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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. can't vote cuz And In This Corner is the funniest, but my least favorite album! did u just assume that people's fav album would also be the funniest 2 them?
  2. Boom! was one of the songs that totally got me hooked 2 JJFP, but now i don't even like the track that much. the energy is definitely there, but somethins missin. needless 2 say i don't listen 2 it when i'm on the comp or somethin, but its a good song 2 hear live or 2 blast in ur car
  3. I registered way back in the days when it was free. ok thanx. great site btw!
  4. :werd: Ted! Pep Love would be dope! all u gotta do is listen 2 songs like "The Onus" and his remix of "On Fire" that makes u realize he's sayin pretty much the same thing Will is
  5. that's alright Max, cuz i never saw this one and i'm pretty sure nobody posted it or we'd have already been complaining that L&F is #23 which is no one has done yet until now and it's also what i'm about to do now... damn, u know i called it last week that L&F and Switch had gone down and that it would've been the perfect time 2 release Tell Me Why. i dunno if Will's gonna get it or not. i mean, let's face it, there's a pretty slim chance that L&F is gonna get back in the top 20 next week, even if Tell Me Why is released this week, which it probably won't be cuz it's already Tuesday, so there goes another week that it will probably go down. i don't get why Will can't release it and keep the sales up. i like Ty's idea of Will having a diary where he could just write one or two sentences a week, that's all, and just let us know what's up with things.
  6. ahem.....Julie??!! :kekeke: ahh! :scared2: i'm sorry Michelle! u and Julie are almost like the same person 2 me. u both type similar and say similar things and live in the same part of the world so i guess that's how i got u mixed up. sorry! :juskiddin:
  7. unfortunately, i can't share u guy's opinion. the official lyric book was way better than some of the lyrics put up on this board, and that's just cuz some of u guys don't speak english as a first language so i'm not knockin' u at all. i actually thought the official lyric booklet was about 98%, and yes, i did read all of the lyrics to every song!
  8. yeah it's definitely not the same feel as the old skool stuff but u gotta be realistic. all artists that are old skool and still put out albums 2day have had 2 modernize their music in some way, but still keep their roots. that's the same with Will, he's matured and his music is more modern, but they're still some old skool vybes on there. i think we gotta be open on this forum, cuz i think some people aren't always as big of fans of Will as we think. like Turntable, i think he's a FP fan, but LL Cool J seems 2 be his fav rapper, so we need 2 be aware that some people just like certain aspects of Will more or ain't #1 type fans like we sometimes assume everyone is. so it's all good, as long as u ain't dissin :peace:
  9. nothing against u, but those pics we posted, we can't even seen ur face. and i also can't help but notice that whenever u post, u only post 1 line posts with no content at all. i think u should consider contributing more 2 ur posts on this board and maybe u'll earn more credibility.
  10. yeah i have some really rare JJFP pics in the pic gallery if u care 2 check it out. here's the full sized pic from that banner
  11. damn not another willsmith.com person. please post correctly here or stay over there, i beg of you
  12. thanx Julie, i had fun readin it. i think our questions were a lot better than some of the ones they asked on there tho!
  13. here's the lyrics to We Won't from my still under-construction site: We Won't Lyrics
  14. i like ur site! can i ask u though, what hosting plan did u use on brinkster.com? i'm tryin 2 do a site and i thought ur site had pretty fast servers and not stupid ads, but i can't find a free hosting plan. did u pay 4 that name or is there a free plan? thanx
  15. love it man! there's only a couple faces i don't recognize...
  16. actually, i think Raedwart has told us this movie is a no-go for right now, cuz he's doing persuit of happiness
  17. well i'm sorry too if i sounded rude, but u never said u had found a web page that said it was a different Will Smith, so i thought u had no proof 4 ur answer. AJ!!!!!!! WE NEED U OVER HERE 2 CLEAN THIS UP!!!! PLEASE.... why does it seem like whenever we need AJ, he never shows up?? does he like tormenting us? :nono:
  18. i'd give him no money cuz i don't believe in wizards and i ain't wastin' my money ......unless i'm really hopeless than maybe i'd slip him a 20
  19. sure, i've heard Summertime and Gettin Jiggy/Miami at least once b4 in the last 7 years.
  20. i'm glad i never wasted my time readin that in the first place :dancingcool:
  21. yeah i think i might have the wheelchair part mixed up with Where The Day Takes You. but please, don't say it's another Will Smith when it's clearly listed on that link and you have no proof at all!! i've know of this movie since 2001 and AJ does have it and has said Will's in it. so unless u have proof, please dont be sayin it's not FP!
  22. wow this is great! the level of idiocy (is that a word) in this thread is like 99%
  23. why would any1 believe the crap that goes on over there? trust me if Will is gonna have a son, this will be the first site 2 know about it!!
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