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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. the way MaxFly built up his army is by wisely spending his money in the beginning and getting a strong defense and getting to the #1. now that he's #1 and has a good defense, it's not that easy for others to get his money cuz he defends most attacks, which gives him more money to get even stronger. not to mention i'm his cash cow, givin up about 40 or 50k every mornin to him when he's up and i'm still sleepin (time zone differences)
  2. Oh, that's under handed! Anything that deceitful must be MaxFly. surprisingly it's not MaxFly. i won't name names here but it's the person who posted above me
  3. tim, are we allowed to log in as invisible to play this game? i know of one user that's doin it. it makes it so u think you're safe because no one is online and then they rob ya blind... haha. i didnt know if u approved of it or not so i wanted to ask ya
  4. hmm, this philosophy is very interesting. may have to give it a try. i suppose i'll have to get used to sleeping in a chair but i think i can do it.
  5. it's not in stores. u gotta buy it from www.cdbaby.com/cd/KelSpencer it's a good price, only $9.98
  6. i have a question for you guys: am i a cash cow? :lolsign: i can't help it i gotta sleep and go to school so i can't monitor my gold all the time and i make a fair amount of money. fortunately i've built up a good defense but the top ranked players still cash in on me :lolsign:
  7. i don't read (you know, i'm too cool 4 that) but the best book i have ever read was "Nathan's Run" by John Gilstrap. i recommend it.
  8. :word: Will collabing with Mos Def, Talib, or Common would all be dope
  9. Lyric from song: 'I ain't got no more worries'. For me your explanation don't mach:( I think correct it should be: ' I don't have no more worries', yes? yeah u got it.
  10. another old topic brought up for no reason. i thought we were gonna stop talkin about 50 cuz this is a Will board right? topic closed.
  11. 1) your already on thin ice from past incidents 2) we dont bring back old topics, especially ones that have no use. by bringing this topic back up you just incouraged more people to hate on 50 even tho we already stopped posting in this thread 2 months ago. this topic is closed, and Tim will have to decide what to do with you
  12. Wes never claimed his attack strength was good and still doesnt know why Max's defense can't ward off most attackers, but whatever cuz this isn't the right topic
  13. Wes wonders what possessed Max to attempt a sabotage on me and get one of his spies executed. Max should know not to mess with Wes
  14. Wes says thats ok, Wes doesn't want you to be obliged into joining the chat room. Wes also wonders why the #1 ranked player can't defend attackers well. this gives Wes hope in a future attack of MaxFly
  15. Wes states that he will enter only under the protection of MaxFly
  16. yeah you're right about wanna and gonna. y'all means you all, or you guys.
  17. wes wonders what the hell that last statement is supposed to mean
  18. Wes says "oh no, not Trey again" and quietly exits the chatroom before trey enters
  19. Wes would like to know if anyone wants to join him in the chat room
  20. Wes finds this ammusing but doesnt know if he can keep it up for the whole day
  21. Jonas please, Wes was attacked 12 times in the last 6 hours losing approx. 81,000 in gold
  22. why would you play the game then? u wouldnt sign up to the game and be ranked low with no attack weapons for a reason unless you're unsmart, which you are not. i see past your lies Schnazz, its all strategy.
  23. ^^^ thats one of their best songs Jonny Little Brother - Say It Again
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