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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. yahoo!! that made my day, folks :ridepony:
  2. yeah i couldn't either, said i don't have permission to do so, so i guess Tim will have 2 add it on when he gets online
  3. let me break it down: Real Members - get all the forums but the Potnas forums (there's 2 pontas forums) Potnas - get the "Live & Rare" forum JJFP.com Potnas - get "Live & Rare" forum + another board just for the JJFP.com potnas Real Potnas - are global moderators who get all boards Premium Potnas - people who have donated to the site (they get all boards) tim said that potnas are people who he thinks are fans of JJFP and JJFP.com potnas are people who have been around a while and posted a lot so he can trust them more.
  4. ur right the Warriors went 20-10 in their last 30 games and i'm predicting at least a .500 record and probably a playoff spot, however they still won't get the respect they deserve, and people will still laugh @ me when i say they're my team
  5. i agree with Scy about Kobe, i've always hated him with a passion and respect. however, that's about all we have in common since ur favorite team differs from mine. GO WARRIORS :cya: :cya:
  6. ha ha, ok i wont be expectin nothin, and if somethin does come out, i'll be really really surprised! ok? :laugh2:
  7. so u can't use any album pics, snapshots, photo shoot, or logos of JJFP? that would kinda suck if u had 2 make ur own pic/logo from scratch! u should contact Jeff concerning this matter.
  8. don't worry tim if they come over there we'll ban them b4 they even get 2 us. as far as the forum war, dont worry im not gonna contribute nothin over there
  9. yes i know it's an old topic, just puttin my 2 cents in :thumb: btw, doesnt it say earlier in this post that postin the JJFP logo wont break any copyright laws? update me on the status
  10. sorry 2 bring up old topics, but mine is like 100, lol. all the songs from this site, plus all of Homebase, Code Red, and most of Rock The House and And in This Corner. of course, that was 4 years ago and i bought the JJFP albums as soon as i found them all in stores, so i dont feel guilty :werd:
  11. i'd buy one if it's not the gay lookin sleeves thats posted. i'm not sure if i'd wear it 2 school real often cuz i'd get dirty looks, but i'd still wear it. another thing is i dont wanna be a walking web address everywhere i go, but i understand that tim gotta promote his site. so yes, i'd buy one but im not sure how often i'd wear it. maybe once every 2 weeks or so.
  12. ahh ur adding on 2 it so now i have 2 go thru it again 2 c the stuff i missed
  13. uhhh, why would you expect 980,000 after three weeks? sales r fine how they r now, dont panic
  14. thanx, i like seein what went down b4 i rejoined
  15. In much on the US, school is out this week... this is true, i'm out this whole week also. and just cuz he's one of the admins over there doesnt mean he doesnt go 2 school.
  16. look in the "how 2 become a potna" post, a couple of people, i specifically remember 10th Prince, had the original verison. it has a different cover with a red background.
  17. the most popular version is the 1988 Extended Remix which has an extra verse and the 1st 2 verses are reworded. this version was done in 1988 after parents just don't understand and nightmare on my street and is released on the Jive version of Rock The House which was apparently released after He's The DJ
  18. see? that's the kind of attutide i like 2 see!! :julie:
  19. http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/inde...opic=3102&st=14
  20. it's in the Rare Videos post in the former "Too Damn Hype" now called "Jazzy Jeff + Fresh Prince" board
  21. yeah but just go over there and read the first page. there's topics like "is ne1 herre 13 n a boi lol" and other stuff i cant even understand
  22. thats ok cuz u host a webspace and let us put all these great live performances up! Am I missing something here? my bad, it's a potnas thing, dont mean 2 make u feel bad
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