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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. yeah i'm with Lerkot , dkny, and Julie on this one. we know that Will is always thinkin about music and has somethin up his sleeve even if he's not directly workin on it. and Will always says his movies are busy and hasnt been workin on albums much, but you know what? he always does come out with somethin after a long wait and it's always pretty good. we know will is workin on a collab album and i know it will be good, we just gotta be patient while Will compiles it durin his free time
  2. haha, i finally got hang of this mod. i was wondering why i couldn't inflict more than like 200 damage on anybody but they could inflict like 2000 damage... i finally figured it out: buy a weapon with a strength of more than 10 :lolsign: here's a minor question: what do the covert operatives mean?
  3. yeah i think the renagade 4 life saying is pretty stupid. why would u brag about yourself if you havent even put out an album? and Jonny, i always enjoy reading your tips of the week, you probably have the best signature around here here's my tip of the week: avoid talking online to Jonny when he's drunk :lolsign:
  4. what's up with the renagade 4 life thing? is that a mock or are u bein serious? hey prince if i'm not mistaken there's an option to not view signatures in the control panel of the forum under "Board Settings".
  5. thanx tim, that was a great help!
  6. i'd much rather hear Will collab with souls of mischief or the roots than i would nelly :word:
  7. 2 years is good time gives you enough time to save up for sumthing newer. n yeh i think your right about Pimp my Ride ive only ever seen ppl who live in La on that show yeah i hope so. u know how hard it is to live on just one job paying for rent, school, gas, bills, food, and imagine a car payment on top of that?? :stars: tough times ahead my friends...
  8. yeah that's a good question tim. i have another question about the turns: what's their significance? if i use 1 turn or i use 15 turns in an attack, i don't see much difference in the outcome. what role do they play? oh and another question: does attacking stronger and higher ranked help you in any way? cuz most of the time u lose and it doesnt seem like it helps u get better like it did in the last mod. any1 know?
  9. yeah thanx tim and i think chief is right this isn't exactly the same game as on the instructions but it's close and i'm gettin the hang of it now.
  10. i dont see any place to buy new soldiers nor do i see a way to increase my soldiers in any way... maybe u just get it based on how much u play??
  11. Hey, I don't spam! And I'm 12, 13 March 21... he didn't say u spammed however u do tend to bring back old topics that dont need to be brought up
  12. happy birthday cristigolo! :gettinjiggywitit: :Party_fest09:
  13. sounds dope, i listen to some holy hip-hop now and then myself so i might wanna check that out
  14. i dont think this is better than the last mod (never been a war game freak) but its pretty good. what i dont get is how to recruit soldiers and increase army size. any help?
  15. yeah that spanish wasn't totally correct. like the cat being hungry would be tiene hambre not es hambre but thats stuff u learn after studying spanish for a while.
  16. that was a good rhyme sonic. i have a question relating to the South Dakota banning abortion. i havent read any articles or seen the news, so please forgive me if i'm wrong. but i believe u can still get an abortion in South Dakota because it's a medical procedure and no person in the US can be denied a medical procedure at a hospital. so basically, free abortions can still occur if someone walks into a hospital and doesn't have any money and says i want an abortion. just like if u walked into a hospital with a broken arm and no money, they still have to treat u cuz it's a medical procedure that they can't deny from u. plz tell me if i am mistaken and i will try to find an article (theres probably one in the caught in the middle section if i look) about it. edit: nevermind i actually found out i was wrong after finding an article about it
  17. well why people not be able to post about politics or religion? i think they have the right to post about that as long as their not attacking anybody. we are a family here but family often have different views, but that doesnt mean we have to argue and make enemies out of it. there's a right and a wrong way to have a discussion. so if someone posts about something u disagree with then u can disagree just do it in the right way (i.e. no name-calling, attacking)
  18. first let me say that i'm not getting into the argument about religion, especially since i am not sure of my exact religion (however i am sure of god) but i just want to say that tim was right on, Lerkot has just as much of a right to post about lack of religion as anything else. and other people have the right to disagree, but that doesn't mean personal attacks are allowed! that **** was just immature by some other members and Lerkot u should know that some people are gonna take a topic and turn it from a debate into a bashing argument, but i guess that's ur choice. as long as u know what ur in store for then i guess u can do that and i'll just sit back and chuckle a bit at it :kekeke:
  19. he's 12 o.O! :wiggle: that explains alot :kekeke:
  20. chill the **** out man. im gonna request that u be banned for **** like that. the REALITY is that people have a CHOICE on whether they believe in religion or not and lerkot didnt come in here and ATTACK people for not agreeing with his opinions like u just did to him. if u dont agree with him all u gotta say is u didn't agree with it like i did. i agree with u i am religious and have been to church but ur obviously a 12 year old who needs to MATURE a little bit b4 u come postin on this board. damn. ever heard of freedom of speech and expression?
  21. it was a song written from the heart, however i dont agree with a single word of it.
  22. i thought it might be that, but when i looked at the newest member it wasnt lazyboi. but thanx 4 clearin it up 4 me
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