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Everything posted by rcpbball30

  1. Lost and Found was much better than Born to Reign and it also sold much better, so I still forsee Will doing albums in the future, and doing fairly well. Of course, he probably won't reach multiplatinum status, but overall, in comparison to other rappers this year, Lost and Found had pretty good sales. I would have liked to seen better promotion for the album, but the only thing that really matters is the content within the album, which is pretty damn good.
  2. I don't really understand the point that he is trying to make, does anyone else know?
  3. Hopefully he performs Lost and Found, that could spark interest, it would be amazing.
  4. A sentiment realized by us here in the forums, but far too often ignored in the hip-hop world today.
  5. Are you kidding me, this is the third time, it is Obi-Trice, not Will Smith, how hard is it to understand?
  6. I would definitely be interested, I've always wanted to but could never get enough people together, count me in!
  7. Yeah, Martin wasn't a dominating force, like Shaq, Garnett, or Duncan, but he is a good player, he is very solid defensively, someone I would definitely want on my team, very tenacious.
  8. Promotion could have been better, and L&F, PS, Tell Me Why all would have been better singles, but he made a great album, and really, that's all that matters. In the grand scheme of things, album sales were decent. All in all, it was a good album and true hip-hop fans have appreciated that, and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters.
  9. It pisses me off, cuz it is such a good song, so much better than the other garbage out now.
  10. It will be interesting to see how the Nets do this year, with Kidd, Jefferson, and Carter together for a whole season, but they are still lacking an inside prescence.
  11. Yeah, Rafer Alston had too many problems with coach Sam Mitchell, this was bound to happen. True, you don't need a dominant center, but more accurately, you need an inside presence, like Tim Duncan, who is actually a power forward. The point that I was trying to make was that having a dominant inside player makes it that much easier, and while the Lakers demise is not solely placed on the loss of Shaq, it surely was the major factor. It will be interesting to see how they are this year with Phil Jackson back, I am ready for the season to start now.
  12. The Kon-Tempt remix is great, I love it, the beat is crazy.
  13. Really, I should have done my research. I heard on TV last season about that shooting percentage, but I guess either I heard wrong, or they were wrong.
  14. Yes, Kobe contributed to the Lakers winning it all those 3 years. He is one of the most talented players in the league, but he is not a dominant force like Shaq. Kobe's shooting percentage went down almost 10% last year. The reason for that, he did not have Shaq drawing double teams down low and kicking it out to him. Shaq is a player you can build around. He is an unselfish player, but he understands their has to be a steady hierarchy in the way the team is ran. The way teams win nowadays are inside-out. The Lakers won because Shaq was the main option, going for 40 and 20 nearly every finals game. Look at last season, Shaq leaves and the Lakers drop from NBA Finalists to last place, behind the Clippers, even. On the other hand, he brings the Heat to one game of the finals while being injured the entire playoffs, and only getting help from D-Wade, the rest of the team was pretty much useless. Now that they have a better supporting cast, Shaq will keep them in line and their eyes on the prize.
  15. That would be pretty nice if the video had already been shot, and it came out fairly soon, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  16. Its a great song, one of my favorites on the album.
  17. Here are my pics: Cincy Indy Seattle Tampa Bay Jacksonville New England Buffalo NY Giants Baltimore Atlanta Philly Dallas Arizona Green Bay
  18. In the Part II, I really liked and agreed with the part about complex rhyme schemes, people don't even recognize that today, I mean, 50 Cent would never do something like that, but on Will's latest album, there are plenty. (Party Starter, I Wish I Made That, etc)
  19. Do you think you could put We Won't into .mp3 form, it would be a lot of help, because I can't play it on my usual music program on the computer, where all of my other music is.
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