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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by kbfprince

  1. You know what I think? You think you all that Don Jiggy took his name from the Fresh, he's just a rat I know you read, yeah that's how you got your rhymes And your d!ck? what are you 15 and trying for your first time? I don't think you got the hint, you can't battle hence I'm the quintessence while you're the one looking tense Will the teacher pick on you? you crouching down In the rap game you gotta rise up and take the challenge clown You're gone? Is that suppose to scare me? Making excuses, the fuse of our battle is lit, you're on d Think with common sense, are you ready for gametime I see ya backing out already when I start to drive the lane, crime is all you can stir up, your punchlines are street-ready Try to take em out and you end up backing up steady And I don't think you can put the pieces together I went nice on you now but tomorow's another weather What are these excuses, why you so averse to a battle don Is that all you can cook up? oh wait next youre gonna tell me youre an ex con lol Don you were right the first time. im female.
  2. Got it this afternoon. The bloopers are the ones you can see right after the episodes on tv! I've seen most of the episodes anyway, but it was a nice collection.
  3. Just another example bout how jiggy can't quit He biting, writing trying to fight but it ain't worth a lick I don't think he really gets it to tell you the truth The concept of battling is to give the other guy the boot While jiggy's trying to preach about what he's heard about Not what he actually experienced, what he actually knows about I think everyone all knows, yeah you heard it right jiggy's just a novice, he should be taken light With the spotlight on ya, you failed there ain't no quick fix I got it on file, gonna be shipping the videos o ff like Netflix Since I dumbed down and tried to teach you what's what now You got schooled by the opposite gender, i'll leave you asking how i have to hit the books now.
  4. nice freestyles. mine- Don jiggy you've tried and tried again U should stick to dancin cause you gonna be split like Ben and Jen How many battles have you weaved youself out of We've dissed you and dismissed you, but you claim you got one love And will never leave, i can sense your arrogance After this session you're gonna burn up like incense I know you're not gonna be here long, just so you know I'm gonna tie you up and twist ya, like a churro And sell you at costco, see how many takers you get Not one, you know you were your mamas only regret i'm way out of your league, you and I both know you flow like piss comin out of your oh-- Sometimes it stops, comes again, and finally halts Like your pen on the page to write a 10 line revolt Just so you feel better, I know you can rhyme But you’re the same as every other dude, the same everytime It’s like you never improve, but don’t stop fronting It may be the only choice for you as your rap rhymes are stunting
  5. I'm just happy we got an album this year, Will can do movies all he likes. I just want new material, sales are an added bonus to me.
  6. dope song once again :wickedwisdom: liked these lines: my pride's been stolen, sold my soul to the devil go to church get babtised, and wash away the rebel
  7. :gettinjiggywitit: im getting it as soon as i can get a ride to target. :lolsign:
  8. beautiful. that was dope ftd, the emotion and feeling was evident. the third verse was the strongest in my opinion. the hook was nice as well. :2thumbs:
  9. Welcome back :wickedwisdom: check your email.
  10. 4 days? damn. i had no idea it was that close :gettinjiggywitit:
  11. At home I use my CD player, iPod everywhere else.
  12. I liked the story-telling aspect, great song again Joe. :wickedwisdom:
  13. lol Scy, I was under the impression for a moment that you looked something like Walker in your avatar. nice picture.
  14. :lolsign: welcome back Scy :wickedwisdom:
  15. thats great lerkot! Guys is a funny track IMO.
  16. excellent FuQ, very nice read :wickedwisdom: let us know when you finish it.
  17. :wickedwisdom: I've been listening to it a lot too
  18. I could join; I'm a more casual player though. If all of you are interested in more competitive leagues then leave me out of it :wickedwisdom:
  19. 123. that site says I've tried it before but i dont remember doing it. hm. nice site though Julie!
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