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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. it was a great album that i had the experience of listening to and that's all that matters at the end. yes it was a success.
  2. wow it's good to finally see something of Will's released in a timely manner!
  3. when is/was this released? i gotta get my hands on it!
  4. the problem is you probably had to download that font and the people viewing your site haven't downloaded it. it kinda sucks cuz the standard fonts get boring after a while. keep us updated about your site tho.
  5. according to my research they're both 18. i cant picture bow wow being 18 tho. he looks more like 16 and ciara looks more like 20.
  6. on school nights i go to sleep at 11 and wake up at 7. on weekends i go to bed between 12 and 2 and wake up around 10 or 11. What would be your dream vacation?
  7. See I don't think people are going to accept that as a scientific theory. We cant understand life its too complex therefore God exists.. its like God is beyond imagination, we cant imagine God. Therefore God exists. The argument in intelligent design is of a spiritual nature, not a scientific one.. just because certain scientists believe it doesn't make it any more important than someone on the street, because there is no proof.. :word: God isn't scientific, therefore i don't think this topic has a place in a science classroom
  8. thank you guys for the definition i don't think ID should be taught in Public Schools, perhaps in other religious private schools it could be tho. the problem is that Science has nothing to do with religion. while i believe ID probably did happen, i don't think it has any place in a Science classroom next to Darwin's theory of Evolution. my Biology teacher last year taught me so many times that a theory is something that can be proven, i wouldn't even call ID a theory right now cuz i don't think they can prove very well things that happened from a higher power. bottom line is that Science has to do with facts and scientific things, not religion and the authority of higher powers.
  9. wow this was such a long time ago it's kind of a diss cuz Em is telling an officer he was listening to Will Smith, meaning he was listening to nonviolent music and not making trouble. in a way it's kind of dissing Will for not being a violent rapper but it doesnt matter now cuz that was like so long ago. i was in like 5th grade when that happened haha.
  10. i'm with Jonny. please give me a "definition of terms" so i can understand what u mean
  11. i'm neutral on this situation. i feel both sides. NBA players should be able to wear jewelry, it looks good even when ur wearing a suit. players are rich so of course they're gonna own jewelry. of course i don't believe it's racist when about 90% (i'm guessing) of the league is composed of blacks.
  12. i peeped it out out myspace and it was ok. some songs had dope verses and run brought lots of energy. unfortunately almost every song sounds alike. and as i expected, some songs were so short i couldnt even get in2 them. overall i liked it tho so i'll get it
  13. the worst thing i did to a friend was get mad and rush them after they accidentally pushed me down. i got caught up in the moment and wanted to fight when they were sorry and wanted to make ammense. then the next day when i was informed they still wanted to be my friend, i did nothing and just let it be. finally a week later i apologized and we're cool now, but i think we should've apologized right on the spot. Have you ever thought about comitting suicide or doing something to take the pain away when you were in a really stressful situation in life?
  14. lol i think Jaden gets plenty of attention. just cuz he doesn't get a song dedicated to him doesn't mean he's not loved. in a way Jaden is special cuz he's the first child that Will had in his new marriage with Jada. i think Will isn't one of those father who plays favorites, i believe he loves all of his children equally.
  15. nice drawing! it's probably about as good, if not better, then i can draw :lolsign:
  16. it's official: Ultramagnetic MC's - Ego Trippin' (Critical Beatdown)
  17. yeah some tips: 1) restart your computer or 2) reinstall winamp or 3) listen to the radio through the windows media or real player links
  18. i'll give it a listen in a lil bit, i have their Critical Beatdown album so i might be able 2 tell.
  19. i think tim's server was acting up a bit. i couldn't broadcast for a while even when i was connected. it got sorted out tho after i waited a lil bit and it works fine now for me, i'm listening to Jim right now
  20. yeah i might just DJ when there's people online and nobody else is DJing and i'm not busy, like right now, so tune in! :gettinjiggywitit:
  21. DJ Big Wes is on right now spinnin 4 an hour or so
  22. if your winamp is like mine then u might have to open Winamp first. then go to the top and then File > Play URL. then type in: http://www.jazzyjefffreshprince.com:9900/listen.pls
  23. just about any kind of audio editor will allow u to "cut" music to the parts you want.
  24. i see your point Jonny. not enough people will vote on the poll to really generate a top 10. but its not my show so i'll let F2D run it the way he wants :2thumbs:
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