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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. yeah i'm not allowed 2 see R rated movies either and i'm almost 17. i've seen Ali tho on TV and seen Bad Boys from friends who lent it 2 me.
  2. well damn yeah i'd like 2 see them on there. i can't believe some people dislike We Won't. that might be one of my favorites on the album. i can understand if the chorus and the "drummy drum" gets old, but Will totally rips the verses!!! if u can't dance is also great, but it's gotten old on me. wave em off has totally grown on me. i still don't like the beat 2 much or the singing, but i like the lyrics a lot!
  3. nice site... u got skillz. all the layouts have been good. what do u use 2 make the site? if that live 8 video u have was the one i posted on this site (i trust whatever u say) i'd appreciate if u at least gave the forum members/website credit 4 it.
  4. good job Jonny!! now that ur a member, u can access the "XXX" forum on that site!! u and me and Sid (if he joins) can all enjoy that forum together!! who's with me?
  5. lol Sid!!! man u shouldn't have taken it that far... that stuff i wrote was simply a "translizzlation" from http://www.gizoogle.com . i would've changed the title back 2 Party Starter. still, u gotta admit it's funny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6. i won't be able to do next saturday because of work. it seems like the time slot we made last time works good 4 all time zones, but since it's 2pm my time, i'll be working. i might have work sunday too, but i won't know about that until later on this week. y'all can still do it without me tho cuz i'm kinda shy and don't have much 2 contribute.
  7. Bad Boys 2 Bad Boys Enemy of the State Hitch ID4/I, Robot (cant make up my mind lol)
  8. here's one i did since i'm a member already: http://www.dahiphopspot.com/forum/showthread.php?p=632 i know Fresh-Ta-Def can back me up on that one cuz hes on that board.
  9. i don't wanna sond nonsupportive, but here i go anyways. first, it's a hassle to register at all these boards. all they do is set u up to get more junk mails. i'd post if there was guest posting like there is on this board. and 2nd, people can tell when they look at u that u've made one post and that u've just registered that day. they know all u came 2 talk about was Will Smith's new album and nothing else. it kinda makes it seem corny. i think if ur already a respected member of a forum it makes it easier. not that i'm saying u shouldn't keep posting, cuz what else can u do? i'm just sayin that's why i'm not doin it.
  10. yeah one thing 2 do when posting is try 2 "dumb the rhyme a little". people that act like they're from da hood don't respond well to "Hi!". i'd be like "yo whats up peeps y'alled heard will smith's new album yet? it'z da $hit y'all 4 real. party starter is blazin yo. in fact, remember that gizoogle.com site? i'll translate Lerkot's post in that and that's what u can post on other boards... lol. Yo! In March, Wiznill Smith, one of tha hip-hop rappa releazed sum-m sum-m thats totally different from his wanna be gangsta works . Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Lost & Found is tha name of tha album, n you might hizzy heard Switch, tha fizzirst single ta help you tap dat ass. Tho tha sales av been decent, it deserves more n I really thiznink you should check out tha niznext single, Party Gangsta (you can hizzy it at willsmith.com), which wizzle soon be releazed officially wit video n all. Anyway, Wills new CD asks questions `bout tha current state of hip-hop, `bout tha world n of course we gots some classic F-U-Double-Nizzy shiznit fizzle tha good old prince. The album doesnt have too many guest artists, but tha legend Snoop Diznogg n one of tha biggest DJs shot calla DJ Jazzy Jeff, is featured on tha album , betta check yo self. Listen ta tha Party Cracka single, n whiznen youve done that, buy tha record n enjoy it. The Friznesh Prince is biznack n his music should be heard by everyone. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  11. i can't believe u just got it :shakehead: :thumbsdown: well, glad u like it tho, it'll give u years of enjoyment :2thumbs:
  12. probably when i was 10 and in 5th grade was when i first heard rap music. it was Eminem with "The Real Slim Shady" and of course i liked it, so did everyone else. i didn't hear Will's music until another year later in '99.
  13. Happy Birthday Buddy! :2thumbs: :party: :Party_fest09:
  14. The Magnificent Jazzy Jeff Brand New Funk Summertime I'm Looking For the One To Be With Me Just Kickin' It these are in no particular order.
  15. good stuff, this is gonna be right up Dave's ally when he comes back!
  16. Yeah he told me he could read it if he wants 2, but he has no reason to want to be involved with us (he went as far as using the words 'fascists'). So instead, someone relays messages to him, which is where he gets skewed info (like that we ban WS.com users). Maybe in the future he should take the time to read it so his facts are straight instead of relying on other people. ok i'm done... let's blog!
  17. well, they might have deleted the thread, but i still got what Prince wrote. thePrince Joined: 29-Apr-05 Posts: 1982 "6. A lot of them reside at the http://www.willsmith.com message board" What a grotesque, cliquey comment. That may have once been the case, but it is barely the case now. I ask that this guy and his members apologise to this forum for all of their contemptible rudery. It might have been a bit of fun to begin with, but it has gone too far and has to stop. What good is a comment that is only designed to embitter and sully online relations with the purpose of provoking forum members over here? thePrince Joined: 29-Apr-05 Posts: 1982 "Prince are you refering to Tim/Hero?" Yeah I am, because I'm sick of this, and I'm sick of having my thoughts and opinions repressed. I hear that the vast majority of them on that site are constantly disrespecting this website, so why should him and others constantly promote all over here just to try and steal visitors (Message board rule: "No unpaid advertisements or solicitations on our boards, please" - ultimately this makes it spam)? I might add that I heard that any WS.com members that go over there get banned. Some "fansite"; more just some sort of clique if you ask me. i would like 2 ask, please anybody from this website stop posting tim's url over there. it's only causing him trouble. let people from their board post his address so at least that way we won't be hated 4 it.
  18. oh boy tim... some of the people over at the WS board *cough* Prince *cough* aren't too happy. read more here i wish people would just stop taking info and posting it over there, cuz now people are mad at u. just wave em off
  19. more would be nice.... bloopers i'm looking 4ward 2 tho!
  20. well when u pronounce the the date, u don't say it's the 5th August 2005 (at least not in the US). u'd say, it's August 5th, 2005! the MM/DD/YY goes along with how it's pronounced which is why it's easier 4 me 2 follow.
  21. yeah how is DD/MM/YY more logical than MM/DD/YY? i think they are both equally logic, i'm just used 2 seeing the MM/DD/YY version myself.
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