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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. at first it was hilarious, then i realized that the father was cruel and wrong for doing what he did. that poor kid was terrified. you can call him a pussy or whatever but kids at that age can't control what they are and aren't scared of. the kid shouldn't have been taken away from his parents. hopefully this wont be a dramatic event in his life. if it affects him the rest of his life, then i guess he's just a weak-minded individual who wasnt cut out for this society, but its still sad
  2. alliance? schnazz has hyphened over 400K from me.. there is no alliance :ohdear: ouch! ok i guess the alliance fell apart... i never really knew what was going on in the first place so sorry i was unaware of it.
  3. this is a tough one. on the one hand, i have put so much time into this game to get to the point where i am. on the other hand, i feel like i have a better understanding of the game this time around and could build my army up faster and be more competitive. so i really don't have an opinion but if i had to choose it would be no.
  4. max, why do u keep attacking me when we're part of the same alliance? i accidentally attacked you yesterday and i said u could attack me back, but u did it twice. what's up with that?
  5. question: how come it costs nothing to repair a weapon? it seems like there should be some kind of consequence or catch to repair a weapon for free. am i missing something here or is it really free to repair weapons and armor? sorry max i forgot i wasnt supposed to attack you. i lost anyways, lol. you can attack me back but i'd prefer it if u didnt :lolsign:
  6. Didn't it just make you want to cry? It's almost like you don't know what to do... like you've lost a close friend... me and my dagger. actually, it would be my dagger and I max. i thought u were smart?
  7. lol, i actually had a dagger sabotaged in one of my recent attacks. the first time where i've attacked someone and gotten sabotaged. as u all can imagine, i was devastated by the loss
  8. please elaborate further...
  9. i think there is a glitch in this game, i havent been getting my customary 5k gold for the last couple of posts :hmm:
  10. it's not like he doesnt know we're after him
  11. Wes too? Is he? Wasn't in the list I was given. lol, I guess none of us really know fully who is and isn't. well see, there's kind of 2 alliances, and they both overlap. first, Schnazz recruited me and Julie and Tim (i think) to be part of an alliance to take down chief. then, Tim kinda did his own thing with Prince and MaxFly calling it the reuniting of the vigilantes, and apparently Julie has been thrown in that mix now too. so julie is kinda in between 2 alliances both working to destroy chief. the one that schnazz started kinda died so i'm willing to join whatever alliance u guys are forming, if i'm welcomed. I don't know how things went down but I sent Tim a PM about Chief manhandling the game a few days back, and then I told him that posting does affect the game. We formed the Alliance, and Julie, Schnazz, and Joe we're contacted from what I know. There's only been one Alliance. I just think that people don't know everyone who is in it, so people have been attacking others without knowing... what day was this that u contacted Tim? cuz Schnazz sent me PM's starting Thursday asking me if i wanted to join his (or at least he made it sound like it was his) alliance and that Julie and Tim were part of this alliance, however he never mentioned you or Joe. so maybe there was 2 alliances overlapped or maybe i'm just really confused, lol
  12. i like the way you think chief
  13. What do you mean? What does Tim see? tim is able to get a full ranking list of who has the most attacks, weapons, defends, yada yada yada... cuz he's the admin of the game so i guess he gets access to that stuff
  14. yeah but it never says that Kev didn't go to Manchester like Jonny did, so i just assumed. maybe i should've read the other thread more closely?
  15. They were at different shows :2thumbs: ohhhhhhhhhh, for some reason i had the impression that they were going to the same show and were gonna try to see each other there if they could. i guess i'm just crazy :stickpoke:
  16. Wes too? Is he? Wasn't in the list I was given. lol, I guess none of us really know fully who is and isn't. well see, there's kind of 2 alliances, and they both overlap. first, Schnazz recruited me and Julie and Tim (i think) to be part of an alliance to take down chief. then, Tim kinda did his own thing with Prince and MaxFly calling it the reuniting of the vigilantes, and apparently Julie has been thrown in that mix now too. so julie is kinda in between 2 alliances both working to destroy chief. the one that schnazz started kinda died so i'm willing to join whatever alliance u guys are forming, if i'm welcomed.
  17. :lolsign: i think i'll decline for the risk of embarrasing myself
  18. wait, so u took a total of 884,000 gold from Chief? thats highway robbery!! i dont think u really owe him an apology tho cuz its just part of the game. thats why people who are saving up gotta be careful that other people aren't online and lurking just waiting for someone to get a large amount of gold so they can steal it all.
  19. i dunno about AJ and Tim agreeing. AJ and Tim both listen to hundreds of musical artists, and while Kel is good, he hasn't released an album and doesn't have a record deal. he's only released like 30 of his songs to the public while other artists have released 500. i mean seriously, how can u say Kel Spencer is legendary compared De La Soul, who have proven their worth and won awards and have gone gold multiple times. i'm not saying Kel can't do that one day, cuz i think he will. but at this stage in his career he won't make too many people's top 10 list because he hasn't been around long enough to compare with those artists.
  20. that sounds fantastic guys!! cant wait to see the video. so Jonny and Kev, u guys never spotted each other even tho u both got to go backstage?
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