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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. his last name is Stamp :rofl: :rofl:
  2. i dunno, it's between Willennium and Lost & Found for me. BWS will always be just one notch behind Willennium & L&F. if u woulda asked me a couple months ago, i might have said L&F, but i think i'm starting 2 get a bit tired of it. it's honestly a toss up for me between Willennium and L&F
  3. thanx a lot man, i had never seen the brand new funk vid b4!
  4. better watch it man J-o-e has been writing 4 a long time and he doesn't take it lightly when people say his stuff ain't good :shakehead:
  5. it's kind of a double edged sword. if u keep it how it is, the tru JJFP fans will come and we'll have a nice community of intelligent fans. if u expand the site 2 accomadate every1, then more people will find the site, but a lot of those people would be teeny booper lorettas which is fine if all they're doing is visiting the site, but if they start invading the boards then i'd be pretty mad haha. sorry i shoudn't care about the board so much, i should be open to changes. it's just that i don't want to see this board turn in2 lorettaville.
  6. man i really wish i was a lil older then i could go up there and try 2 be an extra in Will's movie
  7. was the 601st person to register at this board
  8. you make a very good point Braces, but i don't agree with the willsmithfan.com suggestion. i love jazzyjefffreshprince.com cuz it represents the ol skool which is what i'll always remember Will as. willsmithfan.com sounds like a teeny booper name and in result, u'd get a bunch of teeny booper 11 year olds comin 2 ur site and postin on the board.
  9. my username is bigwes2407 for people who want to add me.
  10. i'm in there right now and i see a few regulars on the board... come join me
  11. lol i remember that reunion cookies. the only member to type all of her posts in blue every single time
  12. uses Kazaa for...umm.... entertainment pleasure i would call it :haha:
  13. well, like my troubled friend Bracesup, i had a hard time thinkin of a signature so i just had it blank. then last night i popped on some T-Bone (a christian rapper) in2 my cd player and i found a good quote 4 my sig. :2thumbs:
  14. A Tribe Called Quest - Phony Rappers next song... Pep Love - T.A.M.I.
  15. if u look in this actual topic you'll see when the second season comes out. the other seasons don't have a date yet. what they do is release one season, see how it sells, and then decide when the next season will come out. i guess there's a chance that not all 6 seasons could come out if the first couple of seasons don't do good. it's all a matter of patience.
  16. hey guys i dunno if ur misinterpreting Lerkot or what. at first when i read it, i was like wtf?! then i re-read it and even tho i disagree with him i understand what he's sayin. he's sayin that bombs that don't hurt anyone (which i guess today's bombings could be since no1 died) at least wake up the world and make them realize the reality of what can happen. sometimes people need a wake up call to the reality of life. of course on the other hand, i totally disagree with Lerkot. all bombs do is destruct things and disturb any peace that is going on. any bomb, regardless of whether it hurts somone or not, is bad IMHO.
  17. dude, i know ur new here but learning his part of the process so let me tell u some of the guidelines. 1 of them is that cursing is not allowed, most of the time the censors will blurt it out but when u spell them with internet talk (like shyt and fuk) they won't. this site is to be for all ages. 2nd of all, most of us try to type somewhat correct english so it's easy for all the people to read. a lot of people are from other countries whose first language isn't english so it can be hard for them when u talk in "txt tlk". for myself, when i see some1 who posts in all that internet talk i can't even understand it and i just skip over it. good luck u look like u might be one of the few people who register on this board 2 actually stick around, that's why i'm takin the time to help u out.
  18. dang realisitically Will has no chance to win. it's all good tho, it's good 2 see him nominated.
  19. the song you refer to with Lil Kim is called Da Butta and it wasn't released whatsoever as you claim. ← Well, being that I was a radio DJ during the time this album was out and I remember Da Butta getting rotation on many stations in the US including my city, I think I'll stick with my story. ← that's cool i'll stick with mine because i know it wasn't released unless it was some kind of promo that nobody has found out about. do u know if it was some kind of a promo single or did DJ's just play that song off of Willennium for no particular reason?
  20. no Julie!! don't fall to the epidemic!
  21. i've voted about 5 separate times since yesterday. like i said, every time durin the day that i visit this board i make it a point to vote :thumbsup2:
  22. bravo bravo! thanks for the perscription Doc! (in Kip Smithers voice). i agree with Scy that this is a disturbing trend. the avatars stick out more than the text when looking at a user to see who posts, so when people change their avatars i get fussled (sorry i'm not sure if that's a word) and i have to take xtra time to see who it is that's posting. i think Tim might be one of the only peeps that's keep his avatar the classic JJFP logo 4ever.
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