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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. wow thats one hell of a story! Will is such a great guy! now about the story, maybe he lives in Manhatten and heard rumors? who knows. but it does definitely make u look like a liar (even tho i know u arent)!! :dontdothat:
  2. lol i dunno man i was kiddin i really suck at beatboxing.... oh well at least it's online and not in real life :haha:
  3. lol i got confused at first... when u guys said radio show i was thinkin like music like the jjfp.com radio, but i (think) i realize now that u guys mean like talk radio with mics and stuff, right? well i'm not sure what i'd do... i could beatbox or somethin :lolsign:
  4. thx for the update James. this is really eating at me. terrorists just piss me off so much
  5. it's nice that they updated it, but that boombox doesn't really do anything for me, i don't see what's so good about it.
  6. well she's from Essex, right? i'm not sure how close that is London.
  7. haha i just listened 2 lost and found right now so i don't have 2 feel guilty anymore
  8. i haven't heard anything else of this besides what i've read in this thread. as soon as i opened it i realized it was something bad and i thought about all the UK'ers from this board. hope every1 is doing well. i guess i'll have 2 look up an article about this to see what really happened.
  9. one that i know of is hitsdailydouble.com, but most of these sites that u get the info from, u have 2 register which is why i never bother 2 do it
  10. i gotta keep it real here and confess i haven't listened 2 it at all this week :shakehead: if fact, i've probably only listened 2 it like twice in the last month.
  11. great news! i'm glad party starter has finally been released. it's gaining more spins... all we need now is a video!
  12. anybody in the UK who can record video streams here's the direct address to the stream: http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/musicscotlan...ve8_16x9_nb.ram
  13. wow that was a lot for me to follow... u went then u almost left, then u went back and then almost left again.... whatever lol i don't think i could quite take that in but that was cool anyways. i wonder why JJ moved the ATOJ studios to Jersey?? anyways, thanx 4 showin ur JJFP dedication and goin thru all that trouble 2 deliver the pic!
  14. Wow!! i like, i like a lot! i'm totally feelin u on these reviews man. i feel the same way about Mr. Niceguy. keep them reviews coming, our sponsors are starting to lose interest. we might have 2 switch to chrysler or plymouth :crazy: anyways, whether ur trying 2 be funny or not, ur reviews are always entertaining, keep em comin.
  15. :wave: :hijacked: :ozzie: :ohdear: :french:
  16. well i really didn't do anything that much different than a regular day. my family and I had a nice BBQ lunch outside on our picnic table, we havent done that in years. then of course at about 9:00 pm we went to our city's recreation center where they always throw this big fireworks show free for anyone to come and see. it lasted about 30 min and it was pretty fun 2 watch. i didn't get a chance to watch ID4 tho, i think i might try and watch it 2day (:random smiley alert:) :smoked: :punk:
  17. damn i don't have an old enough car and i'm ntot 18. otherwise i'd go down there 4 sho!!
  18. yeah i saw the movie and i noticed that part.
  19. Vipa GTS - Luda "Stand Up" b/w Switch
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHNAZZZZZZZZ :thumbsup2: :wiggle: :kool: :lolsign: :rofl: :pony: :woot: :whiteflag: :respect: :party:
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