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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. i still am not following... i just wish Snatch would inflict this ever so hurtful death on me. hurt me big daddy!!
  2. you know, actually, he probably can attack me because his force isn't 2 times more than mine, but what kind of damage is he gonna inflict that other people don't? they already take all of my money anyways.
  3. you're right, in a game where attacking people does damage, i cannot fathom how you can do damage to me when you can't attack me. that's just my common sense working sorry i don't have 3 weeks to sit in hotel rooms on my computer to think about how you're gonna do this so quit ya s*** talkin and do it already tough guy
  4. dude u ain't even a player in the game. army size has nothing to do with the weapons u buy or the damage u do really, just how much gold u earn. start talkin when u get to the top five cool guy.
  5. wow like i'm gonna pay u money. go stick that idea up yo ass. bring the pain.... oh wait, u can't attack me.
  6. im with Max, i don't like way u came at me like u owned me. nobody owns me b****!
  7. who the **** does this n**** think is he tellin me to pay up like he owns me?? get outta here with that talk man. why is Julie an exception? dang, i was gonna log on at school today and try to bank some of my money, but i couldn't. turns out i should've :rofl: oh yeah and about the time thing, i actually think there is a balance required to it. i think if you spend too much time on it you overthink your decisions and waste your money instead of spending it. when you don't go on enough of course you get robbed.
  8. hah, mercenaries are such a waste of money.
  9. first off, wow! i don't wanna bash anybody cuz i'm not in the mood to do that. i'm just gonna say what i think straight and to the point. "Maybe" is probably the worst track Will's ever done (Willow is a player is close in that race) and i don't like a single aspect of that song. there, i'm done :wiggle:
  10. lol, i can't even steal all that gold that you have laying around because my army is too small. i assume that was your plan tho.
  11. KJ-52 - It's Pronounced Five Two (the album)
  12. if u swingin by the bay area let me know man
  13. yo happy birthday Jonny! i know ur enjoyin it right now too! :kekeke:
  14. yeah the cash will be lying around for a little bit, my video and sound cards are both being replaced on my comp, i'm using an old crappy comp right now. also i'm leaving for a family birthday gathering in a little so the cash will be floating around plenty, if u can get it :lolsign:
  15. why do people have to attack me right before i come on? does this happen to any1 else? i just lost a bundle of gold 3 minutes b4 i logged on to bank it, and its happened many times before this too
  16. that review u gave really got me hyped up! i didn't even know it came out yet! i will have to check it out, but it might be a while before i get it. i just bought some cd's last weekend and i literally have no money at all right now.
  17. Ok. You live in California so I thought that ain't is used reguraly by US ppl. it is used by i dont have all the definitions memorized and i dont feel like thinking about all of them but if there's somethin u need help understanding then post it and i will help you
  18. yeah u got it. So ain't have more meanings than your two examples.
  19. i know what Turntable is sayin. if you take any adult and ask them this question, the answer will probably be Summertime. but if you ask any teenager, they will more likely say Gettin Jiggy or MIB. trust me there's references to gettin jiggy wit it all the time and everyone has seen MIB. i think alot of teens know about Summertime too, but not as much as that about about GJWI and MIB in conclusion, it's probably Summertime.
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