I think in time, especially with the singles, it will go platinum. Truthfully, I am suprised at the sales, I thought after B2R, no one was going to buy his music anymore. Thankfully, I was wrong!
I definitely did not expect this. While Switch is a pretty good song, it is one of the weaker ones on the album, so I expect Party Starter and Tell Me Why to do just as well. It may take a while, but they should. I never cease to be amazed by how well this song is doing.
It is hard to tell, because the genre of rap is so new, there are not really any old rappers. As long he is putting out good music, it doesn't really matter how long he goes for.
One of the idiots said that he raps too slow? What the hell is that about, he is one of the fastest rapppers there is. Most of them haven't a clue what they are talking about.
On 106 and Park a while back, when Em was releasing his new video, Just Lose It, he said that the song was about nothing, nothing at all. What's the point of music if it doesn't have any meaning?
Yeah, if anything, Em stole Will's just the 2 of us, and made mockingbird, and the content on Lost and found is so much better than anything on em's latest album
At least he is performing, but it would have been nice to unveil Party Starter on a big stage, maybe he will suprise everybody and "switch" to Party Starter halfway through, that'd be pretty sick.
I agree, and Jada did criticize 50's skills, he said "You should stick to selling clothes and sneakers, because out of your whole camp, your flow is the weakest." and that his rhymes are preschool and his new CD is 100% pure garbage. My 100th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!