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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. pump me up and so fresh are the first 2 that come to my mind
  2. this is sick y'all! i wanna tell y'all both that you did a great job on this! i will be listening to this for a while
  3. i think he meant "my bad about mixing up your name" not my bad for buying a new weapon thanks to u :lolsign:
  4. i wanna see a picture of chief, that would be quite something
  5. u have to join the JJFP chat. there's 2 rooms in the chat room, u were in the willywood chat. on the right side theres a menu where u can select which room to go in, go into the JJFP chat instead of the willywood chat.
  6. no, we're not allied, i just wanted to thank you for taking 186,000 of gold that i had plans for :wiggle: and my old name was reborn2reign, which is still what shows up on the army mod game. tim changed my name to what it is now, but the game still recognizes my old name
  7. cool imma check it out now
  8. thanks for taking nearly 200k from me Chief, love u too
  9. hmmm should i risk losing weapons, soldiers, and a battle by attacking the #1 ranked player? lol well it's all good D thanx 4 the explanation
  10. well i'm comfortable with my sexuality so i'll vote :kekeke:
  11. can u please tell me why it's so important to evaluate and compare these two totally random songs that don't even cover the same topic? 1,000 kisses is a love song about his wife, could u love me is a song to his fans, family, and friends. they dont really relavate (can that word be used like that) to each other edit: 3000th post!
  12. JJFP - I Wanna Rock (Mr. Lee's Radio Edit)
  13. no offense Chief, but why are you making a big deal out of the parent thing? i think everybody agrees with you right? so really theres no need to continue on about it, we agree with u
  14. i know a lot of people don't really follow baseball so they might not know who Kirby Puckett was, especially since he wasn't a big home-run hitter which is all that seems to make the news. Kirby Puckett was a team leader and a person who always tried his hardest at everything he did. he was an exceptional all around player, as evidenced by being inducted into baseball's hall of fame in 2001. a lot of people and kids who grew up in poverty looked up to Kirby cuz he represented the struggle to a lot of people. it's sad that he died at the age of 44, RIP Kirby Puckett
  15. dope pics Kev! u are definitely privelaged 2 get he's the dj signed by both of them!! oh and lerkot, that other guy is darnell
  16. whatever, u dont make any sense and since this thread is goin nowhere i'm closin it
  17. i might have to get this, i don't have EOS on dvd in the first place, so i might as well get the special edition.
  18. Blackilicious - Paragraph President before that it was Blackilicious - Alphabet Aerobics
  19. :lolsign: Uh, the joke's on you bigmac. i dont care, when i put you in that place its halirous :rockon: :sipread: :lolsign: :sipread: :rockon: except that you didnt put him in any place, he put u in place idiot
  20. it really depends, sometimes we go out to lunch at 2 (when the podcast starts) and i'll be back by 3:30 or sometimes we go at 4. so i'll probably just have to play it by ear and if i cant make it then i'm sure y'all will have enough people to make it happen.
  21. i might try and make this one, but sunday afternoons my family and i usually go out to eat.
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