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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. yeah i've been following this a little bit too. this is gonna be a very big hurricane since it's category 5 and i'm glad that people's eyes have been opened by Katrina and everyone is evacuating. we don't need more tragedy right now. hopefully the aftermath won't be as bad as it was in New Orleans (it shouldn't) but people need to realize what happened last time and get out. hopefully things will turn out the best that they can and all the people survive thru it.
  2. ok well on my west coast version of TRL they only showed like the first 30 seconds
  3. poor smootb! Eminem has brainwashed u so much that u feel the need to insult members on the board in eminem fashion with phrases such as "i don't give a f***" and "get off my balls". i got news 4 ya, that's not cool on this board. peace out. go drool over Eminem over here: http://www.d12world.com/board/index.php :whew:
  4. wow this really caught me.... in the UK do they actually call him car parks? in the US we call them parking lots. :lolsign:
  5. cool tim... on saturday i work at 3pm and usually u guys do it at 2pm my time so i probably wouldn't be able to make saturday cuz i'd have to be eating and getting ready 4 work at that time.
  6. let me get back 2 u guys on about that tomorrow. i have to see if i'm working at all this weekend.
  7. not a big fan of the shout box but its all good. i couldn't log into the forum for the longest time either.
  8. ok here's what i'm looking for: Keak Da Sneak - Super Hyphie Tech 9ne - Imma Tell
  9. maybe i'll be able to do that when i'm older but these days i need AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep in order to not be falling asleep the next day. i usually have to wake up at 7:00am so that means going 2 bed no later than 11:00pm. even if my parents werent' strict about going 2 bed i'd still do it cuz otherwise i can't get thru the next day.
  10. 2Pac - Nothin' But Love R U Still Down? (Remember Me) (Disc 2) (1997)
  11. i'm not sure how consistant the the jukeboxes are.... they prolly change albums all the time and they may not be the same at all restuarants but go anyways if ur in the mood 4 a good burger :thumbsup:
  12. ok here's a great story that happened to me yesterday. my family and i go out to eat at a restaurant called Taxi's Hamburgers. i dunno how common place they are in the US but i'll describe the place anyways. it's an old fashioned burger joint with pretty good food. it was really popular back in the 60's and 70's i think. well anyways, they used to have jukeboxes at every booth back in those days and u'd pay a quarter to play whatever song u wanted. they kept that tradition even as it faded out of style and they still have the jukeboxes there today. so i went in, ordered my food, and started flippin thru the jukebox. a lot of it is 60's/70's/80's rock/pop/soul music and stuff. there's Elvis and Beach Boys and even some compilations of Billboard hits. there's no rap tho, which i wouldn't expect. then i start coming accross some 80's and 90's pop compilations where u see 1 or 2 rap songs. i saw Kool & The Gang and i saw Naughty By Nature... i thought that was pretty cool. then the unthinkable happened, a flipped the page and a whole album of JJ+FP!!!! i was about to lose my mind!! they were the only rap group in there to have a whole album! it wasn't one of the released albums tho, it was just 13 of their biggest hits... i think all of them were on the JJ+FP greatest hits cd. they had MIB, Just Cruisin, Girls, Brand New Funk, Parents, A Touch of Jazz, the FPOBA theme, Summertime, Boom!, and a couple others. i was really hyped but my dad wouldn't give me any money to play a song! i would've used my money except i didn't have my wallet with me at the time. :shrug: it's ok tho cuz i can always come home and listen to them it was really nice to see a whole album devoted to them tho cuz almost everything else was 60's and 70's music. New Edition also had a whole album on there for anyone who's interested. other than those 2, everything else was oldies music.
  13. Keak Da Sneak - Super Hyphie only in da bay area
  14. that's great Julie! it's too bad u had some unexpected problems. i dunno how u guys do that... stay up till 4am and then work the next morning. i don't think i could ever do that
  15. this board is not biased at towards Eminem in my opinion. i don't even consider what Em said as a real diss. we represent real hip-hop here at JJFP.com and if u go to any other real hiphop boards like sohh or allhiphop, Eminem gets just as much flack there as he does here. i think Em's dissing Will opened our eyes up to how bad Em sucks but we would've heard his crappy music anyways eventually. like i said, go to any real hiphop board and u'll see the same opinions as over here, no bias.
  16. am i the only one with errors trying to get into the arcade? edit: it seems to be happening only when i'm in the Micro-en skin tim. hopefully u can fix it soon.
  17. well my craziest job is my first and only job and i have it right now. i work Logistics for a store called Mervyns which sells clothes and stuff. my job usually consists of taking things off the shelves in the back and stocking them in the store. however, it often requires a lot more. i often have to carry out large items for customers who can't lift them, i have to carry tables and racks out to the floor, and just about anything else that comes up. a couple of times i've even had to get the mop out because of kids wetting their pants on the floor. of course my approach is similar to AJ's. just mop it up with a dry mop and put some caution signs next to it. it's not really that crazy of an experience or that crazy of a job but it's all i have to share.
  18. cool thanx 4 the add :thumbsup:
  19. just got it a couple days ago, it's not quite finished tho but it's good enough 4 now. check it out ---> http://www.myspace.com/blingteeth i'll add some of u guys on mine later aight?
  20. it was good, man u got skills. u've got a good voice and flow for a white boy hahaha. i thought Bring The Finest wih FuQ was better but this was still a good track.
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