Overall, Sony's promotion for Born to Reign was awful. Given I wasn't as big a music fan back in 2002, I didn't even know Will had a new album coming out until I saw it on sale in a Wal-Mart flyer a couple of weeks after the album actually had come out. I was a fan, I had BWS and Willenium, you think with any sort of promotion, I would have known Will was releasing a new album. I was pissed.
While Born to Reign was not the best album Will ever released, in comparision to the rest of the rap game at the time, it was pretty solid. Block Party, I Can't Stop and How Da Beat Goes, at least I feel, had potential to be singles, but none were released. Promotion for that album reached an all-time low in the music industry, which was quite a disappointment for me, and still is.