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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. thanx 4 this track Tim!! i guess i don't like it as much as every1 else tho. this would be good at a club but i don't like the beat that much, Tatyana sings 2 much, and Kel's verse was just OK 2 me. i think it'll grow on me, but i'll probably have 2 play it in the car 2 enjoy it the most.
  2. thanx i'll be tuning in :spin:
  3. Well maybe if even half the Wal-Marts had it frickin DVD more people would buy it. instead they have hundreds of plain dvd's on the shelves. once again, maybe if Wal-Mart would actually put it out in their stores people could buy it. it seems like a lot of people have had problems both finding a close Wal-Mart and finding it in their stores Yeah this is great marketing: advertise a special promotion and then dont carry it in stores so i have 2 buy it online and spend MORE $$$ on shipping. you know what? f*** Wal-Mart then. I don't think this was a very good place 2 promote music. if u haven't noticed, Wal-Mart's music selection is very limited. they don't even have a rap section, it's all RnB (at least at my store). also they only sell Edited versions so i don't think they have a very good reputation from a music fan's perspective. he should've done it with BestBuy like he did with B2R or a place that sells stictly music like FYE, Sam Goody, etc. or even best of all, RELEASE THE DVD EVERYWHERE!! hey UK people hopefully someone on this board who has a DVD-Rom can put at least clips up or Tim can make copies and sell them (even tho that's illegal) :lolsign:
  4. hey Lerkot i used 2 think the Reggae Remix sucked 2, but the more i listened 2 it, i got used 2 it. i think it's a good song 2 hear at a party or on the radio when ur cruisin, it's got a good party feel 2 it.
  5. thanx Tim, i'm bookmarking it i still dont have a job!!! arrrgh :sigh: i'm lookin and lookin and i just got out of school 2day so hopefully i'll get a job soon so i can pay 4 these DVD's!!
  6. here u go: http://s14.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2PCTA5G...8S0Q9VEEUJ963WL
  7. my fault i really shouldn't have.... ....but you made the same error twice in 1 post
  8. yeah i hope i didnt delete them, let me check edit: i did delete it, give me a couple of hours 2 get it zipped and uploaded again
  9. stupid ****ing walmart only has Hitch!! i looked everywhere, they have 100 copies of Hitch but no ****ing live DVD! i was so pissed! it was about an hour round trip 2 go 2 stupid ****ing walmart 4 nothin!!!!!!! now i guess i gotta order it online. how stupid is that? :sleep2:
  10. wow, impressive spelling, i always thought it was called a tsunami myself but i guess i was wrong. :lolsign:
  11. glad we can finally know 4 sure what the next single is! i wish Will would release it a lil earlier tho. if he released it in late June/early July right when summer has officially begun it could last thru the whole summer instead of only last part of July and August. also, who knows what sales will be like in the next month? if he released Party Starter now, it would guarantee good sales throughout the summer. hopefully sales will stay goood for the next month or so while we wait 4 Party Starter.
  12. ha ha, for once the US gets the good stuff! calm down UK peeps, the UK people always get the goods! j/k i'm gonna go get mine in about an hour. i was gonna get it yesterday but i didnt have time and i have plenty of time today.
  13. Max didnt say they were in the Playoffs, he said they were contending for them for most of the year.
  14. Jonny, it was recorded 6/29/88 at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.
  15. great review, but it's not surprising that its taken from Philadelphia weekly!
  16. i can't wait 2 get it later 2day!! only 7 hours left!
  17. There is no such thing as true hip-hop. For some people Nas could be real hip-hop and for others like me 50 Cent and Game can be real hip-hop. It's just a difference of opinion in the type of music we hear to. Besides, I'm a mad Will Smith fanatic. So that itself should excuse me from you guys for the comments I make about Nas and other rappers, shouldn't it homies? :2thumbs: ← hey Braces, i really like ur attitude in here. even tho i disagree with u, at least u don't respond negatively when every1 jumps on u, even tho i dont 50 cent either. however, i do think there is a such thing as true hip-hop. it has been defined by the people invented it, and it's more than just rap. it's a way of life, and 50 Cent for sure doesnt fall under that category. it's cool if u like him, but 50 cent is not hiphop. here's the definition of hip-hop from urban dictionary: A name for the 4 elements of the late 70's New York City renaissance which includes break dancing, emceeing, (rapping) graffiti, and turntablism. here's a quote from the one and only KRS-One: Rap is something you do Hip Hop is something you live- KRS One i don't think 50's hoes and money and getting shot and wearing bulletproof vests falls under the category of living hiphop. :word:
  18. yup i'm gettin it 2morrow!! its takin 25 bucks out of my JJFP fund tho so it'll be even longer till i can order those DVDs from Tim, lol
  19. nah i think he just has it on cassette.
  20. glad u liked them! those are the 3 best JJFP albums!
  21. 1. Code Red 2. Lost & Found 3. Willennium 4. He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper 5. Homebase 6. Big Willie Style 7. Rock The House 8. Born To Reign 9. And In This Corner the only 2 i couldn't decide on were the last 2, they're pretty equal to me, i actually think i'm feelin And In This Corner than B2R right now, but oh well
  22. I heard that a woman said that she found a human finger in her wendy's chicken fingers and she sued them and the wendy's people found out it was a lie the wendy's people are now suing the person who started it all!!! talk about flippin' the script!!!!!!!! ← actually sonic, a woman claimed she found a severed human finger in her Wendy's chilli! i know because i live about 20 minutes from there and it was all over the news. anyways, she was lying for some reason, i forget why and now shes the one in jail.
  23. that dude's dope! great 2 hear more stuff out of the bay!
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