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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. You don't know that do you... And on the off chance that Will would say the same thing... "Bush doesn't like black people," he'd be wrong to say it at the benefit concert too, and I'd be just as vehement on the issue. Regardless of who it is, it was still the wrong time and place to say what Kanye said. ← :word: like i said above, i'd feel the same way as i do now. i don't get why you know that Will would say that tho? what's ur source? speculation doesn't account for anything
  2. that sounded good. it's a very laid back smooth track. like KBF said the chorus was catchy and better than anything i could come up with. at times i can't even detect ur accent, u almost sound American. where is York St. John anyways?
  3. i dunno if u'd call me a public enemy fan. i like a few of their tracks and i got their Greatest Hits album and only listened to a few tracks from it. i didn't know that they hated Bush nor did i know that Will backed them up. if u have an interview where Will backs them up or another source it'd be cool if u posted it. first of all, Will wouldn't say what Kanye did. Will is outspoken, but he's careful to choose his words. if he did say what Kanye said, he wouldn't say something like "Bush dosn't care about blacks". i think he'd choose more careful words so as not to cause as much controversey. and yes, i'd still listen to Will cuz he's my favorite rapper. my thing with Kanye is that i've never particularly liked him as a rapper and i'm not that satisfied with his beats. then when he says something i disagree with i'm even more dissatisfied with him. but the thing is, i never liked Kanye in the first place. i love Will tho, if he did say somethin like that i'm positive he'd choose a less controversial way to say it and even if he did say exactly what Kanye said, that wouldn't change my view of his music. is that clear enough? do u understand my position now? the only reason i'm hating on u is cuz right now i'm the only one that's got the balls to say "Ted, ur posts are getting damn repititve sometimes and i wish u could have a conversation without mentioning Chuck D". i wish u could make more posts like the one u just did. but it's like when i come on this board and i read 5+ posts every day where u mention the same things it gets annoying and the ignore feature on the board won't work for me. i'm not getting offended here so keep them comin big boy and if i've offended u then i'm sorry. :sorry: i think this is a mature discussion too, it's just that we sometimes get carried away. compare this to the WS.com board and i'd say this is pretty mature. if there's sometime immature about my posts please let me know what they are. have a good day, peace
  4. thanx 4 that link Max. i didn't recall the exit polls being as one-sided as someone said they were. i think u also make a good point about being sure of ur info. when u post info that isn't totally true, not only does it make ur statement invalid, but it can screw up the whole debate because people are misinformed of what really happened. i wonder if the person who said that really remembers it differently or if that had something to do with disliking Bush which everyone seems to these days.
  5. Ted, i already ended the whole argument about what Kanye said. i understand where ur comin from, i just have a different view of it. the discussion's over. if u want to keep beating a dead horse just so u can have the last word and feel good about urself then go ahead. first of all, that might be the longest sentence i've ever seen. as i've stated before, i understand what Kanye is doing and i applaud his attempt to make a difference, i just didn't think it was the right place. i'm not criticising the content of Kanye's message, i'm criticising the moment he chose to say it. thanx 4 the inspiration buddy, i'm gonna pop in some Mike Jones right now since i'm not worthy of ur great hip-hop music. damn, why can't i get this ignore feature to work?!?!? :damnyou:
  6. it only came out a month ago. i did a brief search and didn't find any hacks. if any1 else finds anything out tell me
  7. that's a pretty bold statement Ted. i didn't know u had connections with all those people in the hip-hop community and took a poll of their personal opinions. may a suggest a personal journal? or maybe i'll try out that ignore feature if i can find it again :ponder:
  8. bye Julie! have fun! :gettinjiggywitit: lol @ Lerkot
  9. I have a lot on my mind man, I feel like I could write a whole album right now, the problems in this world are ridiculous, action must be made. ← Ted, maybe its just me but ur posts seem so repititive. i think u got so much on ur mind right now that u can't even keep ur discussions on topic. it goes from Kanye to Bill O'Reilly... i skimmed thru ur lost post and saw Russel Simmons, Chuck D, KRS-One, Fugees, MC Hammer, Nas. come on dude, we're talking about the crisis here and whether or not speaking out against Bush is right. nobody's gonna bother to read that much, especially when u get sidetracked from the topic like that. it seems like a lot of ur posts are like that. sometimes it seems like i'm reading the same stuff all over again. and why would u post Will's verse? don't u think we've heard it 100 times at least? i dunno man... if u ever try to write a book i hope it doesn't have a topic or else ur gonna end up goin off that topic within the first page. :paperbag:
  10. i think we've solved the problem. there's a program called Skylook which came out just last month. it's designed specifically to record convo's u have on Skype. me, tim, and maxfly tried it out last night and it worked great. it got all of our voices and it sounds decent. the only problem is that it's a 14 day trial version!
  11. i think we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this topic. i understand that Kanye is doing what he thinks is right and he's speaking out and he's trying to make a difference. i applaud him for that. i just don't applaud his judgement because (IMO) that wasn't the place to say that. in times like these, we need to stick together. Ted, i'm sure u understand what Max and me and some others are saying and i understand what u are saying about Kanye's statement. we just have different views. so let's agree to disagree because neither side can really be proven as right and it'll just lead to more arguments. deal? :davidblaine: now as far as those other topics u kinda walked off on, go ahead and keep debating those lol
  12. damn i missed it. i just got online 10 mins ago and i figured u guys were done anyways. what time were we supposed to meet? perhaps if i'd have remembered i could've come 2 the podcast instead of doing chores.
  13. well a lot of the people that have contributed in this topic are some of the older ones on the board. Ted, MaxFly, Schnazz are all in their 20's and 30's.
  14. hey Jim u made some good points that i hadn't thought about. why wouldn't people evacuate? well i think one reason is that the flood that came with the hurricane wasn't expected. that being said, people should still evacuate. i know i sure would if a hurricane ever came where i live. i don't care what the category is, i'd be outta there. especially after what i've seen can happen on tv. i understand people are poor, but there's gotta be some way to get to a higher ground. but also, if the people can misjudge the impact of a hurricane like that, then the government can too, and they did. the government is just as guilty of misjudging the impact and coming late as the people in New Orleans are of not evacuating. i also agree with the race point. this is a huge disaster, we need to come together. separating the races by calling out the president on race issues isn't required right now. people need to come together, black, white, rich, or poor and and grind it out damnit! unfortunately the severity of this hurricane wasn't expected and that's why it got so bad. i mean, aren't there people who could have the common sense to say "hey there's a CAT 5 hurricane coming to New Orleans, where they are BELOW sea level with only an old, weak levee holding them back from all the water above them. why wasn't this expected? hindsight is always 20/20 and there's always things that should've been done or could've happened. i think people need to get past that and unite together to make the best of this situation
  15. damn, i just watched the video again and it seemed like it got worse. somebody help me!!!!! :jada:
  16. :word: i'm sorry for bringing my personal opinion about Bush in2 the discussion, but i think we need to focus on helping the people now, not reminiscing on what could've, would've and should've happened. like Max said the purpose of that was to create unity during the hard times, not to create more hate. i honestly don't believe Bush is racist. i don't think that had anything to do with why it took so long. bottom line, wrong time for Kanye to open his trap ^^^just my opinion
  17. dude, i agree. the rock part didn't satisfy my taste, but the dancing was not good. Will looked like he was trying to hard. not that i can dance any better, but Will can do better than that. i'm actually concerned about Will's haters. u know what they're gonna say "that n**** is line dancin", "dude is all tryna be black, that muf***a can't even dance" and all that.
  18. i dunno? how about all 1005 members tell u their age and then u can do the math if i had to guess, i'd say 17, 18, 19-ish.
  19. gotta agree with cataboy. now isn't the time to worry about stuff like that, it's time to concentrate on the people suffering. personally i think it's bull to say that because it's not true. kanye's not scoring any points with me. keep it up Kanye! :woono:
  20. :word: i couldn't say it any better Tim. Will changed the rap/act career game but JJFP never did anything so groundbreaking that everyone was influence to follow in their footsteps. that's one of the things i like about JJFP tho, they do their own thing and nobody else comes close to it
  21. well his big mouth just makes me want to listen to him less. it's cool i guess cuz he's doin what he wants to and he's got enough fans as it is, he doesn't need me
  22. Ted: He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper was a double LP, meaning the vinyl release was 2 discs. The cassette was a single cassette. FuQ: i get ur point about the work ethic, i think some people (including me) just think that the overall content and songs on the album weren't game changing. PJDU was game-changing, but the content of the overall album i do not believe is game changing. i guess we just all have different opinions on who changed the game or what game changing means.
  23. :word: i've had a lot of things going on lately too. it wasn't worth the wait for me because the wait made me totally lose interest in the PS video before it even came on which really took enjoyment away from watching the video. unfortunately, Will Smith can't always be #1 in my life and i can't always wait 3 months for things to happen b4 i have to 4get about it and deal with much more real aspects of real life. sorry to say, but it wasn't worth the wait to me.
  24. i'm gonna go with a 7. i'm glad the video came out, but i wasn't hyped going in2 it. maybe the video will grow on me, who knows? but obviously the fake Jeff was one downpoint of the video. also the line dancing and how the 3rd verse didn't get as much attention as it deserved. most of it is what people have said already. and whoever said that the video didn't seem to have as much energy as the song, i kinda felt that too. the parties seemed kinda fake too. i did like the special fx and i like that the video came out, however i wasn't really anticipating it that much so it didn't blow me away. i had pretty much lost interest in the video before it ever came out. hopefully the video will get on tv where i can see it better and enjoy it more as it grows on me
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