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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. here it is 2point: Voices That Care ur lucky i remembered :thumb:
  2. why do we always have to dwell on negativity?? oh well, that's ok, u guys have fun
  3. dang u some of u guys make me feel bad 4 the collection i have :tear:
  4. Voté, pero Big Will es numero tres a la momento. Todas, voten! (sorry my espanol sucks)
  5. funky fresh, they were talkin about the line "lawyers were bleeding me". we know the song is about Michelle, but we were just tryin 2 figure out why Will had lawyers were on him, cuz he didnt say that it was because of Michelle. it could've been from his ex-wife or RRC. i think it's pretty clear what the song is about, all u have 2 do is read the lyrics if u cant get the picture from the song.
  6. wow that's surprising considering Mr Niceguy is one of my least favorite trax on L&F! btw, was i the one who thought the voting process on that site was really odd?
  7. keep votin guys, Will is only behind by 5!
  8. yeah!! that's great, now we need 2 translate this digital success (billboard, itunes) to radio/tv success! those stupid DJ's ain't lookin at what's hot!!
  9. yeah i've got Tatyana's video on my Boy You Knock Me Out (thanx 2 AJ 4 findin it for me) and i'll copy it 2 my comp sometime Mr 2Point: yeah it only stays up for 7 days. keep buggin me about it and i'll get it up again!!
  10. yeah i finally heard it 2, but u can't even really hear the word "bitch". it sounds more like "back up bi..."
  11. Jonny, there's a scroll down menu right under the top 10 list. u go 2 that scroll down box and find Will's name, then click vote :thumb:
  12. yeah it wont let me vote anymore. i guess i'll have 2 wait it out a little. when does this vote close? we need Will 2 wiN!!
  13. dang that's sad that JJFP albums didnt get released over there. what kind of music does India get today? is Will's new album released over there ?
  14. i voted 7 time!! everybody VOTE now! after u vote and see the results, hit the refresh button. it will tell you it cant refresh without resending the information. u say "YES" resend information and thats the easiest way 2 vote more thanx once! i did it 7 times before it told me i couldnt vote anymore. every1 do that now!!!
  15. yeah and Scary Story and Ms. Holy Roller . Will's always been tellin stories man! wake up! :ali:
  16. Summertime comin' in half an hour!!
  17. Just Cruisin' i might be able 2 put up more vids later after i get home from school. enjoy!
  18. :werd: i'm not as big of a movie fan. i don't watch very many movies, and i don't like FP as much in movies then music. that's just me tho. i tend 2 be a guy that can't sit down for 2 hours of my life just 2 watch a movie unless i'm really bored
  19. yeah this idea was put on the board a long time ago and pretty much no1 (including me) thought it was a good idea and apparently FP doesnt think so either.
  20. ahh i see. i thought it was just a regular mic, i'm not familiar w/ condenser mics. hee's somethin i found just surfin around 2 give u an idea.
  21. i voted again. Will is right close now, but we need 2 push him over the top so keep votin!
  22. nice review! they even linked 2 tim's site 4 the lyrics
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