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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. yeah i was over there right now, wsstaff is workin his butt off, but all the good topics are off the first page. the first page is filled with utter and complete crap. thats ok tho, i wasnt plannin on spendin much time there
  2. thats ok cuz u host a webspace and let us put all these great live performances up!
  3. yeah the problem with boards like takin it to the top was that they hardly got any posts. just post anything non JJFP related here such as discussions about ol skool rappers, lol
  4. i'm bringin the male strippers!!!! <---:juskiddin:
  5. I just read on the mtv page that they did Men in black, gettin jiggy and summertime! btw the show named "MTV Base 100th LIVE!" is going to be shown on MTV the 20th of May ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! So watch it! even in the US too?!?!?! that's great!! that's a month away tho, so don't let us 4get!
  6. wow y'all never heard of Rakim? he's dope!! he's not my fav tho, he's 2 serious 2 me. his voice always sounds 2 calm and laid back. he never makes like party trax (from what i've heard) that get u real hyped, but he has great rhymin skillz.
  7. yeah when i was 13 i wrote my own HTML website and i got (and still do) get offers 2 build websites 4 companies! i can believe it. when i was 13 people were sayin how good my webmasterin skillz were. i'd love 2 be that guy tho bein able 2 contact Will n stuff!
  8. u da man!! i've never seen this video b4! it's great!!
  9. well it was between my 2 fav movies: Bad Boys and Enemy of the State. Enemy of the State doesn't make since tho. as some have said already, how would the story continue? i think Bad Boys and MIB could have sequels, but since MIIB was a dissapointment and BBII mightve even been better than the first, i chose Bad Boys. Will and Martin 2gether r hilarious, u can't go wrong!
  10. wow funny! reminds me of AJ. i could see him doin that face
  11. hey guys u dont gotta say it out in front of everybody. just vote and write some notes about what worked and what didn't cataboy: i liked the cadillac/tonka comparison and the more chocolate than Willy Wonka and the Kanye/Richard Simmons workout comparisons! fan4ever: i liked the cook your ego line and the "skillz 4 battle" train and the dangerous to play with, like acid line! good job 2 both emcees! :thumb:
  12. damn i really really really need 2 get this :bang: :bang: :bang:
  13. that's the Original version of GANBT!! the GANBT we've come so used to hearing is actually the 1988 remix. the only place u can find this original version is on the single or the original version of Rock The House!
  14. i also love the track. when B2R first came out i was so addicted 2 it. i don't listen 2 it as much anymore however. i think it could've been a little longer with a second verse, but it's still great and it has timeless lyrics 2 go along with it.
  15. The remix's beat is too simple. No scratching... it's just a beat. Also, part of it is that Will glides the original's beat much better. The tempo also suits his words much better. It's that... "I'm cool with it, but I'm still goingt to talk about you" beat. Are you guys saying that if it came down to a choice between the two for a spot on the album, you'd rather have the remix version over the original... blasphemy!!! :kekeke: theres plenty of scratching MaxFly you just havent heard it.. it starts off with jeff scratching a lot.. with the sample "clap ya hands to what hes doin" then during the chorus he puts in samples off get back..lean back..drop it like its hot and summertime.. u prob cant hear it properly cause westwood n jjfp is talkin over it No, I heard the scratching in the beginning, which is great. You're right Tim, there is quite a bit there. What I mean is that the beat that Will rhymes over in the first verse is pretty simple (there are plenty of places where a little hesitation scratching could have improved on what is already there). Don't get me wrong, it's great for a remix, no doubt, and the switch to dirt off your shoulders (love that Timberland beat, killed it when the black album came out), lean back, and then summertime is cool. But neither the initial beat, nor any of the subsequent beats really fit with the lyrics and the flow as well as the original. That's not to knock the remix, but the original is so much better in this respect. It's like I said earlier, though some people will genuinely like the remix more, I think that there are people who just like the fact that JJ is on it. I must ask this again, if you guys had a choice between having only the remix or the original on the album, would you really choose the remix? It's not that serious, but the original is my second favorite track on the album, so I just had to ask. i'm actually not sure if i would choose the JJ remix, but the reason i like it is cuz the original is gettin old now and this is fresh and new and that's just what i'm feelin. right now i like the JJ remix better. if i had 2 choose right now, i'd choose the JJ remix, but overall, after a couple months, i'm not sure what i'd choose. i'd have 2 hear the whole remix first (like there's any chance it'll actually be released)
  16. that what i was thinkin 2. but surprisingly, 90% of the people r really nice and agree that the last board sucked and they think it's time 4 a change. i was pleasantly surprised when i went over there. however, i don' t think i'll be spending 2 much time over there cuz this is the ultimate board and i dont have enough time 2 invest in 2 different boards.
  17. :werd: I'm with you on this one Tim! I already have the R&B remix on the Switch single! And the Remix with Elephant man isn't that dope! They could have put Coming To The Stage, We Won't and Chosen One on the cd instead! :werd: i totally agree. switch is one of the poorer tracks on Lost & Found, it doesnt need 2 be on there 3 times!!
  18. hey Will's my favorite actor and rapper. i'm realistic tho, i don't care if i ever get 2 meet the man in life. sure, it would be cool, but i'm thankful 4 what he's given me already and i just hope he continues 2 release more quality albums and movies 2 make me laugh and continue 2 have a good time. i also agree with the people who said he's very busy, because he is. especially right now heading the 46664 foundation, touring, and don't 4get he's got a TV show 2 produce and about 5 or more scripts sittin on his desk as well as TV appearances.
  19. welcome! u definitely look like a huge fan!
  20. i dunno. if we're sayin it's gonna be bonus stuff, i don't really think most of the people on that board deserve somethin like that. i doubt it will be anything spactacular. maybe just some pics of Will and the Switch video or somethin
  21. i think WillyWood works fine, afterall Will did use it in his rhyme so there's nothing corny about it.
  22. thanx Sandy! i really wish i could've seen it myself!
  23. yeah i hope they would AJ. believe me i only put 6 tracks and they're low quality so i'm not givin 2 much away
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