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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. that's exactly what i thought so that's why Turntable's post seemed wierd (well actually they all do). i'm cool tho as long as u guys are :2thumbs:
  2. yeah Outkast's first album was straight raw '94. from there on it's expanded into more creativeness, but i don't necessarily like that. i like the raw gritty stuff, just straight to the point. i will put this on the Christmas list tho, no doubt.
  3. i dunno. i love Rev Run, and his show that premiered last night was really good, props on that. but i need something that'll last with me. i mean 22 minutes is way short. i could watch a FPOBA episode and listen to Run's album at the same time and they'd finish at the same time. one of the things i like about good tracks is that they seem to last long enough so that u can fully enjoy them. when they're short, it's like "yeah its good, but i didnt even get 2 enjoy it that much". hopefully i can find it 4 way cheap.
  4. what happened to that genious IQ? :stickpoke:
  5. don't like I Can't Stop that much. chorus stinks. La Fiesta is better. Willow Is A Player might be the worst song of all time. or Maybe. it's a tie, they both win.
  6. you guys are missing the point. it's a what if game. i would be dissapointed that JJFP signed there, and i'm not sure, but i'd probably enjoy their music less. i'd be happy with some new skool sounding production, but i don't want to see Em/50 on it. i'd be happy with promotion and fanbase, but i cant imagine FP dancin with half nakes hoes in his vids. i might like the new skool flavor of some songs, but it def wouldnt be real JJFP music and i'd prolly enjoy it less than the real JJFP music i listen 2.
  7. well i'm sorry if u were kidding but if u were serious then u shouldnt even think once about that question if u were kidding then i'm sorry i misunderstood u
  8. wow this is a lil shocking. i mean i know it's quality, not quantity and if the tracks are just straight rippin verses that could be ok, but i need something that'll last me a while u know? i might wait and see until some1 else gets it and see what they say. hopefully AJ can give me a good review and i can go from there.
  9. was that a sarcastic comment because there's only 10 tracks, or did u really hear that? cuz i wanna check this album out but 22 minutes isn't saying much. actually i think ur kidding cuz that would be like the shortest record ever, but u often get inside info so i just wanna make sure b4 i go out and get it :lolsign:
  10. It's not that hard to understand really. it's just when artists switch up their style to gain wider acceptance from the mainstream fanbase. an example would be if Will went from making Tell Me Why to making Gettin Jiggy Wit It. Gettin Jiggy isn't a dumb song but the term dumbing down means songs that don't make you think, you just flow with them and don't need to think about the lyrics to them.
  11. Turntable: u might wanna consider how big of a fan u are if that post confuses you and to add about why JJ+FP records, i believe FP didn't feel like rapping since the state of hip-hop was taking a turn. i believe AJ has said many times he just didnt feel like rapping at all.
  12. the song that FuQ mentioned are great, but not all of the are by Gospel artists. here's some of the best Gospel rappers out there in my opinion: T-Bone Cross Movement Gospel Gangstaz D.C.P.
  13. thanx FuQ, that made me smile word up, virgin right here!!! I'm not ashamed. I probally wouldn't be right now but all my friends know these ugly-@ss girls. And my school isn't any better at getting good looking girls. Also, I have smoked ciggarettes and I have done weed (only once though), never got drunk, but my uncle grows grapes for people who make wine so I have drank wine, and of course at church. Finially, :word: on not suscribing to any religion, I've been baptized, but I'm more along the lines of just respecting each religion. thanx man, i guess we do have some stuff in common. it's like my parents try to make me Christian by taking me to Church every Sunday but i'm young and i just want to grow up and make my own decision. i do believe in God/Jesus tho and i have been raised with the same values that are often mentioned in the Bible.
  14. ahh i gotta hear this. i love the DJ Quik remix of Loyal To The Game but i havent heard the original version with Treach and i love Treach, one of my top 10 emcees.
  15. yeah i know. that's ok, being a genious is overrated anyways.
  16. dude i thought the meaning of life was the cosine of 33 squared... so close
  17. i think i'm gonna wait 2 weeks for my birthday so i can get it 4 free, but i will get it soon. it's pretty cool, both Suncoast Video and SamGoody are owned by the same big company as the store i work 4 so my mom can get a discount when she buys season 2 for me :lolsign:
  18. Duuude... like... what's the meaning of life? huhuhuh
  19. yeah i was lucky, i wasnt really looking 4 it, i just found it. i don't want to say that people here aren't trying cuz i'm sure they are. one of these days if i have some cash and i see it in a record store i might pick it up and put it 4 sale over here.
  20. true dat Ted i done it too (porn) and all the other teens i know have had sex. i think i'm the only virgin in the world sometimes. i admit i've sinned but at the same time, i've never smoke anything, never drank anything. i admit i've sinned and i think Kanye can do it too, but the issue for me is why is he talking about Jesus if he's a porn addict? or is his Jesus different than the Jesus i associate with? me personally, i don't suscribe to any one religion right now tho i've been raised a Christian and committed to God i've lost interest in it and i don't know what i want to believe yet. but i do know the values that were taught to me were from the bible and i do believe it's sinning and that the Jesus i believe in would call it a sin too. and tim, :word: on the rappers accepting awards thing man
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