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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. i don't know what's worse, Gangsta Death Crew or Lerkot's Party Starter remix.
  2. Happy Birthday Will Smith aka The Fresh Prince aka Big Willie!
  3. voted 1000 times last night! it would be great if we could set this program to vote between 4-5 if we're not going to be home at that time since that's supposedly when the votes count the most.
  4. the beat was dope and the first verse was dope also. u were totally handling the beat and flowing like a pro. the 2nd verse fell off a little bit but it was still a solid track.
  5. lol this topic doesnt have a very good rating hahaha
  6. yeah my whole house is screened. definitely worth investing in if ya got bird problems!
  7. yeah tim, my file also had a txt extension that i had to modify well i set it to vote 500 times last night and it reached an error at 263!! i was a lil dissapointed! not only that, it took like 2 hours just to get to 263 and i have high speed internet. also it made my computer go kinda slow. maybe i'll set it to vote when i go to work or other times when my computer will be undisturbed.
  8. i guess someone slept on the couch last night then huh? i know i would never go to my room if there was a huge bird in there haha
  9. what's hard for you to understand mooseknuckles? here's my version of the procedure: First u download the Macro program, then the Will Smith Vote file. unzip the rar file and install that program. then in that rar file there's another thing called "patch.exe". this alters the Macro program to be the full version instead of the trial version. u cut and paste that "patch.exe" file to the directory where ur Macro program is. it should be in C:\Program Files\InternetMacro. then u click on the "patch.exe" file and go to the bottom and click "Apply Patch" and ur done. then take the "WILL SMITH VOTE.iim" and cut and paste that into the "C:\Program Files\InternetMacro\Macros" directory. next u open the program and look at the left side of it. scroll down a little bit and u should see "WILL SMITH VOTE" somewhere and click on it. then go down below that and replace the default numer, 3, with the number of times u want it to vote. then click play. if ur computer is like mine, when u click play it only votes ones, so u have 2 go down and click the "Start Loop" button and it will do all the work from there. from there u can just minimize it and do whatever u want. it does slow down ur computer a little bit but it beats the heck out of manually voting. if u have any more questions please PM me and tell me what u don't understand and i can give u a very detailed description if u need it.
  10. yeah PJ's are common for girls to wear where i live also. i don't see what the obsession with PJ's is cuz i don't like PJ's enough to wear them out in public. i don't have anything against the look tho. sometimes its cool to see girls relaxed cuz i know there are lots of days when i just feel like throwing on sweats and being relaxed.
  11. i got it to work :gettinjiggywitit: i'm setting it to vote 500 times while i eat dinner
  12. wow for some strange reason my virus program wont let me open the patch. i download patches all the time and havent had problems with them. i might just have to stick with the trial version for now.
  13. i know u were kidding but i just wondered where that came from cuz it seemed so random
  14. i have tons of embarassing stories of like tripping and falling and stuff but there's too many to list. here's some embarassing stories off the top of my head, and these things have both happened in the last 2 weeks this summer i bought some shorts from a lady who was going around selling her son's clothes. they were only like a dollar and they were nice Anchor Blue shorts. however, they were size 36 waist and i'm only like a 33 or 34. they are huge around the waist and they seriously fall all the way down if i don't wear a belt. so anyways back to a couple weeks ago, i put on the shorts and then a belt. now, i don't use the old traditional belts with the holes in them. i use the new style belts (i'm not sure if they're popular in other states or in other countries) where u slide the belt thru the buckle and they buckle has these teeth that hold on 2 it. well anyways, this belt is kinda old and the teeth don't bite to it. so i get into my car, sit down, and the buckle snaps. well i'm already running way late and didnt have time to go inside and get another belt. so i go to school, sit down in first perioud and it snaps again. well it was really embarassing trying to fix it every time, and the tighter i made it, the more it broke. so i made it loose and my shorts would keep falling and i had to like hold them up all day. it was just really embarassing, but i'm nobody really gave me flack about it. then another one, yesterday we were doing some basketball practice in the gym after school. well during the day the P.E. classes play volleyball, so we had to take the nets down. the person who was taking it down took it down and left it on the floor. then i come around on my warm up jog around the court and run right over it. now, these nets are like really slippery and my feet slipped right out from under me and i fell in front of everybody. so yeah, those are my lame stories.
  15. man i can think of some really dirty questions to ask... haha dogs mountain bike or comfort bike
  16. it's now on the list at the very bottom! dope!!
  17. just curious, what made u say me and Jim are boring?
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