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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. no, the album's wack! i listened 2 it once and i couldn't listen 2 it again. like fan said tho, besides Breathe, the next best song is "Can U Hear Me?", check that song out 4 sure.
  2. www.amazon.co.uk doesn't have JJFP albums?
  3. i'm very sorry 2 hear that AJ. i lost my dog 3 years ago cuz we had 2 put him 2 sleep, the day after Christmas. he had incontrollable seizures and he would lash out and bite us for no reason. i feel sorry 4 him cuz he was so nice, he just had some mental illnesses. i only had him 4 a couple years tho. i cant imagine what it feels like 2 lose ur dog after having him 4 so long. my best wishes go out 2 u.
  4. i never use fast reply because i have high speed internet. however im using it right now
  5. really when did i put this on the internet?? lol
  6. ok thanx anyways! those are dope! i'm definitely gonna use those when i order my JJFP dvd's (hopefully soon)
  7. thanx that was a fun read! :wiggle:
  8. yeah u can buy DVD cases very easily Lhunagar, can u just print out that cover the way it is and it will work? or do i need 2 put that picture in a DVD cover maker and resize it to make sure it fits right?
  9. thanx max! without u i never wouldve seen this cuz i don't watch BET at all :kool:
  10. i can already see where this post is heading................................................................................
  11. yeah i saw that episode! u prolly woulda liked it AJ!!
  12. yeah who knows how they good feedback, but u go ahead and try it and tell us how it goes. j/k :lolsign:
  13. i cant think of too many good ones but.... Will Smith - Party Starter (of course) u can't go wrong with a lil Naughty By Nature, check out Feel Me Flow, OPP, and Swing Swang by them. sorry thats all i can think of cuz i dont listen 2 a lot of party music.
  14. my bad i thought he was sayin comparing Party Starter with How We Do. i thought he was sayin party starter was lyrically wack, thats why i said what i said. my apologies.
  15. r u kiddin? lyrically wack? listen 2 it again, maybe its 2 hard 4 u 2 comprehend, but those are some of the deeper lyrics out there 2day!!
  16. u definitely have the right attitude, just stick around and keep workin on that JJFP collection :dj:
  17. hmmm i thought ur article there said that it might be durin the pregame. oh well im still tuning in right now anywways.
  18. 2 be realistic, he has anywhere from 1-3 albums left. he's already lost popularity with the so called mainstream fans. he's aging now and movies seem 2 keep growing and growing. i think he'll retire from rapping sometime in the next 6 years.
  19. thats a pretty bold prediction. i think the teams are a very close match, there's no way this series is decided by 4 games.
  20. i'm American i don't know politics either. all i hear where i live is screw Bush, and the reasons that back it up make sense, but i dont know if this is the true story. i voted YES for Bush cuz my parents are republican and voted for Bush so i guess i will 2, altho i dont know much about it.
  21. that must suck bein the youngest in ur class! hope u have a great birthday tho!
  22. i wouldn't do that at all. it's too good 2 be true. there's probably somethin missin and u gotta read the fine print or somethin. don't risk it if u dont wanna get ripped off. i can already tell that the Holiday one is a scam, all u get is a document, an email rather, that CLAIMS 2 give u info on how 2 get a free vacation. right. and the PSP one claims 2 give u another document that gives u tips on how 2 send e-mails to manufacturers 2 recieve free items. WTF? that aint gonna happen.
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