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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. most of the people at the bottom don't play the game, they are just registered to play it but dont feel like keeping up with it. except for Chief, who is usually on everyday but not today for some reason. i can assure you that chief will come back and attack you and you most likely will come out on the bad side of it.
  2. a one hit wonder is an artist that makes one really good song that everybody knows and likes and then that artist just disappears or nobody likes any of their other muisc. in other words, they're thought of as being a fluke for only making one good song and the rest is trash. so MJ would definitely not be a one hit wonder. he's made many hits, not just 1.
  3. Before, people weren't checking to see if others were signed on anonymously. When Snoopygal did it to you, you were surprised because you realized that you hadn't seen her name as logged on. Now, people are checking who is signed on and if there is anyone signed on as anonymous, and as a result, people will be less likely to take out large sums of cash while someone is anonymously signed on. It doesn't matter if they know it's you or not, they just know that someone is online who could potentially take their money. Before, people weren't thinking like that... now, people are more careful... ok, well it doesn't matter to me if their taking out large sums or not because they never do when i'm online and i don't have time to be spying on people for large amounts of time. i brought up the whole anonymous thing like a week ago so what i said today shouldn't affect anything. besides, i think there's always gonna be somebody online when you are, you just have to make your transactions quick.
  4. i dont get what was wrong with saying i've done it, the method still works. if i'm on anonymously people still won't see me, so what does confessing it take away from me? it's not like i log on and study people gold counts, refreshing the page every 20 seconds, waiting for someone to take gold out of the bank. i don't have enough time for that my friend, i've got a life too.
  5. you're claiming you invented this strategy? i actually thought Snoopygal did... but yeah whenever i log on to this board from school or on another comp i do it anonymously so watch out
  6. i heard it's pretty weak. my friend put it in my cd player and all the beats are pretty good and they bump in the car. however with this new bay area music movement i'm afraid E-40 is starting to make too many club tracks with no substance instead of remaining underground which he is the king of. i've never been a huge E-40 fan so i'm not gonna check it out any further.
  7. I see, and do share with the others! i dunno if i wanna do that yet but if they come at me with tips and theories pending that they havent been evil to me i could probably help them a little
  8. lol its not much of a secret to me
  9. I'm not married, but I get plenty of p*ssy from your mom. :lolsign: sorry, i was thinking to highly of you snatch i'm just waiting for my day of doom to come :chuks:
  10. True, true... but of course, vague statements are not lies. It truely is amazing what 49 spies and some killer stats get you. ok.... what does countless hours spent all night formulating a way to win a internet game get you?? no p*ssy from your wife!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  11. I don't really know, I destroyed his weapons and armor. lol, he was moving around a lot of money when I attacked, maybe he was trying to upgrade. Or perhaps he sold it after the attack to try and rebound. Or perhaps I really am ~that~ good. i do not buy that answer 1 bit Schnazz and i hope you know that lying about it doesnt keep me from knowing the truth.
  12. Schnazz, o great sir, please enlighten me on a couple of things then will you? after all i dont have the same understanding of the game as you do 1) you have completely wiped out all of Chief's weapons 2) you can't sabotage sentry or spy weapons 3) my intelligence files indicate that Chief had multiple spy and sentry weapons care to explain how you did that when its not possible?
  13. well i hope what your doing is legal Schnazz cuz if its not ur in big trouble. how can you totally wipe out his gold reserve? doesn't seem legal or you've found a glitch in the game
  14. :lolsign: Chief well i will be online in 6 hours waiting for my "rain of destruction" :rofl: so Snatch, how many people have actually decided to pay u yet?
  15. wow that website is pretty good and the banner is dope!
  16. it's not like Will's the only rapper who doesn't release all of his tracks. lots of musicians record 40 tracks for a 15 track album and they dont release a lot of them either. the reason why they don't bring it out is because they don't like it. if it didn't make the album cut, Will probably feels it isn't what he's capable of doing and people won't like it.
  17. yeah i was thinkin about Camp Lo, but how big of a hit was Luchini? its their most known for song, but was it really a hit in the US? i dunno i didnt listen to rap back then. but anyways if u listen to Camp Lo's other stuff they are just as good as they were in that track and Ted i wouldn't consider either of Tatyana Ali's singles "hits". i don't think either of them were ever in video rotation or played on the radio that much.
  18. i'm just shaking in my boots waiting for big daddy Snatch to put a hurtin on me but so far i've come out dissapointed.
  19. yes, you tried payback 2 times on me today and 4 times yesterday, all of which were unsucessful. why would you say such stupid things when you can't back them up? taking lessons from snatch, eh?
  20. hecka heads online... anyone wanna go to the chat room?
  21. i'm not saying Born To Reign is a terrible album, but Maybe is definitely one of the worst tracks on it i have to say. we all said will shouldn't try to be a singer and this is one of the tracks that shows why IMO
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