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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. i'm sure it'll be a lil while for tim to sort things out.... maybe he can just PM the p/w to the people he trusts.... altho thats a lot of pm's to be sending out lol
  2. wasn't me. damn i can't believe Big_Willie from the WS board did that if that previous accusation was true. i think its time to go over to ws.com and do some investigating Tim
  3. Will Smith - Tell Me Why (featuring Mary J Blige) Lost and Found (2005)
  4. sorry to get off topic, but i really hope Will donates something. i'm watching Oprah right now and they're interviewing Jamie Foxx and Celine Dion about the situation. they also have other stories on other channels where this guy goes into the superdome and is just blown away by the filth and then he took a trip with the rescue team. i really hope Will can do something for this. i have tears in my eyes right now.
  5. my theory is people and radio stations have lost interest. i mean black radio prolly wont play Will anyway but i think most people have lost interest like i have.
  6. whatever gets Will/Party Starter success. one thing i do with some polls is after i initially vote i press refresh and it says something like "This page cannot be refreshed without resending the information. Would you like to resend the information" and i choose yes meaning it votes again without having to go back everytime. it's a lil speedier but still not the best
  7. yeah it's been mentioned b4. we can't be sure tho cuz Will could've changed those poeople's names to protect their identities. but it still sparks the question: didn't know that he named 2 characters Michelle? both Michelle's have similar behavior. maybe they are the same person. but i doubt the real person's name was Michelle cuz Will would get in trouble if he used her real name.
  8. to answer your question fully, yes the video is out. it premiered Friday on AOL. it was there for 3 days so it's gone now. the video has been sent out to tv stations but nobody has seen it yet. who knows when it will pop up but it should be soon cuz the video is out and has been sent out
  9. yeah unless u can prove it then i don't believe it. the man has overcome cancer. i'm sure we've all heard his story. why would the man dope himself when he's already dealt with a life threatening disease? has he doped himself for the last 6 or however many years? is that illegal in that sport? if so, why hasn't anything been done if it's such common knowledge that he doped himself? man some of u guys say the funniest stuff with no reason or effort put into it.
  10. huh? never heard of it. when does it come out in the US? i can't believe i havent seen anything on tv about it
  11. doesn't matter matter if he really dissed him or not, if 50 thinks he's so good that people are tryin 2 copy his name 2 get his fame, then he's an idiot. nobody wants to have a name as stupid as "fitty cent" or be anything close to him. even if he was joking it still means 50 thinks he's all that when in reality he's nothing Diddy is kinda up and down 4 me. sure he's a great producer and has been with LL since 85 like turntable said, but his rap isn't that good and now he's pretty much done with. Boyz n Da Hood have no talent at all, it's just Bad Boy's wannabe version of the crunk flavor that every1 likes these days.
  12. cool work man. i'm not real big on reggaetone but it was pretty good at first. it got a lil boring after the beats kept changing but its better beats than i could do. keep workin on it i'm sure u'll get even better :thumbsup:
  13. another interesting point that no one has brought up: the mayor of New Orleans happens to be black. he isn't getting as much criticism as the president right now although he deserves to along with FEMA according to Max. just food for thought... i'll let u guys take it away on that one.
  14. uh oh... Mariah Carey has 66% on that site and Will has 3%! time to start voting yall!!
  15. once again dope remix! i woulda liked to hear Pac's first verse in there too but its all good
  16. was that whole post devoted to me? damn u must be interpreting my posts wrong. i'm not criticizing u or any1, just trying to clarify what MaxFly said and wondering about the list and how true it might be. i'm not an idiot tho i know that KRS-One and Hieroglyphics would never appear on BET, but at the same time do their videos get sent out and stuff? well i know i saw Bone Thugs on BET a couple years ago with their video "Home" and i don't know why Ice Cube would be banned. ahh whatever who cares i'm just talking to myself now.
  17. nice rhyme. lol i liked the part about eminem and mc ren making burgers :rofl:
  18. Ted, i think Max's point was that in '84 Bush Sr. wasn't president, he was vice President. Regan was president so if you're going to blame the president, blame him. also, do u know how updated that list is? I've seen some of those rappers on there like a year or two ago.
  19. well the patch didn't work at first. i had to uninstall skylook and then reinstall it and then do the patch before i ever opened skylook. now i think it works, but i wouldn't be surprised if one of these days it says "you have only 2 days remaining on your trial period" :lolsign:
  20. thanx, i'd heard of all these movies but i didn't remember what they were all about.
  21. i dunno man i kinda like the american sound, cuz 4 me it's the most enjoyable way to hear rap.
  22. :lolsign: can i say that i seriously have to laugh at some of these posts? some of you people's views and information (or lack thereof) just make me laugh! this thread sure is a lot funnier since i'm out of it now, and i'm glad i'm on this side looking in at some of the stuff being said
  23. found a patch for Skylook, we'll see how it works out
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