it's a bad thing that her daughter is pregnant, accidents happen, etc... My sister was pregnant at the same age. I do however find this part pretty rude: Why would you put your daughters business out there like that to kill a rumor? I would not want my parents putting my business in the world to help their careers.
  10. If the AP, or really any credible news outlet broke such a story, then it'd be worth reading. Bob, I was with you until I actually read the article... Palin herself said that when she went into labor, she was in Texas and decided to fly up to Alaska. Now, it's really one of two things... either she was lying... which would actually be the best thing... or she was grossly negligent... You are not supposed to fly when you are pregnant and you are definitely not supposed to fly when you have gone into labor. An 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska after going into labor is a little suspicious... you have to admit... I agree with Bob, there's nothing to support this rumor, no reliable sources, no sources at all even, just a bunch of conjecture. However, like Max said, her going in to labor in Texas, giving a speech, and then flying back to Alaska is horrible. When my son was born, it started with my wife's water breaking. While we didn't have to sprint to the hospital, there's no way we could have waited eight hours before getting medical attention. When your water breaks, you're risking a serious infection and labor should be induced as soon as possible. An eight hour plane ride shows astoundingly bad judgment.
  11. I won't go as far as to say that Obama will dominate the debates, and I think you have a point on his nuanced answers (it's a shame that nuance is a bad thing), but that isn't why he didn't do town hall meetings. He was dominating the news and planning a global trip, he didn't have anything to gain from appearances with McCain, all that would do was boost McCain's visibility. I agree that Palin will pull some female vote, but not a lot, and most of them would be voting Republican anyway. She is the polar opposite, ideological wise, of Hilary Clinton, so the majority of Hillary Clinton supporters will be turned off by views on things like abortion. Even worse though is that this gives the appearance of being very insulting to women, specifically female democrats. This looks like a blatant grab for the female vote by putting an attractive but inexperienced woman on the ticket, as if women politicians are interchangeable. And on an anecdotal note, pretty much every liberal feminist I've ever known has very little respect for beauty pageants. The place where I think it's going to help tremendously is with core Republicans and with soccer moms that have been leaning Republican lately. McCain had a serious problem with them staying home this election and this pick should boost that greatly. The downside though is that Republicans have been talking about how little experience Obama has, and then McCain picks someone with even less. Regardless of the outcome, this was a VERY bold move by McCain and it we are now in a situation where we'll have either a black man as president or a white woman as vice president, and that's a nice change of pace. On a somewhat related note, I saw McCain's add last night congratulating Obama, that was outstanding! A very classy move on McCain's part, and looked great too.
  12. Yea, that kind of thing makes me nervous, I can foresee him causing a lot of ripples. Although, has anyone noticed that a lot of the attacks on the Obama campaign have actually not been targeted at Obama himself? Both of the pastors that took heat. Michelle Obama's whole "proud of America for the first time" thing. The staffer that called Hillary Clinton a "monster". Maybe Biden will draw the fire away from Obama himself. I agree with you VIsqo, this is going to be one of the most interesting campaigns in years. Not only is it historic, not only do we have two outstanding candidates, but it has the potential of "redrawing the electoral map." Hopefully shake the voters up, move us away the ridged voting lines we've had for so long. I'm quite shocked that there isn't more interest in this forum, this forum plays into several of Obama's core constituencies, and Obama's the first serious presidential candidate from the "hip-hop generation." I would think folks here would be following this election VERY closely.
  13. Wow, it makes me sad, but the Mariah Carey remix thread is just as popular as this one. Anyone watching the conventions? Michelle Obama's speach was outstanding!
  14. Joe Biden will be Obama's running mate! I'm rather surprised by this decision. Sure, Biden's outstanding with foreign policy, Obama's perceived weakness. But Biden seems the anti-Obama, he's sharp tongued, makes many gaffes, and is very much a "Washington insider."
  15. Yes, let's go, step up! Brakes has some of his best music to date in this competition, it's well worth a comment!
  16. Signed up and commented! Good luck Brakes! I'm digging your new track!
  17. I can't believe I just wasted four minutes and 22 seconds on that drivel, I loathe you. On the up side, I chuckled at the power up and the fork/heart action. And the credits, the credits entertained me. And now I have a strange urge to recycle.
  18. Happy Birthday Brakes!!!!! Where's the album???
  19. That was cool to read. Man, that is exactly right!
  20. Man, Chicago's cheaper than Indy, what's going on? I paid $9.50 yesterday to see Hellboy II.
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