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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. we mean that you shouldn't download music, you should buy it. if ur a true Will Smith fan then u'd buy his music instead of downloading it.
  2. wow this is definitely bad. at least if it premiered to would have gotten good exposure and promotion. no it's not gonna get that same promotion when it does come out on top of being released too late. :davidblaine:
  3. some of the people on this board are like majorly huge Will Smith fans and to some people, he's the best rapper ever and every album he does is the best. then there's just big fans who appreciate a whole spectrum of music and aren't quite as big of fans of Will Smith. it's ok tho cuz we're all fans. even tho this is the off topic board a lot of our musical tastes are still based around Will Smith. if u want people raving over Kanye like we rave over Will, then ur on the wrong board.
  4. would it offend me personally? no. would i get mad if some white person was over using the word and trying to act like something they're not? yes
  6. that's a good thought Ted. i don't remember previously talking about it, but it's true that RRC is a proclaimed Christian on his website isn't he? food for thought...
  7. yeah it does sound like that, but now that i listen to what Jonny said, i can definitely tell it's the second one. besides, who cares if Will did say the n-word? it would've been fine by me.
  8. well according to RIAA her single "Daydreamin'" went gold. i can't find anything about her album sales tho. it probably didn't reach gold.
  9. Brakes does some acting F2D. he's made quite a few TV appearances. i think u can see some of them on his website http://www.dabrakes.com
  10. yeah we've had this conversation b4, and that's what i was saying but it seemed like most people choose to ignore the previous stated facts that Will and his ex-wife talk and visit each other on holidays. i don't think Will is the type of person to do such an outrageous thing to his wife. i think it's just about an old friend of his
  11. Willennium easy. and of course it may be because that was the first WS album i bought and it did blow me away, but it's the album that has the soft spot in my heart. BWS is just too "pop" with Jiggy, Miami, MIB, etc. of course Willennium has some filler tracks too like Freakin It and Da Butta to name a couple. Willennium just has more meaningful songs to me.... I'm Comin'.... Who Am I.... Afro Angel... So Fresh.... Pump Me Up.... Potnas.... The Rain. i can't say the same thing about BWS. the only songs that stick out to me are Y'all Know, Don't Say Nothin and It's All Good.
  12. lol where i'm from we don't call them taps or bubblers... they're called "water fountains" lol. peanut butter and jelly is the best, right above peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
  13. hey F2D, if ur the guy on Jeff's board askin about the track he did with Eminem, u can download it somewhere on this board. Jeff did it with Em back in like '98 i think when he was working on an album for Columbia Records, which eventually got scrapped because Jeff wasn't given any creativity n stuff. the only track that came out of that was the track with Em. i'll try to find it on this forum and post the link here 4 u ok here's a link 4 u man: http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=4600
  14. thanx 4 tellin me man... i had totally 4got about it. i'm gonna check it out now
  15. yeah i suppose radio stations could play anything they want, but they rarely do over here unless some1 requests it or it's some hot mainstream $h!t exclusive bonus tracks or somethin lol. of course they would never play one of Will's non-single tracks... hell they don't even play any of his music over here except Summertime
  16. yeah i guess we'll never know cuz it could go either way well it's easy to access Will's parents names cuz he's a big celeb and there's alot written about him, but i think it'd be pretty hard to find Tatyanas parents names tho cuz theres not a lot written about her and shes not that big of a celeb.
  17. yes we would dismiss a Will Smith website, at least i would, because Will Smith is a major celebrity, not a minor one. any1 could try and be Will Smith, in fact there's probaby more than 1 Will Smith imposter on myspace. this was the only Tatyana page on myspace and i think it looks real. we know Will wouldn't have time to update that kind of stuff, nor does he need to promotion. Tatyana does tho cuz not alot of people know her and she needs people to get to know her. also i don't think a Tatyana Ali imposter would have a pic with her and her parents with a description that says what their names are and who her ex's name is, unless they're a super addicted fan or they made it up.
  18. that's not a web site, it's a page that you decorate to interact and meet with people. it's purpose isn't the same purpose that a web site has. of course it makes since that she has an official website on her record label, but it also makes since that she has her own personal page that she can do whatever she wants with and meet fans with.
  19. i dunno i thought it was all about her letting his legacy live on and letting people hear what her son had to say. i thought she was a conscious woman trying to stop the violence that got her son killed, but maybe i'm wrong. maybe some1 else can help me out cuz i don't know, i'm just going by the impression i got.
  20. wow looks like ur getting in2 KRS and 2Pac's muisc huh? good 4 u. however disrespecting Pac's mom like that was not called for in my opinion. she's a very nice woman. she just made a mistake letting Em take over the last album, it doesn't mean she's a b*tch tho.
  21. damn that was hot. i was diggin the beat and everything sounded really crisp and clear. nice collabo guys.
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