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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. is today like National Change Your Avatar day? am i the only one whose noticed like 3 or 4 people change their avatars? how come i wasn't informed? :lolsign: i'd be interested to see what diagnosis Dr. ScyHigh gives me on this one :stickpoke:
  2. is often called "man" or "dude" despite the fact that she is a female
  3. yes, but this is a new and inquiring member. things like this often have to be repeated for all the new members who are wondering about it
  4. sounds great!! more CD's that i can't afford!
  5. my oh my. i don't know what's taking PS so long. they have the ads up on the official site, they leaked it 2 radio, they have the video shot. all they need 2 do is properly release the single and video, which they're capable of doing. i don't see why it's not happening tho. it's already a month in2 summer. we all said this would be a perfect summer song, but summer is already here!! it's hot where i live and i'm definitely feeling the summer spirit. now Will needs to release this!! it's already bad enough the UK people won't get it until october when it's not even summer. at this pace, tell me why won't even be released until 2006, if it's released at all.
  6. i'm not sure if my 3rd grade stories were that exciting. i've never had a very vivid imagination.
  7. O.P.P., Gaurd Your Grill, Uptown Anthem, Hip Hop Hooray, Feel Me Flow, Mourn Till I Join You, Swing Swang, and Rah Rah are some of my favs by them. i definitely dig their rougher side, yet they can still remain positive and relatively clean (at least compared to todays rap standards).
  8. Whoa, The Twilight Zone? What's this track? Or are you referring to "Then She Bit Me" ? ← yeah... DUMB scy! he mispelled a lot of songs he mentioned.... In This Corner should be And In This Corner..... One of those Days should be Just One of those Days. some1 hasn't been listening 2 their share of JJFP cd's lately :shakehead: :mad: :wtf: :dontdothat:
  9. good 2 see a new face here. hope u stay around!
  10. i LOVE naughty by nature!! i only got in2 them a couple of months ago but i can't stop listening. they have a real nice flow 2 them. i have their first album which is self-titled and i have Nature's Finest and they're newest IIcons.
  11. lol they used La Fiesta the other day when i was watching Sesame Street with my little brother.
  12. likes wierd avatars and posting horses in his signature
  13. i say food for thought. Will will always be the silly Fresh Prince, but he's getting older now and there's probably some topics that he'd like to cover in his raps, and i support him. i like the dance party songs too, but some of his serious songs that have been previously mentioned (potnas, the rain, tell me why) strongly outshine stuff like Switch and Gettin Jiggy. of course i don't want Will's whole album 2 be serious, i still want old skool JJFP flava too. so yes, i want him 2 keep doin what he's been doin and L&F, and that's keepin' it serious with a couple of silly classic JJFP trax in there too.
  14. it's a homemade dvd (for lack of a better explanation). i mean just look at the name of the site... dvdcraze.tv? this is just a person tryin 2 make money. go ahead and buy it if u want but it's probably illegal and will have noticible quality problems.
  15. :word: the song is so dope. i listened 2 it everyday for about a month. i'm a lil tired of it now, but it's such a dope track still!
  16. hey this looks good. hopefully things will turn out good and Run's fam won't get exploited. i also like the reference 2 Will and Jada in there. i have a question tho - is it gonna be a reality show like it says, or a tv series? cuz he kept comparing it to other TV series when it's a reality show.
  17. maybe if he stood for tru hip-hop and having a decent message in his songs and other values that us as a board (mostly) value, then we wouldn't diss him.
  18. lol Jonny u crack me up! i think this permits me to download it now! :wiggle:
  19. has run this JJFP site for 10+ years
  20. well i will personally be a lil happier. i'm surprised i hadn't heard about it already. i'm also surprised he's retiring already. his albums may suck (in my opinion) but he still gets fans and makes money so it's surprising to me. i wonder if he's announcing this 2 create a hype and then come back in a year and be even more popular. whatever, good choice by Eminem, but a surprising one.
  21. aww.... cute baby, you can suck your thumb if you want to
  22. there is no way i'm downloading that.... but i wish i could :hmm: edit: damn jonny.. u could at least rename the file!
  23. Happy Birthday Dude!! u should post around here more! happy 20th! :2thumbs:
  24. good news! let's celebrate :Party_fest09: :lolsign:
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