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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. check it out! 10 minutes till 12am and they already have the page ready: http://music.aol.com/franchise/firstview.adp unfortunately the link to the video doesnt work yet, but give it time. they also have a link to his Live8 performance and an impressive photo gallery consisting of 611 pics! this is big! i love the way AOL has totally dedicated the whole page to will. it looks nice!
  2. wow that's a long time from now. i think there's still time for the release date to change but right now that sure seems a long ways away
  3. more like who isn't getting the 2nd season dvd? p.s. don't answer that questions because it may lead to u getting banned :lolsign:
  4. well if they were gonna update it at 12am, it would make sense to do it eastern time, which is 45 minutes away. why would they be so anxious to update it tho? i dunno i guess it could happen but i'm not going to get my hopes up. actually, it'd be nice to see it tonight because i have school and then work and i won't get home until late.
  5. I ain't trying to be controversial, I'm just speakin' my mind here and I think Eminem is the Elvis Presley of our hip-hop generation, he's doing the same thing other black rappers did like 2Pac and Slick Rick did before him just like Elvis bit what Chuck Berry and James Brown did and gets more credit for it, this tells you about our society, the Beastie Boys are original, Eminem is not. btw, what came out 1st "Ain't Nothin' But A G Thing" or "Summertime"? "Homebase" and "Code Red" are just as dope as "The Chronic", it's just clean that's all, if you don't have a PA sticker on your album you're wack now. JJFP didn't only change the game they help create the game for what it is today, Jazzy's DJ'ing and producing and FP's rhyme skills make them the most unique individuals in hip-hop history, nobody can do what they do, they ain't easy to imitate, the shame is though that they're being forgotten 'cause of all this gangsta crap dominating, so it's even harder for Kurtis Blow and Sugarhill Gang to get props through today's commercial rap crowd so f*** the media. :stickpoke: I don't think there's nothin' left that could change the game now 'cause like the title of one of Nas' songs "No Idea's Original", hip-hop is lost. :shrug: ← maybe u just don't get it. the topic is called Game changing albums. is Eminem creative? usually not. did he create a game changing album? yes. in order for albums to be game changing, they must be mainstream so that people will actually hear them and get influenced by them. can Code Red be a game changing album whether or not it deserves to be? no, because it only sold 200,000. i don't get why we can't just discuss what the topic is about, game changing albums. who cares if Eminem is not creative? we've said that a million times, but he did create a game changing album that helped steer rap in the direction it is now. if u can't admit that, then ur really living too much in the past man. i know mainstream sells.... commericial sucks.... trust me i only read it from u every day Ted. but we're in 2005, we're not in 1991, ok? i know hip-hop's originators have been 4gotten, it's like engraved in my brain reading it from u. will u admit that there have been newer rappers that have changed the game into what it is now? and that one of the people most responsible for that is Eminem? i think most people can.
  6. Ted, i don't get why u have to make every discussion so controversial. why can't Eminem make a game changing album? did we say it had to change for the good? JJFP influenced hip-hop a lot but they didn't do one single album that totally changed the game. let's try to define a game changing album..... it's an album that not only impacts the game (positively or negatively) but perhaps changes the standards of rap or opens new doors for future rappers i believe Eminem's "Slim Shady LP" did change the game because 1) it was a white kid from Detroit making it as a rapper and 2) it was one of the first albums to talk about topics like raping your mom and just pure evil hate. like it or not, it changed the game because a lot of people were like "whoa a white dude said that" and a lot of white kids were thinkin they had a shot. not only that, it paved the way for people like 50 cent, g-unit and more to come in and talk about explict topics like they hadn't been talked about before. before Eminem came along, that would not have been thought of as being able to do that. that's why he changed the game (once again, not in a good way). i don't believe there are really too many game changing albums out there. i mean, sure there's a lot of stuff that impacts people but does it necessarily change the standards of the game? before NWA came out, no one would've thought of saying F--- the police. they changed the game, in addition to making an impact.
  7. maybe he needed something that rhymed with the next line which ended with "crazy"? probably not but it's the only guess my narrow mind can come up with
  8. ahh thanx man. yeah i don't really listen 2 the Fugees. it's not quite my favorite type of rap.
  9. well i downloaded the album some while back. i just need to burn it to a cd one of these days. to tell u guys the truth, i'm still not that hyped about it but maybe it'll grow on me like it did 2 sum of y'all. oh and Julie i totally agree with u. sometimes Kanye says something intelligent and then the next minute he just opens his mouth and starts yappin about annoying, irrelevant stuff. it gets annoyin after a while
  10. or better just write the whole word out so that it will get censored. ususally u can tell what the word is from the context of the rap. i think the only curse word that doesn't get caught by the censors is bit**
  11. maybe i'm just drawing a blank or i really don't know, but can someone please tell me who made "The Score"? oh yeah and u guys are really gettin carried away now.... we're talking game changing albums here. truthfully, i don't think any of JJFP's albums were game changing. Paid in Full, The Chronic, Straight Outta Compton are a few popular ones. i also think "2Pacalypse Now" was a game changing album. it kinda mixed the political concious rap of PE with the thug and street of NWA.
  12. i think Turntable mentioned all of the ones i would've liked to mention :damnyou:
  13. voted on all the links! i don't know why some of these sites ask for ur phone number. i aint no idiot i'm not giving out my phone number :stickpoke:
  14. i have no clue either. i've wondered what that lyric meant myself
  15. being disabled and living in a small country isn't a reason to feel bad for yourself. be patient and try to do something about it. there has to be a solution. ur not a true fan of Will Smith if ur stealing from him. please do not take the above statements personally. i don't want to offend u, i'm just trying to motivate u to do something about it
  16. i think this will make decent awareness of Party Starter. i think lots of people still use AOL and lots of people check their news. i remember when BSC was on AOL. i think that it will get a lot of people to check it out. however, if it premiered on TV i think it would be better cuz u can see and hear the video in better quality. hopefully this video will be decent quality cuz it would be a little dissapointing if u can't see what's going on in the video because it's fuzzy or jumpy. well i'm happy it's finally coming out. i guess September was the magic month huh? lol
  17. voted! it's nice to see Will's name near the top. hopefully that way it will garner a lil more attention
  18. gotta be the Kon-temp remix 4 me! propz to him for that! i burnt it on2 a cd and i listen to it very often in the car these days
  19. they still release albums u know. they've released i think 4 albums from 1998 till now. they just released an album this year called "Outlawz 4 Life".
  20. i feel ya man. at least if the single was released last night at the VMA's it would have been getting incredible promotion. now that ship has sailed. to be honest, i really wouldn't expect Will to do much promoting on the album since he did a ton of promoting on L&F's release and a couple months beyond that and he's working on a movie now. the VMA's would have been a good chance for the video to get promotion without Will having to take time out and promote it himself. unfortunatly that would be happening so it looks like it's gonna get poor promotion in addition to be released late. i'm not really upset because i got over that a long time ago. i guess sales isn't everying in the world, you know? there comes a time when u just have 2 let it go and 4get about it.
  21. thanx 4 that interview man!! Outlawz sounded a lot better when they were with Pac, but they still can do a hot song every once in a while. i actually got their newest album "Outlawz 4 Life" and it's not that bad at all. they definitely sound like they have the same view on rap that we do. they listened 2 ol skool when they came up and they disagree with the cookie cutter material that mainstream artists are putting out these days. even tho they don't always use the cleanest language or have lyrics overflowing with positivity they still keep it real and it's a lot better than most of the mainstream stuff out there right now
  22. that's what i was thinkin when i first read it... but then when i heard there was a new videos section of the pre-show i actually thought it might happen. overall tho, i'm not that surprised
  23. i agree with AJ that the wait for Party Starter has gotten boring and now isn't the best time for it, but like Max said, the video has been shot, the single has been released. it's too late to cancel it, you just have 2 go thru with the process. at least the video is on the way. i also agree with Lerkot, it's gonna be tough getting the video shot at this point. i just hope that Tell Me Why comes out sometime... whether it be this year or next year or whenever. that's not asking too much, is it?
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