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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. not on topic but i love your sig tim, Times Ain't Fair is one of my fav SOM tracks
  2. that's too bad cuz i dont have any time for the arcade anymore
  3. so $50 plus $5 shipping. i think i can spare $55 but i'll have to see what my dad says about me spending that money over his paypal account. hopefully i can work somethin out with him!
  4. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thanx 4 sharing!
  5. nice, i love it! i just got Season 2 last night so i still need to watch all of those episodes. looks like there were some negative comments about the cover on the link Brakes posted. wave em off.
  6. how bout if 50 stops his obsession with beefing with other artists so we can stop our obsession with bashing him so you can stop your obsession with coming in here with bogus comments defending him and you can start obsessing with Will Smith posts like most people on this board or we will obsess on bashing you too as well
  7. if u can't take the 50 bashing then don't open the topics. i don't bash on 50 that much but he certainly deserves it. he gives us no reason to stop hating him.
  8. i dunno what 2 think. is 50 saying this to start beef with Kanye? or to make his foes seem like he's interested in politics when he's not? :shrug: i doubt 50 even cares that much about hurricane Katrina, but i could be wrong
  9. does not apply, i'm still a virgin have you ever gotten in a fight and lost really bad and got the crap beat out of you?
  10. that's true Joe, but i think Max's point is that 15 years ago we never thought a cell phone could be useful like it is today and have us racking up huge bills for them. the potential is there for PVP's to go big in the next 10 years. however, i agree with your point also that cell phones have a very useful purpose in case of emergencies and portable video players can't compare with that. who knows, they'll probably have satellite and pay per view on portable video players in 10 years.
  11. i swear i think one of those shootings gave 50 brain damage. some wires got crossed in there cuz his thinkin is outrageous. he doesnt know why people think he's negative and he doesnt understand how a gun on his billboard can be violent. somebody slap me silly :paperbag:
  12. Nope How young were you when you first got drunk or high?
  13. well it's a waste of my money. like Jonny said, i don't ever find myself in a spot where i think "damn i wish i could watch a video right now". it's expensive and i wouldn't ever utilize it. i suppose it could be handy for those videos you dont want your parents to know you have! :rofl: maybe Kanye West should get one of those and have his entertainment with him all the time :lolsign: but seriously, the screens are so small that you can't see clearly whats going on. no thanx i'll stick to my television. the only way it'd be useful to me and worth my money is if they make one that has satellite reception or something so u can see live TV and catch events that you may be missing because you're out somewhere. but who cares about just movies or videos? i don't
  14. Happy 5th Birthday Willow! man it must be cool to be able to have your birthday on the same day as Holloween!
  15. thats really fresh man!!! no pop ups or anything and the layout/template is dope!!
  16. Sure you can Tim..."Fight Fight" anyone?? :lolsign: :rofl: :rofl:
  17. i can already tell that the pic lerkot made isn't the right size. all album covers are perfect squares, meaning they're demensions should be the same. the pic lerkot posted had dimensions of 411 x 382, which is slightly rectangular. unfortunately i dont know the exact dimensions nor do i know how to use photoshop, but i do know that the first step of your image is that it should be a square so it fits in the jewel case properly.
  18. well i think the majority of people on here are american but i see your point. this board however represents american music, that was my main point. i will revise my last post.
  19. maybe my assumption of you being close minded was that: an assumption. but u sure act like it. i hope u know what it means. it sucks that ur life hasn't had any miracles happen to you, no wonder u sit on the computer all the time and write outrageous things. maybe u r living a boring life. i find it funny that Lerkot likes to criticize the American ways like in movies and lifestyles and stuff, yet he's here on this forum listening to american music and criticizing it at the same time. yeah, i'm sure the bible isn't real then, huh? a bunch of fags just wrote that to corrupt the minds of humans right Lerkot? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  20. it's not a definite answer. i'd listen to it if i liked it and if i didn't i probably wouldn't listen to it. Be honest, do you or don't you hate the birthday posts where you have to say an uncaring happy birthday just to be nice?
  21. wow lerkot, you might be one of the most close-minded teenagers i've seen. how are u going to learn and form your own views of things if u don't look at them equally? people who are close minded in aspects of life (music and religion in your case... who knows there might be more) will never experience happiness or amount to anything u don't think that things happen 4 a reason? hasn't anything good ever happened 2 u that was a like a miracle to u and u wondered why it happened? lol i think Lerkot just likes going against the grain
  22. thanx guys! it didnt really feel like my birthday cuz i had 2 go 2 practice and i had lots of homework but i should be able to properly celebrate it this weekend!
  23. great interview Tim!! thanx 4 sharing. u may want 2 revise that article cuz i found about 10 or so errors while i was reading it
  24. the White Sox winning the world series on FOX
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