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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. i believe those r just homemade CD's that he made from stuff he downloaded off the internet. i do the same thing.
  2. well the only track i haven't heard in full is Don't Fight The Feeling and that new one called Chosen One. all the others r just remixes from singles and i don't have time 2 list them all btw, u can listen 2 Sky Is The Limit somwhere on this forum!
  3. yup, i double checked and that's the name of the first episode. don't know why it's so big :confused3:
  4. that's all the JJFP i got! i'll start puttin up the Will Smith vids now
  5. way to complete ur collection bigwillfan! i think you'll be a potna in a matter of time :thumb:
  6. i always like FPOBA since like 1999 when i first discovered it. then i discovered that Will's new album Willennium was comin out and i saw a documentary of him on MTV about him and his new album and it sounded good so i got it. i loved it so then i got BWS and continued to be a huge FPOBA fan. after that, i discovered Tim's website and that JJFP existed so i got He's The DJ as my first album. it just kept growin from there. i got all the JJFP albums and saw most of Will's movies. i think i've been a fan for 5-6 years now
  7. i believe that's the alternate name for the first episode. most people call it the pilot episode, but the real name is the Fresh Prince Project if i remember correctly from my FPOBA season 1 dvd
  8. but i dont want to delete ALL my cookies. guess i'll have to go in my temp files and dig it out
  9. Parents Just Don't Understand comin next are Will videos like Gettin' Jiggy, Just Cruisin' and more
  10. well my guess is those videos are either in avi format or mpg format. there are ways to compress them to make them smaller and still preserve the quality. i use windows media encoder myself.
  11. congrats!! always fun 2 read ur posts and find the news way u come up with of spellin things! it cracks me up!
  12. hey willreign u look about as goofy as ur posts sometimes. i guess that explains alot! :kekeke:
  13. i wouldn't mind, and i think other members would like it, but clear it up with tim first cuz when we first posted the audio and video, people stole it and threw it around the internet.
  14. i have the version that Da Brakes recorded off tv, but it's not as good of quality probably as the one's u download online. i don't really care about havin' it tho cuz i've seen it plenty of times
  15. hey check here 2 c what videos haven't been posted http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=3102 i already got Summertime. here's the ones i'm missin i thinK The Things That U Do Brand New Funk Freakin It 1,000 Kisses Nod Ya Head (Original & Remix) Switch (but i'm not sure we want 2 post that yet)
  16. thanx guys, i appreciate the love! Tatyana Ali ft. Will Smith - Boy You Knock Me Out
  17. way 2 go guys! 2 bad it wont even let me vote ONCE now! arrgh! :ali:
  18. Oops. I did. Sorry. :confused3: hehe, that's ok cuz like u said, Columbia did a better job where u live, but that wasn't the case for most other places!
  19. thanx, i'm a pretty good spanish student in the classroom but when u have to apply it in real life, it's a lot harder than u think man this is crazy, Will is 4th with only 7%. yet everytime i go there and look at the top of the page to see what's now playing, i see Will's name. yesterday it was Will2K, today it's Switch. at least he's gettin airplay on mtv over there
  20. yeah people r gettin confused, we're not sayin the song is about his ex-wife, we're analyzing one line of the song to try and figure out what it's about anyways that line is actually from Swagga
  21. hey Siddarth, it's really cool 2 have some1 from India. that might be a first here! good luck finishing off your JJFP collection, Homebase is one of the best, but the others have a lot of good 2 offer!
  22. heres the problem: it only lets me vote 1 time now. i think i have 2 wait a couple of hours in between each vote :mad8:
  23. fascinating pics guys! :thumb: here's the newest one of me. sorry it's so big, i was 2 lazy 2 scale it down! caption: dude, i got a car!!
  24. sorry don't have the full version of Freakin' It! mtv only has clips of it. i'll search 4 Angie's vid but if u already know a site where it's at, tell me now! right now i'm encoding Tatyana Ali's video and i might be able 2 get it up here 2day.
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