I'd say Lost and Found by a little bit, the only filler track on L&F to me, is Switch, and that is the single. Willenium had a little more "nonsense" on it, both are classics in my eyes, but I think Lost and Found is Will's best album.
BWS is a fun album, nothing too serious, but pretty good nonetheless, but Lost and Found addresses all topics, it shows the growth in his work and abilities.
Memphis got a good deal, and Bonzi in Sactown is nice, but Ostertag sucks, don't know what Utah was thinking. A sports thread or basketball thread would be nice, I'm all for it.
It is a shame that the music industry has come to this, people are thieves, these artists put in hard work for these albums, and they deserved to be bought, not stolen. It angers me to see so much music being downloaded.
Black radio should play this, it is a dope song, definitely one of his best. He has a serious message, hell, if I was a dj at a hip-hop station, I would definitely play it.
Good review, I too like Wave Em Off, I pretty much agree with everything, although I probably would have scored Loretta a little higher. Overall, I like the review.