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Everything posted by rcpbball30

  1. I think MTV Base because it was a long performance and he actually did Party Starter for once.
  2. Give it a little time, once the video premeires, that will help the sales.
  3. I agree, great lyrics for a party song, I went with Party Starter, but Lost and Found and Tell Me Why are right there, too.
  4. Outstanding article, this is the type of response that Will and Jada deserve all the time.
  5. Yeah, sounds like a great time. Good for you, you fulfilled a lifelong dream. I hope you remember this experience for the rest of your life.
  6. First off, nice avatar, Lerkot, second of all, you have too much time on your hands to figure something like that. Sweden is getting to you.
  7. This is complete bull****, i can't believe people are still hating
  8. Good song, good song, I used to skip it, but I started to listen to it, and its good
  9. What the hell are you talking about, scyhigh99, that is ridiculous. Maybe you just aren't hearing what Will is saying, because lyrically it is as good as anyone out right now, and he is sending a positive message.
  10. Yeah, it is a shame, but hopefully they will at least jump on the bandwagon. I just don't understand why they won't play it first, like when they have all the exclusives from 50 and the G-Unit and Eminem. It is ridiculous.
  11. He said "noway" and that was it, he ignored, which made me even more mad.
  12. Just now, I was instant messaging a DJ from a hip-hop station in the area, trying to get on Party Starter, and he said no way. It is ridiculous, I really vented after him, and he hasn't responded. rcpbball30: oh, by the way, Will Smith is way better than 50, Mike Jones or any other **** y'all are playing. He actually has strong lyrics, a positive message and a good song, u guys are wack if you don't pay your respects to a hiphop pioneer rcpbball30:no response, thats what i thought, you guys are too stupid to recognize his talent Thats what I said to him.
  13. Not good news for Eminem, oh well, too bad, HA!
  14. I hate to be a pest, but it would be nice if someone could post the song so that those who didn't get the song on their CD could hear it. Thanks!
  15. All I know is that MTV is playing it 12-6 on Saturday in the US, damn, I have to work until 4, does anyone know if Will is on after 4?!
  16. Good question, reborn2reign, and I wish I knew the answer, but unfortunately, I don't. Someone else respond.
  17. Yeah, LL and Common are legitimate, good rappers, like Will. Only the lousy ones need that.
  18. Switch lasted longer than anyone expected, keeping sales consistent. One week drop isn't too bad, so another single should be released to bump the sales right back up. Coupled with Live 8, i see sales rising once again next week.
  19. Will and Jada did a great job hosting the show. The lap dance was absolutely hilarious. That horse drawn cart with the spinners was cool, as was the part when he said that the show was on time because white people were working backstage. It was nice when someone in the crowd was yelling and he was like, "You ain't never seen Ali!" That was awesome. Overall, great job, except I am disappointed BET didn't let him perform.
  20. My e-mail is rpowers30@msn.com and my AIM address is rcpbball30, just in case anyone wants to know
  21. Yeah, I have noticed that, too. These rappers nowadays never do a song by themselves. Some hype men at the right time for effect, like Will and Party Starter are okay, but like with Mike Jones last night, too many are ridiculous.
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