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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. well, ThaBossman, Will's official message board used to be a different address and have a different set up 2 years ago, back when will was with Sony/Columbia. Sony/Columbia ran Will's site and his message board. the set up was different and there weren't so many wierd fans over there. they also let people like AJ and 3cookies be moderators. when Will landed a new record deal and had a new album coming out, they totally scrapped the old site layout and message board. now Will's own company Overbrook is partly in charge of the website and they have hired a company called DeCosta to do the website/message board. the problem is that Overbrook/Decosta doesn't seem to care about keeping the board clean and the moderators don't check in enough and they won't let other established fans be mods.
  2. those are hot, keep up the good work
  3. this person is marz do not respond
  4. lol that was funny Kev. good work and nice dancing :2thumbs:
  5. try 2 choose one of the newer pics of him from his lost and found photo shoots or from one of the recent concerts that he's done.
  6. nope... my dreams are my business and not my family's
  7. don't worry Julie he's cool now. he posted a this couple days ago. since then both tim and i have had pm's with him. hey maybe Fresh-Ta-Def can go in and edit his post to make it more appropriate. there's a good solution.
  8. hey do u mean the outlawz the rap group or just outlawz in general? sorry might seem like a dumb question.
  9. have a good time!! where will u be going?
  10. yeah keep votin people!! i know i've 4gotten a couple of times already. shame on me!
  11. i ain't gonna respond to what u said, but just let u know that i wasn't talkin in a yelling/upset tone when i wrote it. i was tryin 2 be informative. i thought MAYBE, just maybe you'd like to know there was a poll, where u could see which version people had voted 4 and see which one was higher, instead of askin every1 again, and as u can see not many people responded. i also thought maybe u'd like 2 know the correct title of the track "Radio Edit" and the fact that a promo single 4 it was released 2 weeks ago and we had a discussion about it on the board. i'm sorry u missed out on those discussions. edit: here's the link
  12. i gotta say i'm Frenetic with this one. u can call urself a realist or whatever, but Frenetic is keepin it more real than the rest of y'all! :lolsign: hey, we are bein negative in a way, but that's part of bein a fan and wanting nothing but the best for Will. face it, Will/Interscope has already screwed up, and that dissapoints us as fans. what if PS was released 3 weeks ago when it shoulda been, instead of sales in the 17-22k range 4 the last 3 weeks, what would sales be like? what would his total look like now? it would be a lot better thats 4 sho! i'm sorry all u warm and fuzzies think that L&F will go multiplat, but it won't unless interscope somehow gets off their ass right now and releases party starter now, and tell me why in late sept/oct and even a 4th or 5th single while the people r still interested in Will's album. i have a question: how long does it take b4 the population is no longer interested in an album? like let's say that TMW doesn't come out until next January, will the general population even care anymore about Will's album? with an artist like Will, how long do u think it takes where people will no longer buy his album, no matter what single is released, just because it's old and people ain't buying it?
  13. Jazzy's Groove "you're astounding that's why i'm expounding/ so vivacious and baby your face is that of a goddess it's makin me feel numb"
  14. hey rawad, it's on the JJ+FP Greatest Hits album! it was not intended to be released on BWS. u know why? it's a JJFP track recorded back in 93!! it got released as a single only because it was being released on the JJFP Greatest Hits at the same time. it makes it seem confusing that it was recorded in 93 but they released it in 98 but it's true.
  15. yeah i dont really have a best friend. i don't trust people enough. some of the people who i don't hang out with anymore that smoke and drink now, i would've considered them my best friends. obviously they weren't close enough 2 me. they didnt ever do anything 2 me, they just kinda grew their way and i grew mine. that's why i think when ur a teenager and a young adult u shouldn't have best friends, cuz u are still growing as a person and so are they and 1 day they might just grow away from u or do somethin 2 end ur friendship. out of all of my friends, i don't have any1 who i think will ride with me 4ever and not grow away from me. that's why the family we have here is so important 2 me. we all have JJFP in common and we all stay close 2 each other.
  16. u guys r wrong, it's actually "Get That" (dirt off ya shoulder) from Jay-Z. how do i know? remember when Westwood leaked the Jazzy Jeff remix of I wish I Made That? well when will says "get that" it cuts 2 the dirt off ya shoulder beat, when he says "lean back" it cuts to the lean back beat by Fat Joe, then when he says drop it like it's hot, it cuts to the snoop dogg beat so it's pretty obvious what Will's intent was. at first i thought it was get back from ludacris, but if u listen 2 how Will pronounces it, it sounds much more like "that" then "back". it's all good tho i got it confused at first but Fresh-Ta-Def u got it right the first time.
  17. Just Rockin' "took a hundred yard dash to the top of my block/grabbed a dollar bill from my left sweat sock"
  18. u mean next weekend? its still the weekend where i live... lol.
  19. my experience is similar to Lerkot's. i posted my experience in the thread where Fresh-Ta-Def posted his rhyme called Friends. i dont feel like repostin it here right now
  20. damn this song totally got me goin the wrong way. at first, i thought by "friends" u meant a girl. i read it the whole way thru thinkin it was a girl, i shoulda figured it out when u were talkin about the stealin incident. then when u said " i can't believe he blamed it on me.." i realized u meant like a homie friend. anyways, this song was much better than the first. i've never had a friend just turn his back on me or like blame something on me. however, i've had friends that i thought were my friends, but then they started smoking weed and drinking all the time and since i'm not down with that, they don't like 2 hang out with me. it kinda sucks 2 cuz some of them are pretty smart and have a chance 2 do somethin with their lives, but i just hope they don't become alcoholics or turn 2 bigger, more life threatening drugs.
  21. well thanx 4 clearin it up that u wrote the first verse, that obviously makes it a lot better. unfortunately, the song still had no real point 2 it. there was nothing u could take away from it, no lesson u could learn.
  22. dope rap man! that's a pretty wierd encounter u had there! it reminds me of Everything That Glitters (Ain't Always Gold)
  23. well u've done everything i would do, so i don't know what else 2 say :hmm:
  24. yeah that sux Kev!! we really need u on there! i'm sure u'd have a great presence on the show. 64 megs of ram definitely isn't enough. i either have 128 or 256 (sorry cant remember) and as soon as u get a chat goin, ur whole computer slows down a ton!
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