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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. Thanksgiving episode, Aunt Helen and Vy are arguing: Aunt Helen: Geoffrey, which one of us is more desireable? G: It's a tie, you both lose. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  2. ok thanx, i saw the cd one too, but i thought you were in the pic so i got confused. that other pic is really hard to tell that you even have a Wizards hoodie on. thanx for illustrating for us tho.
  3. interesting quote from Canibus' bio on Allmusic:
  4. here's my off topic question: how come i'll be reading posts on a specific board (i.e. Big Will) and i'll have read almost all of the new posts, then all of a sudden all the posts show up as being unread. this has only happened since you updated the board. it's annoying cuz it's my goal to always be up on the new posts and it throws me off sometimes and i have to manually mark the posts as read when i shouldn't.
  5. yeah it's sad to think of what could of been, but then again, hindsight is always 20/20. i feel sorry for people who are still pissed over this, cuz it's kinda stressing. fortunately for me, i pretty much lost in interest in Party Starter/Lost & Found when Interscope refused to release it while we were desperately waiting for it. from there, i didn't really care if Lost & Found failed or whatever cuz it totally lost my interest, i just couldn't be bothered with caring about it anymore. i remember there was a time when we were thinking that Interscope would be a lot better then Columbia, but i'm not so sure about that. this is reminding me of a line Jadakiss spit on Gang Starr's last album: "They wonder why I invest in the haze and in the dope/ Cuz right now I'm currently a slave for interscope" haha unfortunately it seems that Will is a slave for interscope too :sick:
  6. that statement is completely false. even in Europe, i doubt that Switch was bigger than 50's singles put together. other than that, i agree. my only complaint is that i feel like Lost & Found, despite of it's success, didn't really make an impact.
  7. i didn't think they were horrible. they were average
  8. thanx, they're not spactacular but they're something new. did u manage to get a hold of the international PS single already?? edit: nevermind i see where you got it from
  9. i wasn't able to see any Lost & Found cd's in those pics nor was i able to see anyone in a Wizards hoodie. can u maybe post the specific pics that youre in?
  10. is there any reason she's been away from the board? other than just being busy? it's good to know that she's doing well. :2thumbs:
  11. i'm not seeing the radio on my skin (micro-en)
  12. oh man i've gotta get a hold of one of these international singles! it's a got some remixes that i gotta have!
  13. that's a good idea. unfortunately on the day u guys did it, i didn't come on the board until after TRL had aired. maybe if u tell the board a day before everyone can have a chance to read it and we can all get to voting. as i said tho, it still wouldn't surprise me if Will didn't make it on there.
  14. does anyone think that the 1st pic might be from the Tell Me Why video? if u look closely on the chalkboard behind Will it says "life denied for loot" which is one of the lines from Tell Me Why.
  15. i think the voting program works fine. i wouldn't be surprised it mtv doesnt count all of our votes because we vote so much nor would i be surprised if they just don't want to play Will because he doesn't have hoes in his videos. i'm not sure if there's a solution to the situation, but i'm not surprised by it. bad timing on this single is mostly what made it flop.
  16. interesting article, it's nice to see someone who agrees with our points of view. i thought the Kanye bit was interesting and i agreed with most of it.
  17. WTF?! his jeans are baggy, start recognizing. i hope ur not one of those people who thinks that people have to dress a certain way to be a certain way. fake gangstas are the ones who wear oversized baggy pants off their asses and can't walk right. Will's style and fashion and style is very good right now, his jeans are loose enough, he doesnt need to act all fake gangsta and stuff. if u wear pants like this in real life because u think it makes u look cool, u should reconsider your perceptions on things.
  18. hey powers, ur a potna. all of these tracks are/were available on the potnas forum. thats were u need to look 4 this stuff man!!
  19. *THERE IS A WAY TO EDIT THE NAME/E-MAIL/USERNAME, ETC. OF WHO VOTES. PLEASE FOLLOW ALONG CLOSELY, I WILL DO MY BEST TO DESCRIBE IT** 1. you open Internet Macros 2. You go to the left and click on Will Smith Vote 3. Down below there are 3 tabs. One says "Play", one says "Record" and the other one says "Edit". we want to choose Edit! 4. Then click the button that says "Edit Macro" Now what happens when we click edit macro? It should open the files contents with Word, Notepad, or another text editor. In it, we see a lot of computer jargon and things that we don't necessarily understand. However, if you just go down about half way through the document, you see a bunch of jargon and then you'll see "=Jane" and if you just change Jane's name, you're in business. Then if you go down one lane, you see Whitterson and you change it to whatever you want. You can do the same with the e-mail and username. I've highlighted the fields that you may want to change. Please don't change any other things except what I've circled or it might make the file not work correctly. Here's the picture diagram for editing that file:
  20. it was boring and the story line was forgetable. i've only seen it like 2 times.
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