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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. here's a tip Julie. open skype, then go to Tools -> Options. about half way down, click on Sound Devices. then down near the bottom where it says "Related Tasks" select "Make a test call to Skype answering machine". it will call an automated thing where u can record a message and it'll place back 4 u so u can see if ur mic is working. **make sure u remember 2 turn on ur mic** that's one of the most common mistakes!
  2. :banhim: who is tim.i don't think u would know who i do and do not know.and since i am a moderator for Will Smith.com i can't tell u my real name. :dj: ← tim is the admin and creator of this site. his name on this forum is hero1. u better fess up or PM tim (hero1) and tell him ur name if u are the real marz or else ur gonna get banned.
  3. sounds great! i didn't know u were on vacation but that's still cool. i wish my parents could get enough time away from their jobs 4 us all 2 go on a vacation but they can't :shakehead: hope u had fun!
  4. ok here's a new pic of me. Bracesup is right, i do have a great smile. i hope this pic turns him on (joking guys, c'mon). this was taken a week or 2 ago. that's my lil brother and me chillin my pimptastic g-ride. it's conveniently 1024x768 if any1 wants to use it as their wallpaper :lolsign:
  5. 2Pac - Unconditional Love such a deep deep song. i think i'm gonna need a tissue in Bracesup way. *sobs*
  6. his post about my smile only proved his lack of manliness, and makes me question his sexual prefernce (just kiddin!) *and next time Jonny posts som1 has 2 point out that he used the word "cock" in a post and it didn't have to do with those videos he watches.
  7. we've already had a poll about this! the radio edit is what it's called and it was released like 2 weeks ago. i don't feel like searching 4 it, but it's somewhere on this forum maybe like 4 or 5 pages back.
  8. should've read my post more carefully. i said Braces is probably the only member of the forum that owns a JJFP cassette INSTEAD of a cd. most people either have a CD or nothing, he's one of the only ones to own a cassette and not a CD is what i'm saying.
  9. if i'm not mistaken, ur telling her what her kid should and shouldn't be doing, when it's only ur opinion. anyways it's cool i'll just wave it off and let cookies say what she wants, it just sounded a lil rude when i first read it. maybe u didnt mean 2 word it that way.
  10. whoa whoa whoa let's calm down. Frenetic, who are u 2 be telling cookies how 2 raise her kids? she's a pretty accomplished mother from what i can tell, and u probably have never raised a kid b4. i think she can manage by herself. i dont think u should be suggesting 2 her what she should and shouldn't do as a parent, that comes off as quite rude to me at least cookies, i think u did the right there. how old is he? 10, 11, 12? i'm glad 2 see some parents out there doin the right thing. my parents are very strict about the games i play, the movies i watch, and even the music i listen to, even tho i would never act on the things i see or hear. it's always made me kind of mad, because nobody else's parents ever seem to care that much, but i'm glad to find somebody who does and who values raising their children right. ur sons are gonna be quite smart and make something of their lives if they have positive activities to do now. for me, i don't play video games except baseball or basketball. games like this, while they sound fun, just waste ur time really. so much more can be gained from music than can be gained from a stupid video game. i hardly ever play video games at all, they just brainwash u and use u, and that's something i will not let be done 2 me.
  11. lmao @ Lerkot :rofl: :rofl: probably the only member of this forum not to own a JJFP cd, but a cassette instead
  12. i concur with the others. i could barely read a line without havin somethin censored out. and i really hope you're of the african american dissent for using the n-word. there's no reason for 12 years olds to be cussin like that. i really hope that was one of ur worst raps. i hope u can appreciate real rap and what it was invented for. real rap is story tellin and havin a positive message. Will's song Lost & Found tells it all. i know what ur gonna say, i'm a hypocrite for tellin u not 2 give negative feedback to people then i do it 2 u. but what most people write on this forum, is respectable rap from the heart. u shouldn't expect us 2 condone using n-words and splattin peoples brains and stuff. that's not real man, that's lost and i hope u've found urself since then :word:
  13. hey Ewan are u gonna start rappin 4 us on there?? :rofl:
  14. well this is a fan community as it so eloquently says at the top of the forum. it's for the true fans, not just any sally, jane, or bob that comes in here and wants to talk cuz they're bored. that's what chat rooms are for. besides, i wouldn't have enough time to keep up with that. most people that come here have a hard enough time keepin up with the board as it is. u know stuff like school and jobs and just hangin out with friends takes up a lot of time. we are kinda goin thru a slower phase on the board, but it'll pick up eventually. some of the regulars haven't been comin as much. u know, its the summer and a lot of peeps go on vacation. i think Tim, the webmaster, has pretty much already gained the fame he deserves. he got a shout out from Jazzy Jeff on the tim westwood radio show. btw, the reason u are the last response on some forums is because u post so much, whether u realize it or not
  15. ur the one comin in here and postin like 30 posts a day. i certify u the most annoying new member award. congratulations. sorry if we don't have enough time 2 go 2 jazzy's board, i've got a life to live which doesn't give me enough time to make 30 posts a day on this board and go 2 jazzy's board like ur life obviously does. like i asked b4, u got JJ's album right?? it's dope u better get it if u don't have it. the feedback is a thin line man. i know ur tryna be supportive but sometimes u don't even give 1 good comment on things. here on the board we try to as supportive as we can 2 each other. we think of each other as family. but hey, if u wanna be an outcast and just do what ur doin right now that's cool 2. wat u need 2 do is tune it down a notch and establish some trust in the board members here b4 u come up in here with all these posts and doubt whether we're supporters or not. i respect that u didn't like the willsmith.com board, cuz none of us like it either. hopefully u can adapt to the ways of this board. like i said, we're family here and we all look out 4 eachother.
  16. yeah i thought he represented the pinnacle of manliness. i guess i was wrong. traitor! :director:
  17. nope, and this post in the wrong forum
  18. man if ur a mod why would u even make another pointless post like this? like people over at ws.com keepin sayin.... SPAM... moving on
  19. Happy Birthday Julie!!! :2thumbs: :Party_fest09:
  20. has 2 "lost" pics in his signature with cash money hoez and chingy and 1 "found" pic with big will reppin it
  21. what in the bloody hell are u talkin about?!?!
  22. Naughty By Nature - Everyday All Day "now this is somethin i call a flow..."
  23. yeah man of course we support JJ. like Jonny said, i hope u got his album The Magnificent if ur gonna talk about supportin him. in fact, the webmaster of this site (hero1) has worked on Jeff's site 4 him. personally, i think u need 2 tone it down a bit man. a lot of the feedback u give members on this site for their work and stuff is negative even tho u mean no offense. i don't think u should say people's raps or remixes are bad unless u got somethin 2 show us urself.
  24. i was just blastin De La Soul - Stakes Is High (the album) in my car while i was washing it 10 minutes ago
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