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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. I have one... backhanded Chief with it a little earlier... Good entertainment. i'll definitely have to get one when we reset. its kinda funny, tim is resetting at 3pm my time and i get out of school at 3:04, so u know i'll be racing home as fast as i can today after school :lolsign: i just defeated Chief too. too bad the sucker was only worth 94k oh yeah and tim, what way are u gonna keep the money gain in the new game? when you first made the modifications, it was money gain per 10 minutes and now it's back to 30 minutes.
  2. damn the game just got good, why we gotta reset now? i was saving up for a hand of god but i guess i'll just throw that out the window if it doesnt matter anymore
  3. yeah at first i didnt even realize how much FFS had i thought it was just 202400 but after i got it all i was like WOAH! merry christmas to me!!
  4. i feel really sorry for fresh from sofia, i just stole 2,024,017 cash money from him.
  5. i love tim's description of the future bank, "we rip you off"
  6. i dont think it should reset, it just started getting interesting
  7. i guess this hasn't gone over very well, but thats ok, i cant expect everybody to like bay area rap
  8. any info about when the game ends and a new one starts or anything like that? btw i like the modifications!
  9. yeah there were a couple rare ones in there, thanx 4 sharin AJ!
  10. hey tim can u break down the new additions to the game? i'm assuming cash money is equivilent to gold. whats up with the vacation mode and how does it work?
  11. i totally agree. i have no problem if Kel Spencer is in people's top 10 cuz he's dope. i'm just saying, compared to all the legends around that have been doin music for a long time and keep in mind we're talking about singing too not just rapping, i wouldn't expect Kel Spencer to make everybody's top 10.
  12. thanx 4 reminding me, gonna try and catch it tonight
  13. And yet, Tim's been online and didn't take money from neither Joe, Julie, nor me. He and Wes need to work out their differences... I don't know how that started... basically how it started was Tim saw i had some gold and attacked me and took it claiming that he is part of NO alliance. i don't know how tim and max can be allied when Tim just said he is aligned with nobody and will take gold from anybody. i don't have a problem aligning with tim if he agrees to it but he hasnt said that
  14. ok i can live with that roster except for Tim. if he agrees to be in the alliance than its cool, but they way he made it sound last night was that he wanted no part of an alliance, so u'd better PM him and get the full scoop on whether he's in or out.
  15. I don't trust Max, I don't think it was an "accident" that he attacked you.... But, as long as he doesn't start attacking or sabotaging me, I can stay from going after him... Joe's my favorite cash cow, but all good things must come to an end... Down with Chief and Hero! Are you kidding me? Tim and I formed The Alliance from the start. He brought Schnazz in, not the other way around, then you'd feign to have me kicked out of my own alliance; one that I helped found and name. I wish I still had the PMs between Tim and me to prove this once and for all. What madness is this? Not only that, but subtle threats from Schnazz? This is almost too much... Lets make things clear... Schnazz, you're out of the Alliance, not the other way around. I'd be damned if I left the Alliance only to have you take it over and fulfill your dream of calling it the Schnazzy Peppers. Wes, I'm still trying to figure out who made you and Schnazz the leaders, but you're skating on thin ice right now aligning yourself with Schnazz and making decisions for Julie and Joe without their approval. Prince has been attacking Julie and I've promised her retribution, and I'm sure Joe would rather stick with the team. So everyone who wants to leave The Alliance, get to stepping... and do it quickly. Moreover, Schnazz has admitted to constantly attacking one of our Alliance members, and you think that member is simply going to forgive when he's been "a cash cow" for Schnazz? I don't think so. Correction... You are on our side, Tim and mine, not the other way around... However, it seems that you would rather align yourself with someone who's been attacking our Alliance members... (Schnazz). Think carefully about this decision. I'm leaving the 182,264 Gold you have for you as a sign of good will. Max, how can you say that Tim is aligned with you when he just stated above that he is part of no alliance? i surely will not align with him after he attacked me and lost my trust!! the only reason i mentioned Julie and Joe was because they said they were down with the alliance already, and you said their names as part of the alliance in the link i posted for tim a few posts up the reason i thought Schnazz was in was because u mentioned his name too, and i've never had problems with him. i've never had problems with any of you guys, but u guys have problems between yourselves so i guess u guys should work that out. let me know when you have an official alliance roster damn cant trust anybody in this game
  16. for those of you that don't know, the Bay Area has it's own form of rap music and slang. similar to crunk music in the south, but this movement is getting much bigger and is known all over the bay area. mtv did a special on it and it starts out with E40, the godfather of bay rap. some of u might like it, it's basically all about street dancin and club music, and somewhat based on hip-hop. tim might like it since he likes bay area rap, the first 10 minutes are the best, so if u get bored and dont wanna watch it all, just watch the first 10 minutes, it's really interesting and gives u a perspective on how things go down over here in the bay and what kind of things i get to see everyday. here's the link, left click to watch, right click to save http://www.donedealent.net/video/my_block-...coastrydaz).wmv
  17. 3 strongest players? Max is on our side, i've spoken with him. and he thought you were too, until you decided to turn your make and make yourself an enemy!
  18. correction: down with Chief, Hero, and thePrince! if u and max can work things out it'll be cool otherwise this isnt gonna work, everybodys gotta be on the same page and working as a team
  19. I'm with you and Julie, always have been and always will be! I may have attacked Hero, but only after he sabotaged me.... you don't sabatage your allies! Schnazz, are you cool that Max and Joe are in our alliance? we need to have an understanding here so we can get together and formulate a game plan
  20. so you're saying you are officially out of the alliance then? good cuz i dont trust u anymore anyways looks like it's Me, Julie, Max and.... Joe and Schnazz, are u guys in? i see tim's reverted to his old ways teaming up with his evil buddy chief to become traitors to their once friends
  21. http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/...ndpost&p=122620 read it closely
  22. wtf tim we are part of the alliance. that was messed up. dont even try to tell me it was an accident. ur gettin it now
  23. Da Brakes & Da Ace - Partners in Rhyme
  24. it's really quite simple. rock the house came out in 87 and he's the dj came out in 88 the reason that GANBT refers to PJDU and NOMS is because if u look closely, it says "Girls Aint Nothin But Trouble (1988 Remix)" the original version of RTH that came out on champ records and word up records had the original version of GANBT which has slightly different lyrics and a different sound to it. by far, most people actually listen to the 1988 remixed version of it thinking its the original. the original version is pretty rare and hard to come by.
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