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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. that was a dope, laid back feel good track! :2thumbs: this is one of ur better trax!
  2. yeah i got like 396 days not 7 lol. yeah Code Red is probably Will's best album. there are good reasons mentioned above. i think i'm gonna listen 2 it sometime today or 2morrow... i havent listened 2 it in a while
  3. try listening to 2Pac - Baby Don't Cry "Baby don't cry, you got to keep ya head up/ Even when the road is hard never give up" that might give u some inspiration :2thumbs:
  4. wow thanx man i didn't know Will got 2 perform all those songs in africa! i wanna rock was simply amazing!
  5. cut and paste this url in ur address bar and it'll work mms://a1492.v13871b.c13871.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1492/13871/42935e69/sony.download.akamai.com/13871/wm.sony.global/RedMusic/Casual/SayThatThen.wma
  6. ur totally right. look at the number of people registerred on this board, around 950. then look at willsmith.com and they have 18,517 users registerred at the moment. that means out of the 2 boards, we have about 5% of the fans.
  7. hey Phonkey Dee did a good job on this. the beats match up fine. this brings me 2 the hard part: i didn't enjoy it that much lol. like u said, the beats are house beats, and i just don't like them as much as the original beats that were used in most of the songs. it's not anybody's fault, i just don't like these beats as much. it's unfortunate, cuz it's remixed well. i might burn it 2 a cd anyways cuz some parts are pretty good and there's album art 2 go with it :2thumbs: good job some notes: my favs were Me Against The World and Fair Xchange, but i don't like the way the vocals were edited on Fair Xchange. also, i dig the beat on on 4 My N****z, but the vocals have very bad quality! the artwork u did was very good, i'm jealous!
  8. 2Pac - Picture Of Perfection [2Pacaveli.de] :2thumbs:
  9. great song man. real emotions always make songs better. that sux man ur life story is really making me sad. i've had my dog put down a couple years ago when i was ur age, but i didn't have all these other life problems ur having. imma pray 4 u man.
  10. MaxFly is right once again. like he said, Will benefits from appearing on that show, and that show benefits from him appearing on it. it works out evenly. however, independent artists aren't going to gain the kind of "viewing audience" that Will is, so it's a gain for the artist to appear on that show, but it's not a gain for that kind of show. besides, why would access hollywood invite KRS-One to do a segment on him when they could choose Will Smith? it's all about mainstream and familiar faces these days. the underground never gets mentioned, and i don't think it's so much of a money issue as MaxFly has previously stated.
  11. yeah i'm like Jonny... i just put my fav songs on and enjoy them... idon't have time 4 playlists, etc. and my mp3 player is 2 years old, back then 128mb wasn't as bad as it is 2day. my player could hold like 16 or 17 songs if they were all in 128kbs form, but i don't have time 4 that either. my mp3 playes does have a flash memory card slot where i can insert lil cards (up to 512 megs) and get more songs.... but i don't have money 4 those either. my mp3 player is old and beat up 2, i've dropped it so many times and things are broken. i really should upgrade 2 a new one when i get a chance.
  12. well i didn't know iPod's even came in 4gb these days :lolsign: well, my current one is a 128 meg mp3 player, which holds about 13 songs! so maybe i'll consider upgrading, however money will be a big issue. i might have to add that to the Christmas list!! oh and when they say 1,000 tracks, they're assuming you're using 128kbs mp3's. if ur like me, ur collection is mixed and there's a lot of 192kbs (better quality) mp3's in there, which take up more space.
  13. indeed, they do cost alot, but they also hold alot of music. that's why i don't have one, because i wouldn't listen to 50 hours of muisc (or whatever it holds) and i certainly don't have the money to spend on that. u can spend like $100 these days for 2gb mp3 players, which is plenty enough for me.
  14. i'll give some feedback in a few hours Snouf, sorry i've been toppled with work yesterday and today.
  15. Ted updated for us in the official sales post. it's at 100 this week with a bit over 10k for sales.
  16. what time does Access Hollywood air? 6pm? 7pm? hopefully, because i'm at work right now and i won't be back till 5 so hopefully it airs after that. i'll have 2 check my local listings when i get back :smart:
  17. this remix is dope, i'll hafta blast this on my system sometime
  18. that sounded like a helluva show... i was i could've seen Hieroglyphics perform
  19. wow it guessed mine everytime.... c'mon Vipa tell us!
  20. well i wanted 2 go to Ludacris' board, but something happened. i registered and they never sent me an e-mail with my password, so i cant login. i can't see the board either. hopefully some1 else can handle it. i did however join audioscrobbler and i joined Lerkot's Will Smith group!!
  21. well, it's only on at 3am for today, if u search show all results u'll see some better results: Tuesday, 2 9:00 PM Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Winner Takes Off 33 NICK Tuesday, 2 10:00 PM Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: A Night at the Oprah 33 NICK Tuesday, 2 10:30 PM Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Asses to Ashes 33 NICK Tuesday, 2 11:00 PM Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Funny Thing Happened on the Way Home 33 NICK so as u can see, the times differ from day 2 day and u have 2 search 4 it constantly. it looks like u'll have 2 keep it locked on Channel 33 to see FPOBA! good luck!
  22. yeah but the beats are still half of the music... and they way that they edited Pac's vocals to give shout outs to Em is just sickening.
  23. yeah like KBF said, there's lots of places where u can find TV listings for where u live. http://www.tvguide.com or http://tv.yahoo.com allow u to put in your zip code and then u can search for the fresh prince and see when it's on.
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