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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by KevTastic

  1. Welcome dude, you don't come from that far away than me.
  2. hehe Man Style Football. Thats why the pansies have to wear tons of protective gear. Association football is the biggest team game in the world, and for good reason. Ultimate sportsmen, not who can push the hardest
  3. Especially when there's very little feet involved
  4. I was 17, I remember coming home from college in the afternoon and heading upstairs to where my sister and Mum were in my sis's room watching the news on TV. It was quite surreal. Ddin't sink in for a while.
  5. Fun but kinda a bit immoral
  6. I won the Cd for £2.50 and only £3.00 p+p. What a bargain, and i get a proper CD copy of Don't Fight The Feeling and the Summertime 98 remix. Woo!
  7. Apparently he was in it briefly in the 80s aswell. Anybody used to wathc Renfird Rejects. He was in that once
  8. Speaking of ebay, again. I'm bidding for the jap version of greatest hits. Quite cheaply actually. Probably shouldn't be writing this though as someone else on here might try and outbid me.
  9. I own a obscure number of tape albums that i don't have on CD, and that is for a reason (they ain't all that).
  10. I think the demand for cassettes is down, with the ability to still buy these albums on CD i want a tape it'll really be only a mix tape or something for a friends car. Vinyls are retro where as tapes are just hassle.
  11. R.I.P That guy was a risk taker to make good TV. Atleast he died doing what he loved.
  12. In general yeh they do. With a few exceptions Back To The Future Part 2 Bad Boys 2 Urm, maybe not many more
  13. yeh, sort that mic out, Recording straight into the computer can be a bitch sometime. But the lyrics and flow were good mate.
  14. Still a stunning lady. I'm looking forward to her new music.
  15. lol, makes sense. I kinda prefer the remix of Just Cruisin' anyway. Wasn't a big hit at all over hear, peaked at 20 something i think. Gettin' Jiggy... saved Will's bacon from being a one hit wonder as a solo artist
  16. Was This track ever released in the U.S? Just been on Wikipedia and for the first time realised on the American release of BWS it isn't on there. I know it was from the M.I.B soundtrack but just assumed it was on the BWS (allbeit the remix) like it was in the UK, and i'm guessing other places too.
  17. My head is not in the right place to be doing puzzles. I just wanna know
  18. Lets hope he does another 2 disc edition with the full tracks on a seperate CD aswell as a wickid mix CD
  19. 10 years, thats just mental. But i can remember it well, getting ready to go into year 8 at school. Fancying a girl called Hayley. Challenging my friends at Killer Instinct on the Snes, oh the good old days.
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