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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. lol that's hilarious and great! i can totally imagine u rappin it all cool and laid back like FP on You Saw My Blinker.
  2. yeah, there are 4 time zones in the USA! so when it's 4:00 in NY, it's 3:00 in Indianapolis, 2:00 in Colorado, and 1:00 in California. it makes sense because the west coast is the farthest away from the east coast so the time difference will be the most.
  3. okay here's a few tips: 1) sonic: use ITunes or Real Player to play m4a files 2) dabrakes: after u wait 4 ur download on rapidshare, do u left click on the file or do u right click and save as?? whichever ur doing, try doin the opposite and see if u get any luck
  4. naw it'll be 1pm where i live! i won't be gettin home till around 3:30 maybe even later so i dunno if u guys'll still be in there but i'll check 2morrow
  5. i won't be there, its about 2 hours before i even get out of school
  6. yessss! this is gonna be great!! thanx 4 the newz Tim! :jazzy:
  7. well, he did mention it in an interview sometime... ← really? i thought Prince was just adding 2 the sarcasm there, i didnt know that was real. i've never heard that b4!
  8. thanx a bunch Tim!! right now i got $30 and im gonna be spendin some on my car and some on that Hitch/Live in Concert DVD combo right around the same date (June 14th). i get out of school June 17th and hopefully i'll have a job by then, i've already applied for a couple jobs and i should be gettin a paycheck hopefully sometime around the beginnin of July, so hopefully by the beginnin of July i can order those off u!
  9. good, hopefully u downloaded some kind of "video converter" that can convert between file formats. if this is what u did, u'll be fine :wiggle:
  10. i don't see how there couldn't be another single the thing with Born 2 Reign was, the album was weaker, Columbia was doin all the marketing and chose the wrong singles, so basically the album flopped and never even had a chance. Lost & Found is quite possibly Will's best solo album and he's revived under a new label and has more freedom. there's so many possible hits, it'd almost be stupid to only release 2 singles. he could keep his sales up all the way until Christmas with all the great singles he has 2 choose from
  11. sounds great! i wonder how much US touring they'll be doin? glad 2 hear that it's gonna be some REAL concerts, not that 15 minute stuff he's been doin lately.
  12. damn, tim u know how long these are gonna be available? the $$ situation isnt looking good if i'm gonna be spending $25 on the Hitch/Live DVD combo on June 14th :shakehead:
  13. just put it in mpg format urself
  14. and who said Will's gonna make his next choice based on that poll? if everybody voted for Loretta, do you think he'd release that next?
  15. i'd say Loretta is my fav beat. it's got Jazzy scratchin on it 2 :thumbsup2:
  16. welcome aboard Shawn. u'll quickly learn to utilize all of the wonderful things on this board, this the smilies for instance :pony: great to have another JJFP fan here, i hope u really get in2 them and like them a lot!
  17. :hug: this is great!! now i can buy the concert DVD along with Hitch, it works out perfectly! only problem is i have no money :thumbsdown:
  18. :word: that's what i was sayin in with much less description. the article definitely is one sided. there are two sides, and both of them have valid points. i think we need 2 find a medium ground right in the middle.
  19. big up's Tim! :kool: i never saw this on ws.com b4, glad u put it up here, it was a great read!
  20. that was hot!! i thought FuQ ripped it on the first verse, that was the best part! the whole song was solid, i liked the chorus 2. that song was definitely dope and needs 2 be on the JJFP community album.
  21. wow that's different! i think there's 2 sides 2 this theory tho. this guy points out that it could be dangerous for fast drivers because they're jockying to pass the slow driver, but it's also dangerous when ur driving that fast. i know we all like 2 think we're good drivers, but in reality there's so many distractions that can distract u when ur driving that fast. generally, i don't drive faster than 70 mph on freeways unless there's really no traffic. i don't feel comfortable goin 75 or 80 in traffic and having to manuever my way around traffic so i just go with the flow. on the other hand, i almost never drive in the left lane, for the reasons stated in the article, and when i do, i always move over 2 the right when someone comes up behind me. right now, since i'm neither a lane-hogger or a fast driver, i don't favor either side. i'm not sure if this "law" will make it 2 every state or not :hmm:
  22. try searching on http://www.keygen.us
  23. The Obsessed fan the 9-11th(which I understand) the Could u love me song and Scary Story they are all kind of non postive. But I like them anyway ← Could U Love Me is not a nonpositive song, it's one of those "if" songs. Loretta is a nonpositive song, but the BEST form of rap is story tellin, so i cant find anything wrong with that. ditto that for Scary Story.
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