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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. i don't get why that's not her myspace. she does have an official site, the one funky fresh posted but some minor celebs have myspace too. give me one good reason that's not her myspace. i don't see anything on there that looks that fake or outrageous.
  2. that's what i'm wondering too Typhoon. i don't remember new videos being premiered on awards shows. oh well i'll keep a look out anyways. thanx 4 the news tim. unfortunately i'm still not hyped about the video tho. :shrug:
  3. what's k-meleon? is that a browser? try using internet explorer
  4. i think it's tied with Code Red and Willennium for his best album. those 2 albums are just so good and each album has a different vibe to it, so it's hard 2 judge.
  5. Gang Starr ft. Jadakiss - Rite Where U Stand
  6. i found Tatyana's myspace page, here it is: http://www.myspace.com/tatyanaali it says u can also send her fan mail and it gives an address. it's nice to see that Big Will is one of her heroes!
  7. that's cool, it kinda got me hyped up for the album! however i've never been a huge fan of his voice... it seems kinda annoying.
  8. a round of applause for cookie! :rockon:
  9. oh man i just finally got to level 3 of burger time with 3 lives in hand and i lost them all in 20 seconds. level 3 is hard!!!
  10. nice poll! the answer is obvious to me tho - Martin Lawrence. he's so funny and so much like Will. they chemistry they had together was superior.
  11. hey Justice, using Pay Pal requires u to open a pay pal account. u can probably find out more by going to http://www.paypal.com
  12. some mp3 players have voice recording and from there you can download it to your computer and drop it in an e-mail. if that's not an option, there are many small programs that can record from sound devices on your computer's mixer. the one that KBF posted it an example of one. i'm sure you can find plenty of programs on http://www.download.com if you do a search of 'mp3 recorder'. just watch out for the trial versions that only record for 10 seconds tho :lolsign:
  13. born to reign is a good album, but for me it's like why would i listen to it when i could listen to Willennium or Code Red or Lost & Found?
  14. yeah Fresh Ta Def u should be able to obtain copies of those legal documents at your city records office or whatever it's called.
  15. good tips AJ... i'm definitely taking notes right now. i woulda never thought of the tissue thing myself! i guess i could always keep some in the glove compartment lol. i like the lil gift thing too, although it seems like kind of a pain when u gotta buy somethin for every first date u go on.
  16. that's exactly what i do. i haven't been able to get past level 2 yet tho. that high score looks pretty far away too lol
  17. well Schnazz is a gamer. no wonder he's so good. i pretty much suck at every game but that's ok cuz i know real life is about more than having high scores in arcade games :ShockRifle:
  18. wow impressive cookies! i didn't even notice at first :lol:
  19. damn, i'm definitely not looking 4ward to college. i have like a 3.8 GPA and i rarely study for tests, it's boring and not fun!
  20. Im sorry but "Tell Me Why" is not better than "Jesus Walks" ← ur right it's not better, it's way better.
  21. hey bea, the correct word in English is "translate" not traduce. i know that the French word is probably taduce because i've taken Spanish and in spanish it's "traducir" and Spanish and French can be similar at times. thats just a word to add to ur vocabulary :dope:
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