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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by rcpbball30

  1. He started out as a rapper, that is how he got into show business. If it wasn't for his successful rapping career, more likely than not, he would have not got into acting. It's that simple.
  2. That'd be pretty cool, he should get LL on the album, too.
  3. That was a nice body slam by that Pittsburgh player, I would have done the same thing. Being in the slammer for Super Bowl weekend as a punishment is quite funny actually.
  4. It will be very interesting to see if this materializes into anything, Jay may not even bother responding, I am hoping he does, I like listening to battles like these going back and forth.
  5. Lindsay Lohan is way too skinny, it is gross, that girl needs to eat something, she used to be hot, but she has shriveled up into a little anorexic.
  6. Antonio Davis is a class act, he doesn't deserve such a harsh punishment, all he was doing was looking out for his family, which should always come first. David Stern just keeps on screwing up.
  7. What is all of your opinions on the Antonio Davis situation? I really don't think he should be penalized, he was simply going into the crowd to defend his family, I know I would have done the same thing, as would most other people. I just came across it, 5 games. I think that is ridiculous, if you see someone pushing your wife around, and you go up their to protect her, you should not be penalized for it.
  8. Sure go ahead, I'm for it.
  9. Definitely looking forward to that album, and I liked the last song the 2 of them did together.
  10. Wow, it is hard to believe that it has been that long.
  11. Wow, it is a big surprise to see the both of them go down, I was counting on the two of them in the AFC Title Game. I am so glad the Pats finally lost, proves that Brady is overrated. Too bad for the Colts, everything just kinda fell apart for them at the end of the year. Vanderjagt has got to feel like a fool right now.
  12. Once I get back to UConn tomorrow, I'll be sure to download this video, it will take hours at home, I can do it in under a minute there, can't wait to see it.
  13. Well, I guess we all just have to hope for the best that the song eventually comes out, it would be sad if it didn't.
  14. Even if it has to come out of his own pocket, a video should definitely be made and the song should be released, just to put it out there and to make people aware.
  15. I don't know if I would consider them the best produced of all-time, but there is no denying the production is great on both of them.
  16. Yeah, Carmelo has really stepped it up a notch from last season. One player who amazes me is Earl Boykins, the guy is only 5-5 but he is so good, he had 33 in that 3 OT game, Steve Nash, the "MVP" couldn't guard him, although he is a poor defender, therefore not qualifying him for MVP in my mind, but that is a different story altogether.
  17. I'll have mine changed to rcpbball30 if you can, thanks a lot.
  18. Anytime now is good with me, I think there has already been too long of a wait...
  19. Wow, Ted seems to be digging up a lot of negative stuff about KRS lately, a lot of stuff that I would never imagine. I guess it is pretty cool that the Ying Yang Twins would want to meet Will, I am really not a fan of their music, that damn whisper song is downright annoying, but it is nice to see that they like and respect him. Off topic a little bit, it would be nice to hear something from Rakim giving props to Will, since Will mentioned him in "Lost and Found." (see my signature) It would be great to hear them on a track together. I only really started hearing music from Rakim a few months ago and I really like him, he is so good lyrically. It would be nice to see him and Will on a track together.
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