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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. nice post. i've been having some issues in life that have filled me with some anger and outrage and this fits right up my alley. it's nice to read whether or not it may be entirely true. i still can't say that Lost & Founds sales (or lack thereof) is all Will's fault and not Interscope's but the rest was really something to think about.
  2. you're very right Sonic. i will edit my post now. i didn't word it quite the way i wanted to. i'll have to ask my parents because they know a lot about the bible. i pretty much knew porno wasnt in the commandments, but i do believe there are books in the bible where this situation is discussed. and if it's not mentioned (which i doubt) then i guess that's always just been a perception of mine that porn was a sin in the Christian bible cuz it seems like it would be, doesn't it?
  3. i think the problem is Kanye portraying himself to be different than he is. it's just as bad for 50 to portray himself to be a killer when he's soft as it is for Kanye to portray himself a religious man when he doesnt abide to certain rules of course this may not be the case as i pointed out above, i dont want to make people think that it is. unfortunately tho it does dissapoint me a little about Kanye just due to my personal opinions.
  4. Ok, at first my reaction was like whatever, it's natural, then i read smootb's post which stated: well, first off, let me say that sex with someone other than your spouse, or someone you're not married with, or pornography goes against what has been written in the Christian bible. u dead wrong homie get your facts straight BUT then i read Frenetic's post: and i realized something, maybe the Jesus that Kanye is talking about isn't the same Jesus that i usually think of. maybe he's talking about a general belief of Jesus, not a specific religion belief of Jesus. maybe it's a "black jesus" (2pac) or a general belief that God and Jesus exist like Will believes. i'd like to hear Kanye's thoughts on what religion (if any) he follows and what kind of Jesus he believes in. cuz if he believes in the type of Jesus that Frenetic suggested, than there's nothing wrong with what he did. even though **In my opinion: i don't agree with that and i think it's bogus** if that's what he believes than that's cool by me. BUT if that's his belief, than i lost some respect for the song Jesus walks cuz i thought it was more about the Jesus that we hear about in the bible than the 2pac theory of "black jesus" who understands why we sin and condones it because we all livin under stress. bottom line is it's a matter of belief, belief of what, who Jesus really is. when i first read it, i was like NO way, but then Frenetic's post enlightened me to another way of viewing it even tho i don't agree with it. i mean, Will believes along the same line, that there's a God and Jesus without believing in a religion so i can respect that. i'm not sure if Will takes it so far as saying that Jesus will forgive you for anything that you do, especially when you self conciously know it's wrong and you're a grown man. the above my take on the subject and my personal opinions were not meant to offend or hurt anybody. i'm not trying to start an argument. i know that religion can open up the door to all kinds of things, thats why i tried to choose my words carefully.
  5. yeah i'm kinda with you Kev. there's lots of big record stores over here. i'm not talking about music stores in malls or wal-marts, i'm talking like big record stores. i've seen rock the house before, used, but still it's better than nothing.
  6. i believe there was a reason that the other post was closed. this topic is so beaten to death. you both have different opinions and you're not getting anywhere. i definitely commend you for using articles and quotes as evidence, but the bottom line is that you both have different opinions and this discussion will go on forever because you guys can't come to agreement on anything.
  7. i don't use portable media for the most part. if i'm at home i either bump it on the system or bump it on the computer. if i'm on the road i bump in the car. outside of those times, i really don't listen to music. i do occasionally listen to my mp3 or cd player if i just wanna be "around the house" and listening to music or outside listening to music, but that doesn't happen very often
  8. i don't know what's wrong with Da Butta. it's not a great track but at least it's short (2:58). i'm not sure if Kim was the best, but she was ok.
  9. guess who u can thank 4 that! well i think think he'll be around that much but maybe he can at least pop in 1 or 2 times a week.
  10. yeah he comes on AOL all the time but i guess the board just isn't that important to him :damnyou: i'll talk 2 him next time i see him
  11. i think it's just an extra blooper reel at the very end but i'm not sure. 4 days away!! it's here already!! i'm not sure if i should get it or wait 3 weeks to get it free for my birthday
  12. that's cool to hear. i don't think it'll do much for sales but it's good to hear from Will every once in a while i don't think we should get our hopes up tho. just cuz he's goin on the radio doesn't mean he's gonna perform anything. most artists that go on radio just talk and MAYBE a lil freestyle, but i'm not gonna get my hopes up and expect anything huge.
  13. congrats Lerkot. haha i don't think too many people like Guys... especially after the hype that Girls... has around it, u expect more.
  14. sorry dude i ordered my cassette from amazon in like '99 when they still sold cassettes. it's amazing how rare those are these days. even 5 years ago u could find cassettes still in music stores. but yeah, try ebay (should be cheap) or even a used music store that sells tapes.... or u could get the LP if u find it if u want a real collector's item.
  15. he moved off for college about a month ago. he's been really busy and probably has limited access to computers and stuff
  16. hey tim just so u know, the radio doesn't show up on the "Micro-en" skin but it shows up on the other 2
  17. yeah it's too much of a hassle to download. the only decent program that i've found is Soulseek, but since i have Windows XP with the Service Pack update, Soulseek will totally freeze up my computer every 10 minutes because it opens up TCP ports on ur comp that Windows XP is trained not to allow. besides, when i download i usually just want a track or 2 for a mix i'm doing and i want it quick, and usually it takes a couple hours to get it so it's usually a hassle that's not worth it.
  18. the reason the cd is condensed is because the original lp ran for longer than a cd could hold. the LP had tracks that had longer endings and it had "Another Special Announcement". it's kinda cool for me to know that owning a cassette can be better than owning a cd for once!
  19. haha i took the test again and scored 122. i think thats called cheating tho! :rofl:
  20. woo hoo! i'm above average and i have the lowest score on the whole board!! lol i feel really smart right now. i actually might have been able to do better on that, but i did get kinda bored and i felt rushed since they said taking a long time will affect your score. since i didnt feel like thinking i guessed on some of the questions. that doesnt justify my score tho, i'm sure most people did that.
  21. hmm... looks like someones IQ must be pretty low if they gave this link without out taking the test first and realizing you have to PAY to get your results edit: nevermind, they sent me the free results to my e-mail address. my IQ was 105. i'm not sure how good or bad that is.
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