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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. thanx i liked the track! i wouldn't say the beat is bad, it just isnt the best beat 2 go with the flow that Will is spittin
  2. do i think they'll play it? yes, maybe once. but play it consistantly like they should, NO and thats what i voted.
  3. Wait, theres another Jazzy Jeff?????? :confused3: there's another DJ/rapper called "Jazzy Jeff" which gets mistaken with our "DJ Jazzy Jeff". this "Jazzy Jeff" guy made an album called "On Fire" in 1985.
  4. u live in Germany right? here's a rare version of the Rock The House LP: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...ssPageName=WD2V
  5. no one questioned ur rhymes, cuz i thought they were better, and i liked the nero burning comparison, it's just that some of the lines were so long they didnt flow 2gether real good, i still voted 4 u tho cuz i thought the vocabulary was a bit better. looks lik Will Is Ill might take this 1 tho.
  6. another hard one. tim came with the big vocabulary again, but to me it didn't flow as well as Will is Ill's did. it's gonna be a tough decision 4 me 2 make.
  7. man this one was a hard one to judge, i don't know who 2 vote 4. i'm surprised the votes r so close, cuz i thought it was an even battle
  8. take it easy y'all, shellshock is new and from what i see, very nice. i'm sure he was just curious!
  9. hey Jim i'm the same way. i can't read at all unless it's a really really good book that i'm interested in and most of the time the stuff we read at school is just borin 2 me. i'm not a reader at all FuQ: i go 2 school in California in the Bay Area. it's in the middle of the silicon valley so i guess our school system is pretty good, but compared 2 the schools around my school, we're poor and not as well educated. i guess it's better than where u go 2 school tho, it sounds like a real urban area.
  10. hey lambert, check urself real quick. callin people's opinions garbage and sayin they were drunk could warrant a warning
  11. scy was workin so hard and got real hot since he was wearing 10 pairs of socks. meanwhile, Jonny was blastin Lost & Found on the car stereo eatin cookies
  12. Scy went 2 get his drivers liscense, but they drive on the right side of the road and Scy wasnt used 2 it and he crashed Tim's brand new car
  13. geez where do u go 2 school? i read Lord of the Flies this year as a 10th grader in regular old Enlgish 10. i dont think that book is appropriate 4 advanced seniors. i dunno man, our school aint known 4 real good education, but it makes me wonder what ur school is doin
  14. well currently in school we're reading To Kill A Mockingbird. other books we've read this year are Lord of the Flies and Night (a story about the Holocaust) but the best book i've read in a while that i think deserves a mention was the book i read last summer called "Nathan's Run". i seriously hate reading but this book was so good i became addicted to it. it's about a troubled young boy who made some mistakes, but inside is a nice kid. anyways, both of his parents die and he get stuck with his drunken uncle so he commits a crime just 2 get away from his dad. he gets thrown in juvenile detention center and one of the drunken guards who is about 20 years old comes at him with a knife. the poor 12 year old boy defends himself and outsmarts the drunken guard and escapes from the prison. he finds empty houses to break into and drives their cars to get as far away as he can. while the cops are in hot pursuit of him, he also has an inside hitman after him. it turns out the hitman poses as a cop, catches Nathan and the cops don't realize until the last minute while Nathan is being held at gunpoint that the hitman isn't a cop. the story ends in a violent shootout and the hitman gets shot in the head holding a gun 2 Nathan's head. Nathan is adopted by the one of the police officers and presumably lives a better life than b4. go check this book out, or at least read a better summary of it than mine if ur interested 4 somethin 2 read and u like action stories with suspense that keeps u on ur toes.
  15. i understand u guys sayin "Fresh Prince" is Will's name, so it's not a copy, but they probably got the Bel-Air part from that other movie. think about it, it could have been Fresh Prince of Anywhere, USA but the fact that they chose Bel-Air could have been a copy of that other movie
  16. well he put no smiles, just a confusion sign which leads me 2 believe he is seriously askin the question. maybe he needs 2 re-read the post again, LOL
  17. no Will definitely knew it. a track can't make the album without the artist knowin about it, and word was that Will & Elephant Man even made a video 4 this Reggae Remix so in that case, Will met him and worked with him at least on the video and probably on the track 2. i never knew Elephant Man's lyrics were like this. just from the singles he releases on TV and radio (which i have a hard enough time understanding) the lyrics didnt seem 2 bad.
  18. i'm laughin at ur statement. maybe Eminem didn't ruin 2Pac's legacy cuz 2Pac will always be a legend no matter how bad the album was. however, it's clear that u think Eminem didn't ruin Loyal To The Game, which i disagree with. 4 example, the version of Loyal To The Game with G-Unit made me sick, the beat and lyrics were just horrible, while the DJ Quik remix of Loyal To The Game is my favorite track on the album. i do think the beats, and Em's added verses and comments were just off. i think Em did a good job with One Day At A Time, but he should've left it at that.
  19. Scy said "thanks for the Christmas gift" and proceeded to put on all ten pairs on this scorching hot day in Melbourne, Australia
  20. and with this can of dog food, tim took out some green ketchup and jim took out the panties and Scy put on the panties and tried the dog food with green ketchup and started writing his review
  21. sorry i can only keep up with this board, and half way with the willsmith.com i could imagine we didnt invent this, but it's clear Jamon copied it off here since he always mentions this board and site, yet the guy won't even show his face around here, only over there with the non-intelligent people
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